Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 275: Influence each other

Having just returned to Qingmei Temple, Mo He didn't say anything about Wuyou and Ren Yunteng during this period of time, but as night fell, they let the two go to rest again.

Early the next morning, Qingmeiguan’s morning class started as usual. Mo He noticed that in the morning class this morning, Ren Yunteng was very serious, or he deliberately acted very seriously in front of him.

After the morning class is over, the session of Mo He's teaching will begin, but before this session, Ren Yunteng ran to the room to make three cups of tea, and then came to Mo He and said with a flattering smile. .

"Master, brother, please have tea!"

Looking at the tea delivered to him, Mo He's mouth twitched slightly. He regretted that when Ren Yunteng handed the cup of tea last night, he casually said the word "good".

Ren Yunteng's tea-making technique has indeed improved a bit from the beginning, but it is really only that little.

Now that the tea was handed to the front and it was not impossible to enter it, Mo He did not live up to Ren Yunteng's diligence, took a sip from the teacup, and immediately began teaching this morning.

Before officially speaking about the new content, Mo He first checked the results of Ren Yunteng's study during this period, and Mo He was still very satisfied.

During this period of time, under the guidance of worry-free, Ren Yunteng did not actually be lazy, and his learning progress was very good, even slightly exceeding Mo He's expectations.

When Mo He started to teach new things, today's Ren Yunteng behaved very obediently. During the whole process, the learning attitude made people unable to fault it. It was not until the end of today's course that Ren Yunteng came to Mo He with a smile. , Whispered to Mo He.

"Master, a good friend of the disciple came to see me, can I allow the disciple to go down several times in the past two days, and entertain the disciple's friend a little bit?

Mo He turned his head and looked at Ren Yunteng. He hadn't spoken yet, and Wuyou on the side unexpectedly helped Ren Yunteng plead with him.

"Master, that friend of Junior Brother made a special trip to find Junior Brother, and we can't lose courtesy, so let the Junior Brother go instead."

Mo He turned his gaze to Wuyou, and then returned to Ren Yunteng's face with a smile and said: "Wuyou is right. Since your friend made a special trip to see you, why not ask him to stay in Wangyue Mountain for a few days, you You can also treat it well."

"Oh, thank you, Master, I know that Master is reasonable." Ren Yunteng immediately shouted happily when he reached Mohe.

Originally, when his friend came to see him, Ren Yunteng wanted to invite him to the mountain, but Mo He was not in Wangyue Mountain, leaving him and Wuyou two people, he could not tell Wuyou, let him This good friend lives on the mountain.

Now that Mo He came back, he took the initiative to raise this point to him, and Ren Yunteng was overjoyed. After paying a salute to Mo He, he ran down the mountain happily.

Before leaving, he hadn't forgotten to bring Wuyou together, and Wuyou originally hesitated slightly, but after seeing Mo He nodded gently, he went down the mountain with Ren Yunteng.

"Worry-free and Ren Yunteng have completely different personalities. When they are together, they get along so harmoniously. Moreover, Wuyou is affected by Ren Yunteng, and his personality seems to be more cheerful." Looking at the two who went down the mountain together, Mo He Thought in my heart.

After coming back this time, Mo He found that Wuyou had not only improved his cultivation base, but also became more or less cheerful, and spoke a little bit more. Although compared with ordinary people, he still seemed less talkative, but this It's already pretty good. After all, everyone is different, and it is impossible for Wuyou to become like Ren Yunteng.

In the same way, Ren Yunteng was also affected by worry-free. Although it was still a character escape, through some small details, he could find that he was a little more calm than before.

Mo He is very happy to see this kind of mutual influence between Wuyou and Ren Yunteng. He has always hoped to make Wuyou's character more cheerful, and Ren Yunteng's escape temperament can be restrained.

After Wuyou and Ren Yunteng went down the mountain, Mohe sat cross-legged under the two green plum trees and began to meditate.

The embryo conceived in Dao's heart has had a very clear outline since it was a blessing in disguise last time. It can now be seen that the shape of this embryo is the shape of a gourd.

The reason why the shape of this embryo is a gourd is that Mo He deliberately did it.

In the few past lives he has acquired, the innate immortal light in the sea of ​​knowledge now, if it has the opportunity to conceive and take shape in the previous life, the appearance is likely to be a treasure bottle or a gourd.

This artifact was conceived for the purpose of innate immortal aura, so the shape of the embryo should of course fit as much as possible with the innate immortal aura. In addition, Mo He himself also likes the gourd very much, which is considered to be of the world. A thought.

This embryo is not far from being fully conceived. Mo He estimates that it will take a few months after the New Year's Pass for the embryo to be completely formed, but now it is not far from the New Year's Pass.

