Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 274: Sociable

Mo He embarked on his way home, which was different from when he was on the way before. This time Mo He was going to use his own escape technique to drive all the way back from Shenzhou to Qiongzhou.

Escaping is faster than taking off the boat, but because the person performing the Escaping skill needs to stop and rest in the middle to restore the spiritual power lost in the body, so using the Escapade to go on the way, it is not as fast as the flying boat.

Although Mo He was anxious to go back, he was not so anxious that he didn't even have time to rest on the way. He used escape techniques along the way, and would stop and take a rest when he passed the places of interest.

In this way, it took about half a month, and Mohe finally returned to Qiongzhou. This speed is not slow anymore.

"I don't know how Wuyou and Ren Yunteng are now?" After entering the scope of Qiongzhou, Mo He was about to return to Qingmeiguan, but began to worry about the two disciples in the family.

Worry-free Mo He was actually not too worried, but Ren Yunteng, who had just been hired under his sect, made Mo He a little worried. The character of this guy made people feel a little unreliable.

Fortunately, there is no worries, and I can hold him a little bit, so as not to let him do too much. However, this guy is also a wise man who knows the bottom line of doing things. Under normal circumstances, he will not go. Touch this bottom line.

After entering Qiongzhou, Mo He took a little rest and recovered the spiritual power lost in his body. Then he went straight to Zi'an County and returned to Wangyue Mountain without stopping.

As soon as he stepped into Wangyue Mountain, Mo He felt that there was not even a person on the mountain, and Wuyou and Ren Yunteng were not even in the view of Qingmei. Their brows could not help but frowned slightly, and he felt a little worried during the time he was away. What really happened?

Divine consciousness swept the Qingmei Temple, Mo He found that there was nothing unusual in the Qingmei Temple, Wuyou and Ren Yunteng's room, still some of their aura, it seemed that it hadn't been long before going out.

The divine consciousness was further released and enveloped the entire Zi'an County. Mo He quickly found the traces of the two in Zi'an County. The two were actually with them in a restaurant in the county seat. There are actually two young monks.

Mo He saw that although Wuyou was sitting there, he was very quiet, basically sitting there without talking, while Ren Yunteng was talking very vigorously with the two young monks. However, he did not forget Wuyou. After talking to the two young monks for a while, he would turn his head and say something to Wuyou. Therefore, although Wuyou was very cold, the atmosphere between the four was very That's good.

"Worry has been taken away. It seems that I will come back and clean him up." Mo He retracted his consciousness, and then said to himself, finding that there was nothing wrong with Wuyou and Ren Yunteng, Mo He felt relaxed. A lot.

Just coming back from the outside, Mohe didn't directly go up the mountain. He stopped in the ancestral hall of Taoist Qingmei at the foot of the mountain, and asked whether he gave himself a stick of incense.

In the process of going up the incense, Mo He told the idol about his experience of this trip. Although he doesn't know where Dao Chief Qingmei is now, he should be able to hear what he said, no matter what his experience is to Qingmei. It is useful news in the long term, but it doesn’t hurt to report it.

After finishing the incense, Mo He walked up the mountain step by step, and when he returned here, Mo He felt that he was at ease with his whole person, and the original mood of anxious to come back was completely calmed down.

Returning to the view of green plums, Mo He walked straight under the two green plum trees, and then lay directly on the lounge chair placed under the two green plum trees, instantly feeling a home.

At this moment, the pain from Yinshen seemed to be relieved. Mo He gently closed his eyes and lay on the recliner so quietly, closing his eyes and taking a nap, while recalling his experience in his mind. Sorting out the gains from this trip.

This trip to Shenzhou was mainly for Su Bai's business. Of course, the main purpose was to achieve it, but this trip on my own was not without other gains.

Every time you go out, every experience is a harvest of vision and insight. It is self-explanatory. I saw the scenery of the gods, entered the palace, and saw the current emperor Xia Xian with my own eyes. To some powerful people in the realm of true immortality.

This time, Mo He was involved in a major event. He witnessed the demise of the ghost cultivating forces in the previous dynasty and learned about things that he had never understood before.

Because it was a blessing in disguise when killing Gouyu, the time to successfully practice Mohe’s Innate Fusion Artifact was greatly reduced. At least a few years of work were saved at once, so that Mohe is expected to break through to pure cultivation in a short time. Yang realm.

Summarizing the gains from this trip, the actual benefits are of course not as much as before, but the main purpose is completed, and the rest are incidental surprises, which is enough.

After lying on the recliner for a long time, Mo He suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt that Wuyou and Ren Yunteng had returned.

