Hercules returned to Delins according to the oracle of the king of the gods, but the scene he had expected to be reprimanded and cursed by Eurys did not happen. Eurystheus hated him in his heart, and even with the oracle of the king of the gods, he was not willing to meet him, but only had the first task issued to Helcles.

In the first mission, Eurystheus ordered Heracles to go east of the Arcadian Mountains to kill the entrenched lion of the demon Nemea, one of the many sons of Typhon, the father of all demons, and Ekedna, who was as large as half a story tall, with indestructible fur and indestructible claws.

The direct bloodline of this Ten Thousand Demon Ancestor Typhon's power is no longer comparable to the thin-blooded lion that Hercules first encountered in the Kataijon Mountain Range.

This male lion is a scourge, eating countless people, human flesh and blood makes its power more powerful, comparable to the gods, Eurystheus arranged this task for Heracles, the purpose is obvious, he wants to use this magical beast with the power of the gods to kill the demigod hero Heracles!

Hercules obediently accepted the first task, and before setting out, he went to the grave where his wife and children and two nephews were buried, and they were buried on a scenic hillside with green grass, flowers, and butterflies dancing in the sun.

Hercules knelt before the tomb with his head bowed, silent like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, until the sun was thin, Hercules remained silent and did not say a word.

When the last rays of the sun were gone, he stood up and turned away.

Hercules soon arrived in Nemea, and killing the Nemean lion was an extremely difficult task even for him. He first went to Chrona and spent the night at the house of Molokaus, a local worker, and then he bought a bull and returned with him, telling the worker Molokaus that if he did not return after twelve days, it would mean that he was dead, and Molokaus would kill the bull to sacrifice him, and if he returned, the bull would be sacrificed along with the lion to Zeus, the king of the gods who gave him revelation.

Then Hercules soon came to Nemea, and in the huge cave of damp and foul smell, the huge Nemean lion slowly walked out.

Hercules immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow, which was shot at the lion's head with a sharp sound of breaking through the air. The Nemean lion did not dodge in the face of the galloping arrows, its face showed disdain, the arrows hit its body, there was a sound of gold and stone colliding, the sharp arrow, even its fur was not cut.

The Nemean lion let out a deafening roar and threw himself at Hercules, his sharp claws flashing with cold light, and the huge force almost shattered the rock.

Hercules did not dare to make a hard connection, hurriedly turned and rolled on the spot, dodged this claw, the Nemia male lion saw this, immediately put his legs strong, jumped down, with the feline agile and dexterous body, continued to pounce on Hercules.

Seeing the behemoth descending from the sky, Hercules made a wooden stick made of olive hardwood, his feet steady, his back muscles condensed, and vigorously swung the wooden stick in his hand.

His blue eyes bloomed slightly, the green tendons on his body burst out, and there was a barely visible blood-red aura around his body, Hercules' huge force was stimulated again, the huge wooden rod struck on the head of the Nemean lion, only to hear a crisp sound of "click", the hard as iron olive wood giant rod shattered under the huge force of Hercules.

However, the Nemian lion, who withstood Hercules' all-out blow, still had no damage to his skull, but the impact caused by Hercules' huge force still made it feel Venus in its eyes and dizzy.

Hercules was also shocked by the defense of the Nemean lion, but the wooden stick was shattered, the bow and arrow were useless, and he had no weapons to use at the moment.

At this time, the Nemia male lion also woke up from the dizziness, it was angry, and continued to lounce towards Hercules, Hercules could not avoid it, had to fight with this tall male lion, one man and one beast, in this dark and damp cave constantly wandered and moved, every confrontation must be accompanied by a huge sound like thunder....

Herokaus, the worker, held a torch in his hand, looked into the distance, and in front of him was a simple altar with a bull that had just been slaughtered, and it was the last day he had agreed with Hercules, the sun had set, and the sky was full of stars, but Heracles still did not appear.

Olokaus waited a little longer, the torch flame in his hand had become weaker and weaker, and Olokaus sighed, it seemed that even the famous hero Hercules could not defeat the terrible monster.

Molokus turned and was about to light the brazier of the altar and sacrifice the bull to Heracles to soothe his revenant.

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded behind him, and Molokus turned around, and a huge hideous lion's head came into his eyelids.


This frightened the timid worker, the torch in his hand fell to the ground, the whole person collapsed to the ground, his legs were already weak from fear, he could only struggle and twist his body like a stranded fish, and kept retreating.

"Molokus, don't be afraid, it's me. The

torches on the ground were picked up, reflecting the face of Hercules in a lion's helmet, who looked a little embarrassed, but he looked energetic and more courageous than before.

Hercules felt a little tired because he and the male lion had been sleepless in the cave for twelve days, during which one man and one beast were highly tense in spirit and body, and they were already on the verge of collapse.

Finally, on the last day, Hercules caught the moment when the male lion flew into the air, turned behind it, locked it by the throat, and wrapped its body around it so that it could not break free and no longer use its claws to harm itself.

The swordless Nemean lion was finally strangled alive by Hercules' strange force, until the male lion under him lost its luster and his body gradually stiffened, Hercules dared to let go of his hands and lay on the ground exhausted.

Hercules, who had exhausted all his energy, was trembling all over his body, and the soreness that penetrated into his bone marrow made him can't help but let out a wail.

At this moment, his eyes began to flash with a faint blue light, dark red blood qi erupted from his body, and a strange warm current surged throughout his body, slowly nourishing his numb body, and the warm current hit the muscles that were necrotic due to the fierce battle over and over again, slowly removing the mortal bloodline from Hercules' body.