Mo He turned his attention to the Innate Indestructible Aura in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. It can be seen that within the Innate Indestructible Aura, the fifth innate **** forbidden is being conceived, and it has already formed most of it, maybe before the new year. The five innate divine bans can be successfully nurtured.

This innate **** forbidden was able to be conceived so quickly, thanks to Mo Heda's courage to spy on the result of the immortal forbidden in the Liuyue Phantom Gate.

However, Mo He also discovered a problem. Although he allowed the innate divine ban in the innate immortal aura to evolve rapidly by spying on the magic weapon or the prohibition in the fairy treasure, it seems that the effect of this method has become more and more effective. The worse.

By spying on the immortal forbidden in the phantom light gate of Liuyue, it seems that at most one innate divine forbidden can evolve, and the birth of each innate divine forbidden after that will definitely become more difficult.

This situation is not surprising to Mo He. On the contrary, Mo He thinks that this is more normal. If the innate divine ban in the innate immortal aura has been able to evolve so easily, then it is an unreasonable thing.

After investigating the situation in the innate immortal aura, Mo He then sank his consciousness into the visualization diagram and turned into a towering giant tree in the boundless waters.

There are endless stars above the head, the stars are shining, and the boundless waters are under your feet. In this empty world, there is only this towering giant tree, rooted under the boundless waters, and plunged into the shining stars. Indomitable.

Mo He wanted to stretch his branches and leaves and continue to grow higher, but he felt a weight coming from the top, and he firmly pressed it down, restricting his growth.

No matter what he tried his best, he couldn't stand up to the sky at the beginning, grow to a higher place, and explore another new realm.

After trying several times in a row, Mo He finally gave up. He could only stretch horizontally as much as possible among the stars to make his canopy become more luxuriant, accumulate more strength, and wait for the right time.

Slowly opening his eyes, Mo He's consciousness broke away from the visualization, and then he exhaled a long breath. There was no depression on his face, but a faint smile on his face.

When the consciousness sinks into the visualization map, Mo He has no way to explore the higher sky, which means that Mo He cannot break through the existing realm. This is entirely his own reason, as long as Mo He repairs the Yin God Injuries, the space for upward growth, will naturally open to him.

Now, Mo He has almost reached a ceiling in the realm of Yin and God, and in the rest of the time, he can slowly polish, wait for the embryo to be successfully conceived, and then break through the realm of pure Yang.

Soon after Mo He finished his cultivation, Ren Yunteng and Wuyou just returned to Wangyue Mountain. They were accompanied by a young monk. Their cultivation was probably in the middle of the Taoist realm. They were walking while talking to Ren Yunteng without worry. Walking in front of the two people, occasionally he would insert a sentence.

The three of them quickly set foot on Mount Wangyue. When the young man entered Mount Wangyue, looking at the scenery on Mount Wangyue, feeling the rich spiritual energy around him, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He had never been to Wangyue Mountain before. After he came to Zi'an County, he used other methods to contact Ren Yunteng. This is the first time he has stepped into Wangyue Mountain. Although Ren Yunteng said before, his master is an expert. The place he was practicing was also very satisfactory to him, but he didn't expect that Mochizuki Mountain would be so good.

When the three came to Qingmeiguan, they saw Mo He standing there, and the young man immediately saluted: "Junior Liu Yin, I have met Senior Mo."

Mo He looked at the young man in front of him, nodded lightly, smiled and said: "You are Yunteng's friend. I was not in the view before. My two disciples were afraid to bring you up the mountain. They were somewhat entertained. Not week."

"Senior is polite." Liu Yin said Mo He took the other person into Qingmei Temple, and talked a few words with Liu Yin, and learned about the young man's situation.

This young man named Liu Yin was a disciple of a San Xiu school in Qionghua Mansion. His master was also a monk in the realm of Yin and God. Mo He once had a relationship with the other side.

After understanding the other party's foundation, Mo He did not continue to pull him to speak, but let Ren Yunteng take him to tour around Wangyue Mountain, and finally settled in the guest house.

The friend that Ren Yunteng made, although his cultivation level and aptitude were average, and a little more cautious when facing himself, but his temperament was pretty good. Because he was worried that Ren Yunteng would be disadvantaged by his teacher, he was able to rush over from Qionghua Mansion on purpose. He is indeed a friend worth making. .

Seeing Ren Yunteng and Liu Yin starting to tour around Mochizuki Mountain, Mo He ignored them. He asked Ren Yunteng to take people up the mountain, mainly to see what kind of people he made friends. , I'm relieved.

"There is an uneasy disciple, who really has to worry a lot about being a master." Mo He thought in his heart.


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