Thebai won a great victory in the war with the Minias, and Heracles' prestige began to shock the whole country of Thebai and its neighbors, and Miniass sent emissaries to surrender and negotiate peace, surrendering to Thebai, and promising to pay Thebai twice the tribute he had previously proposed every year.

Heracles returned to the palace of Thebai, but the victory of this war did not make him happy, on the contrary, his heart was very heavy, this majestic killing god on the battlefield, looking at the tall and gorgeous palace gate at this moment, but he was afraid to enter it.

But evasion does not solve anything, there is always something to be faced, and Hercules finally plucked up the courage to step into the palace.

In the palace, Eurystheus sat on the throne, dressed in a magnificent purple robe and a gold crown on his head, Amphiterion died in the battle, in order to stabilize the situation, with the support of the city lords and ministers, Eurystheus succeeded his father to the throne.

Eurystheus was in a daze, the light shining through the skylight on his sculptural face, his straight nose appearing even tougher in the light, casting a shadow on the other half of his face.


promised me, Heracles, and you promised me to protect our father.

Eurystheus looked at Hercules, his brown eyes, which had always radiated warmth, but now they were like two deep pools, revealing a frightening coldness.

"I... Eurystheus, it's all my fault, I don't know what happened to me, the blood and screams on the battlefield plunged me into a strange state, made me forget your instructions, I thought that with the protection of others, my father would be fine..." In front of his brother, Hercules, who had not fulfilled his promise, bowed his noble head in shame.

"You think?" Eurystheus's voice suddenly became sharp, and for the first time the handsome, elegant and calm crown prince showed such a gaffe, he abruptly stood up from his throne, walked quickly to Hercules, raised his hand and slapped the younger brother without hesitation.

A crisp slap sounded in the hall, Hercules was a demigod, and Eurystheus's slap on his face could hardly make him feel pain, but this slap seemed to hit his heart, regret, humiliation, grief and other emotions continued to emerge, making Heralex involuntarily bury his head lower.

"Father is right, you will always be so arrogant, if it were not for your inferior nature, Thebai would not have gone to war with Minias, and Father would not have died!" The two brothers, who had been in harmony, Eurystheus hated Heracles for not keeping his promise, which led to his father's death, and broke off, "Get out, Heracles, I don't want to see you again in Delings!"

Hercules raised his head to look at his brother, who had already turned away from looking at him, and could not say anything to justify himself, stood up in silence, and left the palace of Thebai.

According to Eurystheus, Hercules, who left the royal capital of Delins, began to travel alone throughout the country, killing monsters and robbers that plagued the people, hoping to relieve the pressure on his brother and atone for his past wrongs.

He also wrote many letters to Eurystheus to ask his brother's forgiveness, but those letters were lost and did not receive the slightest response from Eurystheus.

Hercules was helpless about this, and when passing through a city-state, the local city lord Creon had long admired Hercules, knowing that the demigod hero had come to his territory, and hurriedly received him warmly, praising his various achievements, and expressing his desire to marry his eldest daughter Megala to Hercules as a wife.

Hercules has been wandering for a long time, and he is a little tired of the life of wandering, coupled with Megara's beautiful appearance and gentle personality, Hercules nodded and agreed to the marriage.

Hercules lived a very happy life after marriage, and his gentle wife Megara bore him three sons. After having his own family, Heracles' personality became a lot calmer, he was no longer keen on going out on adventure, but often accompanied his wife and children to protect his family.

The days passed like this, until one day a few years later, the city lord Creon called his son-in-law Heracles, and told him that King Eurystheus had received news that a festival to the gods would be held in the royal capital, so that all the city lords would go to the royal capital to participate, and Creon was too old to withstand the hardships, so he decided to send the Heracles family to the royal capital on his behalf to participate in this festival.

Hercules also hadn't seen his brother for several years, because of the events of that year, the guilt in his heart had not dissipated, and he thought that he would take this opportunity to meet his brother and see if he could win the other party's forgiveness.

So Hercules took his wife and children all the way back to the royal capital Delins, although he was the son-in-law of Creon, but also the prince of Thebai, according to etiquette, naturally he was to live in the palace.

Hercules, with his wife Megara and his three children, came to the palace with some apprehension and met his eldest brother, the current king Eurystheus.

