After Iasong and Pelias had made a mission to find the Golden Fleece, the

goddess of wisdom, Athena, gave the hero a divine revelation, and she asked Iasong to send messengers to all directions to spread her great adventure to the distant Corcas in search of the Golden Fleece, and welcomed all those who would sail with him, and those who would not fear danger for glory and immortality.

King Polyas, in order to make Iasong set out as soon as possible, promised to build him the largest and best ship ever, and he used craftsmen from all over the country to cut down all the trees on Mount Pyrion, and ordered them to build the ship as quickly as possible.

Athena, who dominated all the crafts of the world, also sent a blessing, she transformed into a craftsman named Argos, and won the trust of Iasong with her exquisite skills, allowing her to serve as an overseer of shipbuilding, directing the craftsmen of the world to complete the construction of this adventurous giant ship.

After half a year of hardship, the huge ship was finally completed, and in honor of the craftsman's achievements, Yiazon named the ship Argo.

That night, in Iazon's dream, two goddesses appeared, one was Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy, and the other was Elpis, the goddess of prayer and hope with a golden box in his arms.

"With great ambitions, this Argo is the hand of an immortal god who already possesses a certain divinity to protect you and your heroes as they navigate the endless seas. And I will give it a voice, and on the bow of the boat I have loaded a piece of wood that looks down from the miraculous oak tree that grows in Todona, and it will foreshadow things with human voices, giving you the right help and directions.

"Seeking glory Iasong, the tribulations you have endured will surely make you famous, and wealth, status, and fame will surround you, but I will give you a piece of advice, when you make a promise, fate has witnessed your vow, do not break your promise."

After saying these words, the two goddesses disappeared into the dream of Iasong, and they looked down at the young man who was still immersed in the dark sweet dream from among the clouds.

"It is worthy of being a goddess known for her wisdom, and I believe that after this time, there will be a few more brilliant pearls among His Highness's dependents." "

Athena chose Iazon, using the hero's adventure as a medium, taking advantage of the heroes' thirst for glory and fame, enlisting all the famous heroes in the world, and then sheltering them along the way as the protectors of heroes and buying people's hearts.

Don't underestimate the heroes' desire for honor and fame, the distant Kolcas is a place that everyone has heard of but has never been, and the road is full of dangers. It is precisely because of the difficult road that the young heroes of Greece all take the highest glory in accomplishing this great cause.

Many heroes have already responded to Iazon's call and set out for Iolkos, such as Castor and Polydius, brothers born from golden eggs laid by Zeus, the Spartan queen Leda, Orphes, son of the poet Kariope, a demigod hero who can control beasts with his song and piano, and a pair of winged brothers Setus and Cales.

The demigod heroes who can come are undoubtedly the greatest and bravest people on the earth, these people have a strong divine blood, and their combat power is comparable to that of gods, and Athena has begun to form her own team for usurping the position of god-king of Zeus.

"Huh, even Hercules is here?" Athena looked into the distance, and Hercules, armed with a huge club, was coming towards Iolkos with a beautiful young man.

At this time, Hercules had completed the second task issued by Eurystheus, killing the hydra Xudra, a monster that inhabited the poisonous swamp of Lothon, and it was also a descendant of the former ancestor of ten thousand demons, Typhon, with a strong and strong body, nine heads that were as flexible as a long whip, and the terrible venom contained in the sharp fangs, all of which were far more ferocious and terrifying than the Nehemian lion.

In the mud swamp was also Hüdra's brother, a giant crab with a large claw, secretly assisting it, and when Hercules was grappling with Xudra, the sudden attack of this giant cancer almost did not make the hero capsize in the gutter. Fortunately, Hercules has begun to awaken his divinity, and this giant cancer is really average compared to its brother's strength, and it was solved by Heracles with a stick.

Thanks to the boy named Iolaos, who followed him all the way to Lona, who worshipped his prestige as his coachman, he discovered the characteristic of Xudra's fear of flames, and Hercules killed this terrifying monster in this nine-dead life situation, and the snake blood from Xudra soaked Heracles' bow and arrows, so that his bow and arrow were contaminated with the terrible poison, and any creature hit by these arrows, even if it just scratched its skin, would immediately die of poison.

Hercules collected Xudra's snake head and brought it back to Delins, where Eurystheus was shocked that such a powerful beast could not kill it, but he quickly exploited the task, because Hercules did not complete the task alone, but with the help of others, he refused to acknowledge this achievement.