"Brother, listen to me. I think that in studying this matter, the main thing is to look at the results, not the length of study time. Although I study for a short time today, I have learned almost everything I should study today. You can take your time, don’t go back at night and give me lessons!"

"No, the master told me when he left. You have friends over the past few days, so I'll make it easy for you. I will give you two hours of teaching in a while to complete the master's instructions."

"Brother, I think this matter can still be discussed...!"

Before the two reached the view of Qingmei, Mo He had already heard their voices. Hearing what they were talking about, Mo He couldn't help but shook his head slightly. Everything was really the same as he thought.

The voices of the two people were getting closer and closer, and it didn't take long before they entered the Qingmei View, Wuyou walked in front, and Ren Yunteng, who was half a step behind him, was still chattering, trying to change Wuyou's mind.

Suddenly, Wuyou stopped, because he saw Mohe lying on the couch, smiling at them.

"Brother, look, it's getting late now, so I should meditate at night, and wait till tomorrow, I...!" Before Ren Yunteng finished speaking, he saw worry-free stopping, and he suddenly felt Ome tree bowed in the direction and saluted.


Hearing the words "Master", Ren Yunteng's reaction was also very quick. He turned his head in an instant and saw Mo He, who was lying on a recliner and looking at them with a smile. His expression changed in an instant and turned into a very Surprised look.

"Master, your old man is back, how did your trip go smoothly? These days when you are away, the disciples and seniors are very worried about you, Master, are you tired, do you want the disciples to make you a cup of tea?" Ren Yunteng Trotting to Mo He's side, he said with a surprised expression on his face.

"It turns out that you remember so much as a teacher, that's really great, come, let the teacher see your progress during this period, so that the teacher has a reason to praise you." Mo He looked at Ren Yunteng, The expression on his face seemed to be a smile.

"Master, you see that you have just come back. You must be tired. Don't worry about complimenting the disciple. The disciple will make you a cup of tea. During this time, the disciple's tea making skills have improved a lot. The old man is disappointed." Hearing what Mo He said, and then looking at the expression on Mo He's face, Ren Yunteng's heart felt a trace of coolness, and he said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and ran into the room, went to make tea for Brother Mo, and thought in his heart: "Hey, the master is back, now the good days are over."

Seeing Ren Yunteng rushing into the room, Mo He didn't plan to hit him immediately. He looked at Wuyou's body and looked up and down.

Mo He discovered that the worry-free cultivation base had reached the middle stage of the Divine Soul Realm during the period of time he had left.

This result was in Mo He's expectation. For Wuyou, the Divine Soul Realm would be the fastest realm in his over-cultivation. It is estimated that it will not be long before Wuyou's cultivation will be one step closer and reach the late Divine Soul Realm.

"Worry, nothing happened to Qingmeiguan during this time, right?" Mo He stood up and walked to Wuyou's side and asked.

"Nothing happened, it's just that the disciple neglected his duty and failed to complete the master's entrustment. Please teach the junior disciple well and ask the master to punish him." Looking at Mo He who walked to his side, worry-free said with a slightly guilty expression.

"Tell me what's going on when I see the bottom." Mo He asked. He really wanted to know how Wuyou and Ren Yunteng got along after he left Qingmeiguan.

Hearing Mo He's question, Wuyou did not conceal anything. After Mo He left immediately, he and Ren Yunteng talked about the process of getting along in Qingmeiguan.

In the beginning, Wuyou did follow Mo He's instructions and strictly taught Ren Yunteng every day, just like when Mo He was there, he arranged full courses for him.

But worry-free ultimately couldn’t stand Ren Yunteng’s soft and hard After one day’s course was over, Ren Yunteng was allowed to go down the mountain and go to the city to buy something, but he didn’t worry about this guy’s jumping temper. Worry also followed.

As a result, as soon as the opening was opened, it became more difficult to control Ren Yunteng afterwards. He dragged him down the mountain with worry-free a few times, and this guy was sweet-mouthed and talkative. Not many times, the people of Zi'an County, Almost everyone knew the new disciple of Mo He.

In the past few days, there was even a friend of Ren Yunteng in Qionghua Mansion who came to Zi'an County to find him. Naturally, Ren Yunteng had to meet him, and then I don’t know how he met a friend of Five Elements. Coupled with the worry-free Ren Yunteng's uneasy feeling, there was the scene that Mo He had seen before.

In general, Ren Yunteng did nothing out of the ordinary, just a little more playful. Although Wuyou was loosened by this guy, he didn't let him do anything. Mo He can understand this. .

Mo He also guessed that Ren Yunteng's communicative skills are good, but he did not expect his communicative skills to be so good. A friend came here to see him from Qionghua Mansion. Under worry-free control, he met a friend with a view of the Five Elements. Sociable.


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