King Eurystheus, with his queen and two children, received them in the garden where they used to meet.

The children, all of the same age, were naturally surprised and happy to meet new companions, and soon they were together, and the queen invited Megara to enjoy the flowers in the garden and discuss some topics that the women liked.

Hercules looked at the beautiful scenery in the garden, exactly the same as in the past, and his eyes could not help but flash with nostalgia and reminiscence.

"Hercules, I heard that you have traveled to many places over the years, are you interested in telling me about it?" said

Eurystheus as he took a sip of the wine glass on the table, after so many years, Eurystheus gradually put down his original mustard and began to accept Hercules.

In addition to still unable to let go of the friendship between the two brothers in his heart, Eurystheus also felt that his health had never been very good, for fear that if something happened to him one day, the two young princes could not deter the careerists in the kingdom. If Hercules were here, with his prestige, I believe no one would have the guts. Therefore, Eurystheus took Hercules into the palace in the name of holding a festival for the gods and repaired the relationship between brothers.

Eurystheus's words made Heracles' eyes light up, and his mind kept thinking of the good old days of the brothers.

"If you are willing to listen, of course I am happy to talk to you..." The

two brothers listened like this, and everything seemed to return to the good old days.

The relationship between Hercules and Eurystheus was also officially broken by this meeting, and Heracles also officially settled in the palace, waiting for the festival of the gods half a month later.

The two little princes and the three brothers of the Heracles family saw each other and often ran to play with them, and Eurystheus was happy to see this, so he went to them, and with Megala taking care of them, nothing could happen.

However, fate always strikes people hard when they let their guard down, and Hercules once chose the divine path provided by the goddess of virtue, Areit, which was covered with thorns and wind and rain, which doomed the hero's life to no long-term peace.

Urged by fate, the curse that had been sent down by the medicine god Asclepius, the toxin entrenched in Hercules' body, finally broke out again after years of dormancy.

Hercules went crazy and fell into madness without warning, he regarded everything around him as enemies and monsters, and only after frantically killing all the enemies in front of him with his sword and shield did Hercules wake up in a pool of blood. At this time, Heracles discovered that the so-called monsters and enemies turned out to be his wife and three sons, and what made him even more desperate was that the two princes of his brother Eurystheus also happened to come here to play, and they were thrown into the fire by the mad Hercules and burned alive.

The joy and laughter of the past now left only the corpses of a place, and Hercules, who had woken up, gasped, he looked at the bloody scene in front of him, the rusty smell of blood stimulated his nose, he covered his head, closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought like someone who had just woken up from a hangover and nightmare. He didn't understand that he had just killed Warcraft and enemies, but in a blink of an eye, he found that he was killing his wife and children and his brother's children.

Hercules cautiously opened his eyes again, but in front of him was still the harsh reality. Hercules at this moment, the spirit collapsed, the bloodline of this god king, a demigod with great power, felt the fear so deep into the bone marrow for the first time, his hands trembled, like a dying old man, unable to hold the blade tightly, his steps stumbled, like a lame, his solid and straight body rose in an instant, he could not accept the truth of killing his relatives with his own hands.

Hercules fled, like a coward from Delins.

And in the process of escaping, the blood on his body attracted three ugly-faced goddesses, Nemesis, who had been threatened by Pandora to help her complete her revenge on the god king, because of that dividend, and the strength increased greatly, allowing them to step into the ranks of first-class gods, and their divine power became more powerful, and they finally had the courage to step out of the Attica Islands and set foot on the earth.

They perform the priesthood of vengeance on the earth, fulfilling the hatred and revenge in their hearts in exchange for faith. The sins in Hercules were too strong for the three goddesses of vengeance to resist, and they smelled foul, screaming for revenge on Hercules, and the crime of murder was unforgivable.

It was only how Hercules, a demigod, was a rival to these three first-class gods, he dodged the attacks of the goddesses, fled in a hurry, and in a panic, he hid in a temple at random, praying for the protection of the gods.

The three goddesses of vengeance looked at the temple where Hercules was hiding, and couldn't help but show fear and jealousy, perhaps by coincidence or for some other reason, the temple where Hercules hid was the temple of his biological father, Zeus, the king of the gods.