Hercules was not angry at Eurystheus's apparently vexatious remarks, but accepted them silently.

Eurystheus then arranged a new task for him again, since the beast could not kill this demigod hero, what about the gods? Eurystheus sent Heracles to Krini, where there was an unusually beautiful deer, with fur as white as moonlight, and long horns like gold, it was the sacred beast of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, and violating it was undoubtedly offending the majesty of the gods, and Artemis would not let him go.

Hercules set out to find the deer, and on the way met a former friend, his son Huras worshipped his prestige and wanted to follow him on an adventure, Hercules could not resist the request of his friend and boy, so he had to temporarily take the boy and let him be his shield bearer and cup bearer.

He killed Hydra Hydra, but with the help of others, and Eurystheus did not recognize his feat, and issued him a new mission to find the golden horned deer, the holy beast that captured Artemis. "

I didn't expect the main quest not to be done, but I was attracted by Yi Azon's summoning order and ran to join the mission to find the Golden Fleece in Corcas.

"He won't stay long, and Zeus won't allow him to waste too much time on other things. But then again, the country of Corcas, how does it sound familiar..."

"This is one of the ten city-states that were divided into the underworld after the Pandora Rebellion. Athena spoke.

At the beginning, the gods of the sacred mountain had no time to take care of the raging monsters on the earth and asked the gods of the underworld to make a move, or Hera, the queen of the gods, promised to contribute ten city-states to believe in the gods of the underworld, and Zeus had to admit the account, but the gods of the underworld were divided into remote and not very prosperous cities, and Colcas was one of them.

"So it is. "

Herb can be remembered that this is still the wool that his own half of Pagous had taken from Zeus for the gods of the underworld.

Because of the special attributes of the gods, it is really not easy to obtain faith from humans, although the gods of the underworld do not care about these very much, but this more or less involves the problem of face, so when Pagoth won ten city-states for the underworld, the gods of the underworld were still very happy.

Hades even waved his hand directly, directly bringing all kinds of blessings to these ten city-states belonging to the underworld.

Not to mention the rest, Hades, as the lord of all guests, is also the controller of wealth, those buried in the ground as funeral gold gemstones and the like, the gods do not use, just used to reward their own believers.

Danadus, the god of death, led his brothers and sisters to give them long lives and the blessing of freedom from the torment of illness.

The god of sleep, Hypnos, and his three thousand dream gods, gave the believers dark and sweet sleep and beautiful dreams, and nightmares and insomnia were simply impossible.

Even Persephone, who later took office, added his blessings to these kingdoms of faith, and once a year the people of these city-states would have the opportunity to summon the souls of their loved ones to earth for a brief reunion, provided of course that the other party had not yet been reincarnated.

And after their death, they will have the opportunity to be selected by Hades and the Underworld Queen first, given the official position of the Underworld, assist in dealing with the affairs of the Underworld, and get rid of the fate of reincarnation again and again.

Under the bombardment of these blessings, the people, who were originally a little afraid of the gods of the underworld, suddenly smiled and expressed their willingness to believe in the gods of the underworld.

"If you let so many demigod heroes disturb the peace of this city-state, I am afraid it will cause the dissatisfaction of the gods of the underworld. "This huge Argo has gathered fifty demigod heroes to go to Colcas to find the Golden Fleece, no matter how it looks like the rhythm of forming a group to fight a boss, the gods of the underworld are very sorry for their hard-won city-state, and when the time comes, this group of people may be destroyed."

"I have already said hello to Persephone, and Medea, Queen of Colcas, will cooperate with us on this operation. "

Queen of Corcas?" Heber almost thought she had misheard, according to the legend she had heard, Medea was the daughter of King Corcas, a barbarian princess who practiced witchcraft.

"That's right, Medea's grandfather was the former sun god Helios, and her mother was the ocean goddess Idia, a princess who inherited a very strong divine bloodline and was born with an unparalleled talent for magic and witchcraft. Goddess Hecate admired and pampered her so much that she took time out of her busy schedule to teach her the meaning of her magic herself, seemingly intending to train her as her inheritor. Hearing

Hecate's name, Hepper couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed for a while, and originally agreed that Pagos, the god of the sun, and Hecate, the god of the moon, would be the guide of the undead in the underworld.