Heracles inherited more divine powers than his ancestor Perseus, but these divine powers have been entrenched in his body, untapped, and now after the battle with the Nemean lion, the body has unleashed its potential in the repair process.

Hercules fainted in this sense of comfort, and when he woke up again, he found that his body had already been repaired to its peak state, even more powerful than before.

This is what is happening now, Hercules returned to Chrona before the appointed day, he lifted up the frightened Herokaus, and placed the huge lion in front of the altar, Heracles closed his eyes and prayed reverently in his heart.

"Great King Zeus, my Father and Savior, thank you for your protection of me, and I offer you the flesh of a lion, imploring only to leave the lion's fur as proof of my mission.

Heracles said and walked towards the huge lion, but soon he was in trouble, because the indestructible fur of this Nemean male lion made it impossible for any sword to do anything, and it was a real problem to peel off his skin.

Suddenly, this demigod hero flashed with light, he picked up the indestructible claws on the lion's body, cut the lion's unbreakable lion skin, wasted some effort, peeled off the lion's skin, put it aside, and placed the bloody lion's flesh and blood on the altar.

A thunder suddenly lit up in the quiet night sky, and the lightning reflected the heaven and earth like daylight, and the corpse of the Nemean lion sacrificed by Hercules was received by the king of the gods, in order to show the merits of his demigod bloodline, Zeus dragged the lion soul to the sky and turned into a constellation called Leo.

And the priests of the temples of the gods and kings everywhere also walked out of the temples and issued oracles, publicizing the deeds of Hercules, a demigod hero with the blood of the god king, and the name of Hercules resounded throughout the earth.

Hercules looked at the constellations shining in the sky, representing his merits, and the flattery and praise of Molokus beside him did not make him show the slightest joy, because Heracles' mind was being dragged by something else.

After waking up from his coma, he felt that as his strength became stronger, there seemed to be a beast in his body that was also stimulated, it was a violent and ineffable thing, similar to the feeling when a drunken person fell into confusion, that feeling was addictive, in that violent feeling, all troubles and sorrows seemed to leave him, and the restraints and troubles of human feelings on him seemed to disappear.

But Hercules did not think any more about this strange feeling, and at this time, desperate to complete the atonement for his wife, children and brother, he took up the huge lion fur and hurried back to Delins to meet his brother Eurystheus.

This time, Eurystheus received him, the half-brother of Hercules, the king of Thebae, with a heavy gold crown on his head, obviously about to enter summer, but wearing a heavy king's cloak, his expressionless face shining with a sickly paleness, and his gaze full of numbness and resentment when he looked at Heracles.

The gaze stung Hercules' heart, and he bowed his head in evasion, and said in a muffled voice: "Venerable King of Thebai, I have completed the task you commanded, killed the lion of Nemeia, offered you its fur, and I beg you to accept it."

Eurystheus's gaze swept lightly to the huge and hideous lion fur beside Hercules, a light smile pulled out at the corner of his mouth, and his tone was full of sincere regret: "It's such a pity, I originally thought this lion could kill you."

Eurystheus's merciless words once again stung Heracles' heart, and he was silent and did not speak, for he knew that the damage he had inflicted on Eurystheus was a thousand times more painful than the pain.

Hercules!" Eurystheus's voice became sharp again without warning, like the screams of an eagle banshee, full of resentment and hatred, which made people shudder.

But Eurystheus's madness seemed to be only for a moment, and soon his face returned to calm, and he looked at Heracles below and said: "I dare not accept this great gift of yours, this is proof of your great deeds, the glory of the life of an innocent man, go and make it into a new helmet and leather armor and wear it on your body, this glory should always be by your side, do not put it on my side to disgust me."

"On the next mission I will send someone to inform you, and now, ask the great hero Heracles to get out of my palace." "

“...... Do what you command, Your Honor. Hercules was only silent about Eurystheus's humiliation, and he took up the lion's skin on the ground, made it into a new helmet and leather armor according to Eurystheus's orders, and wore it on his body, which made the demigod hero look at it from afar, like a mighty lion, and caused a lot of commotion for a while.

And Herb was observing a boy in Orion clothes over Iolkos with Athena at this time, this boy was tall, handsome, and his long golden curly hair poured on his shoulders like sunlight, and the noble temperament exuded by his body did not look like an ordinary hunter, but more like a prince of a certain country.

And it is true that Iazon's father, Aezon, was originally the king of Iolkos, a king of integrity but too indecisive to rule this powerful kingdom.

When a rebellion broke out in the city-state under the kingdom, the weak-tempered Ayzon refused to direct the battle, instead asking for the help of his half-brother Pelias.

After quelling the rebellion, the brave and warlike Perlias was appointed captain of Aeyson's guard, but Perlias's ambitions did not stop there, he conspired to overthrow Aezon's rule and banished him outside the city, if not murdered is a felony, which is likely to cause the revolt of his subjects, and Perlias even wants to kill the family.

And now that Iazon has returned, when he was just born, Aezon was afraid that his son would be persecuted, so he pretended that Iazon had just died at birth, and secretly sent him to Mount Pyrion, where he was raised by the half-human Maccharon, who let Iasong return to his country and reclaim the throne that belonged to him before being summoned by Zeus to teach Hercules.

"What do you think?" Athena looked at the handsome and spirited young man below, her eyes revealing appreciation.

"Good potential. Heber glanced at the opening and said, the legends of later generations may not all be credible, Yi Song also has the blood of the gods, indeed has good potential, no wonder he can get the favor of Athena.

In the midst of the earth, Iasong did not notice the gaze of the gods, but made a treaty with his usurper uncle to go to the North Sea to Korkas and obtain the vow of the Golden Fleece in exchange for the throne.

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