These three goddesses did not dare to set foot in Zeus's territory, and they were also involved in his plot and calculation by Pandora, although I don't know if Pandora's hateful witch offered them out, but on the occasion of the god king Zeus, they still decided to choose from their hearts, leave first, and make plans later.

The three goddesses of vengeance left unwillingly, but Hercules in the temple, his eyes were as empty as decaying wood, and the huge impact had made him lose the ability to think, and the whole person was in a state of loss of consciousness.

And the gods with different minds are also watching this scene. In the sacred mountain, Zeus, the king of the gods, looked calm, because Zeus knew that if his heir wanted to complete the great task he had given, it would be impossible to live a peaceful life, a happy family would only wear down the fighting spirit of the hero, only pain and constant fighting could make Hercules grow up quickly, and when Hercules fell into madness, in fact, the god-king happened to be watching him, but he did not stop him.

And in the sky, Heber, who was sitting on Athena's chariot and wandering around the world, looking for those worthy of investment and lucky heroes to bless and collect hope, also frowned at this time and looked in a certain direction.

"What's wrong?" the goddess of wisdom Athena tightened her reins, and the chariot stopped in the sky, looking at the somewhat solemn-looking Heber and asking.

The goddess holding the golden box stretched out her hand, and the bird-like Rufu flashed their golden wings, and put six dim soul light masses into the goddess's hands, and these six souls emitted an ominous dark red, indicating that they did not die naturally, but died in fear and despair.

Herb blew a breath on these souls, and these dim souls gradually solidified, turning into six humanoid phantoms lying quietly in Heber's hands, it was Megara and the five children who had been killed by Heracles.

Herb handed them to Athena.

"The gears of fate have turned, and the demigod bloodline chosen by Zeus is about to begin his journey.

Athena reached out and gently touched the souls, reading their memories. Then the goddess's gaze revealed a little pity, on the one hand, sympathy for the tragic suffering of these innocent people.

On the other hand, for Hercules, the king of the gods decided to kill to unleash the potential of the demigod hero, in a way that did not approve of Athena, the hero's protector.

If Athena had done this, she would have preferred to guide Hercules to the path of immortality with wisdom and reason.

Alas, this is the sadness of not being able to control one's own destiny, but the blade tempered by madness and pain is destined to be a double-edged sword.

"I believe that the god king can bear the consequences of his own cause, and with his help to distract the king of the gods, he will not always set his sights on Samos Island." "

Recently, her own goddess of hibernation has prayed that there is always a group of nasty goshawks hovering over Samos Island, which has made this goddess dissatisfied.

"It's a pity that with Perseus' experience, this god king is no longer worried about handing over the task of cultivating heroes to me, otherwise he will have to give Heracles some more divine revelation. Speaking of this, Athena's face showed a little regret.

"You don't have to worry, there's an old friend who will do it."

Heber smiled, and the rufus around him chanted ethereal hymns, and the golden light that exuded a trace of warmth floated into the bodies of these six souls, washing away the ominous bodies on their bodies, and the six souls who were originally in pain suddenly calmed down and slept peacefully in the hands of the goddess.

"Oh, who is it?" Athena raised her eyebrows when she heard this, obviously very interested.

"You'll know after that. Herb smiled lightly.

Seeing that Herb did not want to reveal, Athena shrugged her shoulders and didn't ask more, she pulled up the reins, turned her head and asked Herb: "I recently found a hero with good potential in Iolkos, named Iasong, who is a descendant of Pyrra and Diucalion, are you interested in taking a look?"


The two goddesses drove away, and on this side of the world, watching his demigod heir hide in the temple all day long, Zeus waited for a while and finally could not sit still, the king of the gods himself came to the earth, and sent a miracle, he told Heracles that in order to be cleansed of his sins, he must face the mistakes he had made, return to Delins, find his half-brother Eurystheus, serve by his side for twelve years, complete ten tasks for him, and after that, he will be able to atone for his sins and be forgiven。

Hercules was at this time when the six gods were masterless, and although he was afraid to face his brother again, the nightmare in his heart haunted him and made him uneasy day and night, and Heracles, who had no other way, could only leave the temple and walk towards Delins.

And in the palace of Delins, Eurystheus, who buried Omega and his five children with grief, looked at the oracle issued by the temple sacrifice in his hand, and he burned the parchment in his hand expressionlessly, and under his face as calm as a sculpture, there were a pair of numb and dark eyes.

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