Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 34: Calculate each other

"Report! Yunbairenjiang! Someone outside asks to see you!"

Just when Yun was about to let everyone return to their duties, this inevitable message was brought back. Seeing this, everyone knew who came back at this time.

(This situation can't let the other party see all my factions! Otherwise, more plans will be ruined!)

"Okay! The others are gone through the back door! Then the lord mother and daughter will go to the office for me, go! Tell them to come to my office and I will be there to see them!"

Yun immediately gave the corresponding instructions to everyone and everyone understood and started to execute it, and Yun took the two beauties back to the office and waited for each other's presence.

"Yun Bairen will...I wonder what he will do to us...After all, we are already abandoned to him..."

After Yun and the lord's mother and daughter returned to the office, the lord's wife confessed to Yun a little uneasy, and the lord's lady on the side also nodded slightly.

"Really? Believe it or not, you will still make some articles? After all, you can return to his hands now as a female! Do you think you will still be an abandoned son?"

Yun shook his head slightly, it seemed that the lord mother and daughter were too small to see the importance of the two in the situation of escape now!

"This... won't it?"

The two mother and daughter looked at each other for a while and didn't quite understand what Yun was talking about...


Soon the knock on the door came, and the lord mother and daughter obediently closed their mouths and returned to obediently standing behind Yun.

"come in!"

"Okay! Lord Lord, please!"

Following Yun's reply, his soldier's voice came from outside.

As the door opened, Lord Diss walked in like a welcoming face, and people behind him also moved large and small things into the open space of the office. It seemed that they were well prepared.

(This old fox! I also know the rule of not hitting the smiling faces! But I didn’t expect that this time it was really bleeding! What a lot of things were sent to me in one breath! But I didn’t go to the Palace of Three Treasures for nothing! I wanted to see it. This guy is going to sing me that good show!)

"Congratulations! Hundred General Yun! Now that foreign troubles have been eliminated, the greatest contribution to protecting the safety of the people in our city is the contribution of the General Yunbai! Ahaha~hahaha!"

When Diss came up, he came to celebrate Yun's great victory, but it was normal, and this was generally the best choice.

"O~O? Really? I also thank Lord Diss for his good care of my internal situation! It really made me trouble a lot!"

Although Yun doesn't know how to hit people, sometimes it's funny to hit people in the face with words.

(This kid! Actually gave me this set in front of so many people!)

"No~No no! How can Yunbairen say that! I also have difficulties! I have difficulties!"

Diss smiled bitterly and began to tell the cloud.

"Okay! When you finish moving things, I'll listen to you and tell me in detail!"

Yun smiled and looked at Diss, who was a little unreasonable in front of him, with a smile. Diss also responded to the people to bring in all the gifts, big and small, and urged them to get out.

(So... his one-man show is about to begin, right?)

"Okay! Would you like Lord Diss to explain? What kind of thing made our great Lord Diss commit treachery! I look forward to your answer! Because this answer still affects you and me. Future partnership! I think Lord Diss knows what this means?"

Yun smiled and clapped his hands, cheering like he was cheering for Lord Diss's one-man show.

(This kid...not to mention it's my fault!)

"Of course! Of course! First of all! These are the apocalypses that I did not help as agreed! Here are the rewards for the Yun Hundred Generals and the army that were issued this time! And these are my congratulations for the Yun Hundreds Generals. For some small gifts, I also invited Yunbairen Jiang Haihan! Ahaha~hahaha!"

As soon as Diss introduced to Yun the various supplies he brought this time, it seemed that they were quite complete. Whether it was the materials or the ingredients they needed for Yun, it could be seen that Diss had done enough work. , As long as it is what is most lacking for the army and the people now, he has done a lot.

(Interesting! Do you want to play with stubbornness and deception? Give me some sweetness first, then further erode my army and personnel, and then pull out my thorny thorn, right?)

"Although I have merit, I can only receive two things that I deserve. One is your apologize for your injustice, and the other is what I deserve in this battle! That's the question! This one is not what I deserve. Yes, as the saying goes, it’s so vain! Let’s talk! What do you want me to do?"

Yun smiled and looked at Diss with his arms folded, knowing what he was playing with. The question now is what this guy wants to do is the real problem.

"The Yunbai people will look at what you said! What is the meaning of no merit and no reward! This is the munitions that I prepared for you on behalf of the people! No other meaning, and it was also on my side before that because someone committed trouble, sent me privately. The man and the horse went to other places, and I have dealt with it impartially and let him roll into the dungeon to guard! So I also asked Yun Bairen to remember the adults not the villains!"

Diss used this rhetoric as soon as his eyes turned to prepare to pass the blunder.

(Someone mobilizes Diss’ soldiers and horses? I remember my sister once said that the only person who can mobilize soldiers and horses is called Fick, right? That guy has always been thinking about my sister, and he even made me never meet. Sister Hexiang! Just when you say that, I'll see if you are dying to face and suffer!)

"To mobilize Lord Diss's soldiers and horses? That requires considerable power? Who would it be?"

Yun knew this guy's old bottom, so he was naturally ready to play with him.

(Damn it! Sure enough, this is the only reason that is most suitable. After all, the two rations were deceived by me at the time, and there was no one preparing to attack me. Although there was no major incident, it happened at this time. I have sent troops to some parts of the town! I thought I could hide from the sky! I didn’t expect to be stalked!)

"Ha~Haha! Little people, little people! It's not worthy of the cloud!"

Diss was a little bit secretly scolding Yun for taking advantage of the loopholes in his heart, but he didn't expect him to take advantage of this small loop, which would make Diss somewhat tactfully round the scene.

"Really? I remember that my army's investigation results seemed to have been sent after receiving the command of Lord Diss? Is it possible that Lord Diss himself ordered them to stay away from the agreed place between us?"

Yun but let his subordinates and the recruited dirty work team find a lot of information that may be an excuse for Diss, plus the information Argo provided to him, naturally locked Diss himself and Fick may be a scapegoat! After all, people like Diss will leave a way for him to do anything, and he raises Fick and delegates power to him naturally in order to give him a target in case Li Daitao stiffens!

(This kid... actually checked my details and trends secretly! Damn it, I didn't expect it to be so refined!)

"No~No, no! How could it be me! My beloved Yun Hundred General! Isn't it my intention to do it? It's true that all these are my subordinates who master the ability to dispatch troops What a silly thing he did! He received a false report that he mobilized the troops there in my name and for the misunderstanding caused by it! Yun Hundred General!"

Diss knelt down on the ground and scolded Yun Zhisang. If an outsider seems to be a good lord with both good morals and good character, he still thinks about the benevolence and righteousness of the subordinates who made mistakes, but it is a pity that he encounters deep feelings. Knowing his ugly face, Yun will not make this guy feel good now! Naturally, he will do everything possible to embarrass him...The Gray Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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