As a result, because of the seizure and the seizure of Chaos by Kaos, Pagos merged with himself. Later, Herb issued an oracle by the hand of the goddess Nix, falsely claiming that he went on a business trip with the goddess of the night, and the task of guiding the undead was all given to Hecate, and the gate of reincarnation was temporarily handed over to Persephone, who was in charge of the soul, and the huge workload was estimated to have been complained millions of times in the hearts of these two goddesses.

The storm caused by the flapping wings of this otherworldly butterfly changed the original course of history. What is the place of the underworld, the gods there are all strange paintings, strange personalities, everything pays attention to strength first, care about your men and women, as long as you have strength, you are the boss.

Under the leadership and edification of this group of Hades gods, the country of Corcas is also a simple country, and there is no other country that only men can inherit the throne. Medea is both royal blood and the most powerful witch in the kingdom, and she uses the magic and sorcery she learned to protect Corcas from foreign enemies and magical beasts, and is deeply respected by the people.

The old king Aethes, after noticing that he was lacking in energy, decisively laid down the burden in his hands and passed the throne to his daughter Medea, whose prestige had faintly surpassed his own. After his abdication, Aethus drank and listened to songs on weekdays, supervising and supervising the homework of his youngest son Absyltos.

Medea's experience and identity have changed, and Herb can't help but wonder if she will still fall in love with Iazon, as she used to

be, and the Argo officially set sail for the distant Kolcas, and sure enough, as Herb expected, halfway through, Hercules had to disembark halfway to find Shulas, who had been taken captive by the Mizusawa fairies. Iasong originally wanted to keep him, but Hercules was resolute, and he had no other way, and although these heroes answered his call to come, it did not mean that they would obey his orders.

The remaining heroes continued to move forward, they experienced hardships and dangers along the way, but fortunately, with the protection of Athena, several times in time to rescue the troubled heroes, Herb also took advantage of this wind to harvest several sets of hope.

Finally, after half a year of sailing, missing some members, the heroes of the Argo arrived in the legendary country of Korcas.

The heroes who had just disembarked and stood on the port were dumbfounded, originally they thought that Corcas was just a remote and barbaric country, but they did not expect that this country was just a port, more prosperous than the royal palace of any country they had ever seen.

People come and go here in brightly colored and beautiful clothes, and markets are set up on both sides of the wide road, and traders are orderly arranging their goods, ebony, ivory, purple gemstones, agate, jasper, all kinds of animal skins, these rare treasures in the outside world, but here they seem to be commonplace, they tried to inquire about the price, and found that it was only half of the outside world.

Even the heroes of extraordinary origin can't help but be a little stunned, you call this a barbaric country? Then what should their country be called? Beggars' den?

Just when they were stunned, a group of soldiers walked towards them, they were all eagle-eyed, strong arms, bright armor, that majestic look, compared to the tribulations all the way here, some downtrodden Yi Song and others looked more like heroes.

"Welcome to Corcas, our queen, wise and mighty Medea, who has foreseen your arrival, and invites you to follow me to the palace, where plenty of food and drink have been prepared to entertain you. "

Iasong and the others followed the soldiers to the palace of Corcas, where stood a great and magnificent palace, the roof was full of burning and glowing brass, dazzling like gold in the sun, and the heroes entered the vestibule, but found that it was empty, but only a strange fountain that had never been seen before, on which stood four fairies cast of gold standing back to back, and the golden vase of each fairy was pouring out a steady stream, these streams, one was fine wine, one was white milk, one was sesame oil, and the other was a clear spring that was warm in winter and cool in summer。

This is a treasure handed down by Helios, the ancestor of the royal family of Corcas, the former sun god, a divine spring.

The heroes were stunned, they wanted to stop and admire this treasure carefully, but the footsteps of the soldiers did not stop, and they were embarrassed to stay longer, so they had to continue and finally came to the hall.

There is no need to mention the magnificence of it, and the cloth on the spacious table that is so exquisite that it is only suitable for the clothes of the princes and nobles is only spread on it as a tablecloth, and the table is full of all kinds of delicacies, and the aroma of the food makes the heroes can't help but lick their lips.

"Welcome, heroes of the Argo.

Yi Song looked in the direction where the voice sounded.

She wore a very well-fitting dark gold gown, with a fine crown cast in gold on her blue curls inherited from her mother, the goddess of the ocean, and purple gemstones on it to make her look more luxurious, fair skin, and a faint smile on her almost perfect face.

So noble, elegant and mysterious, at that moment, Yi Ah Song felt as if his heart had been hit by something.

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