Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 33: 0 close flowers blooming and clouds that come to make trouble


Two neat footsteps appeared on the stairs, and did not stop together until they reached the door of a certain room.


After Kirito unlocked his room, he unscrewed the door and took Asuna's hand and walked in.


Two rapid heartbeats of different frequencies now echoed in this small room. Asuna walked into the room first and Kirito gently closed the door and locked it.

The lock sound of "Kaki" made Asuna, who walked into the room first, trembles, and her cheeks have become rosy and hot. She lowered her head and quickly found the nearest sofa and sat down. I kept rubbing my palms, not knowing how to deal with this solitary situation in my heart.

(The two are alone! And they are still locked in Kirito-chan's room! It shouldn't be necessary! Hey~hehe... But Kirito-chan's room is really simple! Just start with The same as the one who moved in, there is no trace of remodeling according to your own preferences!)

Asuna looked around Kirito's clean room while yy.

"Asuna sauce!"

"Yes! Kirito-chan!"

As soon as Kirito came in, he called Asuna's name, and Asuna responded stiffly.

"Do you... do you really like me as a girl?"

Kirito blushed slightly and sat next to Asuna, but he lowered his head embarrassedly and asked.

(Hey~hehe...Kirito sauce is so cute! And it smells so good!)

"Yes! I...really! I like Kirito-chan very much! Please trust me for this!"

I don't know why Asuna is bold! Sit directly on Kirito's lap and press his hands on the softness of his upright position to assure Kirito. Now the posture of the two of them is terrible in a sense...

(Even so... I don't have to sit on my lap! And the face... is too close!)

"Calm down! Asuna-chan! I can see Xiao Taoxin in your eyes!"

Kirito nervously pressed Asuna's shoulder with his hand, using words to calm Asuna's impulse as much as possible.

(Eh~heh! Kirito-chan is shy! So cute! Just like a shy beauty! Woo~ Woo! I can’t help it! I really want to... I want to...)

"Kirijin sauce... don't you like me? What can I do if I am wrong! Tell me Kirito sauce! What do you think of me! OK!"

Asuna can't control her a little bit, holding Kirito's little baby-fat face with her hands, blinking her big tender eyes, Kirito who looks at it doesn't know what to do.

(What should I do? What should I say? I don’t hate Asuna! And Asuna is a cute girl! But I didn’t expect it to be like this?)

"I... also like Asuna very much! But..."

When Kirito talked about this, Asuna covered his scented lips with her fingers, and shook her head at Kirito with a doting smile.

"Kirito-chan! Do you know? You just said that you like me! I am very happy! I have made up my mind! I will not hand you over to that cloud! Whether you care about girls’ problems or not! You will It's my other half! Uh~huh! So! I started! Tweet~twee!"

Seeing Asuna directly lifted Kirito's face and printed her soft lips on Kirito's scented lips. This minute, Kirito's brain was completely down!

(This...the girl is actively kissing me! And she's so overbearing! Asuna! This is really not good! No! Don't pry open my teeth! Don't... be so rough! Good... so fierce... )


Asuna was not only unforgiving on her mouth, but her hands on the outside were also very dishonest. She started to touch her everywhere, first stroking Kirito-chan's little fragrant shoulders, and then along her soft and elastic arms until she stroked them. On the smooth and slightly plump thighs, someone knocked on the door of the room as Asuna was about to go deeper.


The knock on the door that disturbed the good atmosphere, in a sense, the Gospel of Kirito who was pressed by the strong Asuna, and Asuna frowned, and somewhat reluctantly let go of her favorite Kirito sauce. She licked her little lips from time to time, as if she was indulging in the hospitality, and then left the panting Kirito-chan and unscrewed the door of the room.

"Who is it? People are doing good deeds!"

Asuna looked at the visitor outside the door with a displeased face, and when she saw the visitor, she looked disgusted.

(How could it be him? He actually took the opportunity to spoil my alone time with Kirito Jiang Qingqing! He is really a big bad guy!)

"Why are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Asuna bulged the little bun with her face and asked the person at the door.

"What... Asuna-chan? Didn't you forget the task I assigned you? I heard that you were taken to the room by Kirito to confirm your relationship! So how did the talk go? Kirito-chan accepts you Yet?"

This kind of ridiculous argument, besides that big villain cloud, who else would directly disturb Asuna and Kirito's time alone?

(Well~Well! But it's just right!)

"Hee~hee! I tell you Yun! From now on! I am Kirito-chan's girlfriend! Don't be proud! Kirito-chan is mine! It won't be yours! Humph~humph!"

Asuna, with her hands on her hips and a presumptuous expression, poked Yun's chest fiercely with her jade-white fingers and declared to him.

(Wait, I didn’t say anything later! And I was forced to bow by Asuna Sauce, so I didn’t even have a chance to speak! Why did I just finalize it?)

"Ming~ Asuna sauce?"

Kirito, who was already weak in his body, ran out rolling when he heard this explosive event, but the appearance of some disheveled clothes made Asuna a little proud of it, and the cloud beside him was also subconscious. After looking up and down, he blew a whistle. After seeing the situation, Kirito turned around subconsciously to tidy up his bare-chested clothes.

"Not bad~ Well! Asuna is so proactive! But this does not affect my love for Kirito! For me, no matter how many girls my cute Kirito is going to fool with, she is me. Future wife! Only this will not change! So Asuna, use your all your energy to explore the heart of Kirito-chan! In the end, Kirito-chan will be mine after all!”

Seeing Kirito's cute appearance, Yun himself slammed Asuna Nubuat on the wall and raised her chin with his hand to make a proud declaration of him.

"It's beautiful! I'm here! I won't let Kirito-chan fall into your claws! Let's wait and see! Let's go Kirito-chan! Let's ignore him! Huh~huh!"

Before Kirito could say another word, he was dragged downstairs by Asuna, who pushed the cloud away, leaving Yun behind, shaking his head and closing the door before following him...


This time it was different. One of the three sounds of going downstairs sounded very The clever people obviously knew that it was one of the vinegar jars who was losing their temper.

(I was expecting two lovely lilies to bloom at the beginning! But when Yun came out of the office and learned that Kirito-chan and Asuna-chan had a heart-to-heart talk, and then went up with a smirk and knew what was wrong! So this Shura was on the field. What should we do about the love triangle?)

Everyone gathered downstairs sighed, wondering if they should support Lily...or should they support heterosexuality? (Where are the male and the male female?)

It didn't take long to see Kirito returning to the crowd with Asuna aggressively pulling his clothes and finishing his clothes, and Yun also walked down calmly. The battle between dragons and tigers imagined before seeing this scene was probably inevitable.

"Alright, alright! Now everyone is here! We are ready to..."

Before Yun clap his hands to announce, a soldier from the Yun army hurried in...The Gray Wheel Dancer of Sword

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