Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (487) Undead giants who have gained new abilities...

"It's not that you're going to die and you won't have a backache when you stand and talk! I don't want them. After all, they won't even let me regenerate! I will struggle to the end and live on!!!"


  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Pata~ Pata, Dingding~Dangdang’


And at the time when the undead dragons tried to rack their brains in such embarrassed manner, it seemed that it was too real, Grut made a call, and made it more rebellious, insulting it or even venting its inner dissatisfaction. !


   After all, it knew that once it fell, it would be treated as a rock by the giant rock dragon outside. It couldn't confirm whether its fellow citizens outside belonged to a state of being still imprisoned by a superior soul!


   So it doesn’t want to resist desperately at the mercy of others, and even keep controlling the output and enhancement of its magic power to form a ‘flame barrier’, in order to hold on for a longer time in exchange for the possibility of more life...




   "It's a fool who follows his instincts like a dead brain. I don't understand why I want to let it die. It really hurts a lot..."


"Well~ Well! That's it! After all, it is always a magical creature with emotions, and it is understandable that there will be a slight excessive negative emotional state! I can only watch how it dies before it can be activated. One step plan to switch!"




After seeing that the magic rewards he received were filled with dissatisfaction, anger and other negative emotions from the undead dragons, he felt as if it was not teachable. Gruut shook his head like this, and started to make a move. Arrange for a one-step response...


  【Cross and mixed attacks, don't give the enemy any chance to breathe! 】


   [Understand! xN】


  【Joint Attack Magic Sword Skill——Six-pointed Instant Attack】


  ‘Om~Om~Om, 唰~唰~唰, 噌~噌~噌, hu哧~hu哧’


   "This is...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."


  ‘Ding Ding~Dangdang, Crackling~Papa, Dang~Dang~Dang’


   And that is, after seeing this undead giant dragon being almost completely trapped to death and surrounded by them in the net, he felt that the time was ripe for the Commander Rock Dragon.


   then, with the remaining 5 freely movable rock dragons around, they resonated with each other and flashed a nice purple halo of magic sword skills.


Crossing each other and continuously forming a three-dimensional hexagram trajectory, a high-speed combo attack. It has about 187 seamless and even more violent speed and attack power as it goes further, making the undead giant dragons who are continuously attacked so dull for a while. Humbling a lot.


Not only that~ its karmic flame barrier, as if being hit continuously, the flames are weak and strong. It can be seen that it is because of the high speed and the full stamina of the magical attack sword skills, and the magical power output is gradually not mastered. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Tendency to be unstable!


   (No~no...I can still hold it, even if it liberates all the magic in me!)


   "Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhh? Isn’t this there? It can provide me with magic power~ the subordinates in the body! Contribute your magic power to me! Haha~ahah!!!"    "Oh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!




   And because the body's ‘Summon Magic Array at all levels’ is still absorbing the magic power in the entire environment spontaneously, it operates autonomously to generate new undead dragoons.


   It seemed to be on a whim, it directly absorbed the magic power in their body like an insatiable black hole, and directly occupied a lot of them, together with the power of the soul, like an insatiable black hole.


   For a time, his body that was about to run out of magic power was filled with explosive magic power for a while,


  As the most representative one is the flame barrier of the industry. A state of unscrupulous diffusion and manifestation as if burning raging.


   After this magical power supply, let it become more powerful as if it were reborn!


   (The total amount of magic power! And it is still rising endlessly! Obviously there is no means of replenishment at all! xN)


   [Big Brother! It seems that its condition is a bit too bad! 】


  【Ah~Ah! I understand that although I don’t know what shameful means it used to obtain the ultimate total amount of magical power for extraordinary recovery at once, our mission remains unchanged, just to kill this big guy! 】


【okay then! Let's lay down our lives to accompany the gentleman! Continue to hold on until the lord restores all our companion positions! xN】




  ‘咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, 唰~唰~唰, papa~ papa’


   also received the total amount of magic power feedback from the undead dragons in front of them for the first time, almost all the rock dragons were slightly surprised.


   But they are very clear that such a huge recovery of magic power must not be the result of natural recovery, obviously it is only a product effect brought by some strange means.


   But they can't determine whether this magic power will last forever or even be endless, but there is still no change in what they have to do next.


  In turn, it burned a lot of fighting spirit and collectively issued a fierce dragon roar, and together they increased the power and speed of the continuing "joint attack magic sword skill" in their hands!


"Aha~haha~haha!!! I can feel it! This is the correct use of this thing in the after the adult deliberately concealed it, even let us desperately bring it back to ourselves Exclusive use! It's really too shameless and despicable!"


   "Huh~huh! You scumbags, get out of me~ get out!!!


  ‘Om~Om~Om, bang~bang~bang, 咚~哐’




  ‘咻~咻~咻, patter~patter, wow~wow’


   also gradually understood how to absorb the magic unit in his body and transform it into his own infinite supply of magic power, the face of this undead giant dragon became more sinister and vicious and even more proud.


Then, after absorbing a large amount of the life force of the new undead dragoons produced in its body, it burst out with a roar containing high concentration of magic power, and shook the surrounding rock dragons that were still struggling to kill it. Got out.


   and directly hit the surrounding rock dragoons who were shrinking the encircling net, and they blasted out several large holes in six directions.


   But fortunately, a giant rock dragon was left in advance to take charge of the encircling net. It quickly filled these 6 large holes in an instant to keep the shrinking trend going!


   (No~ This kind of power is only the result of the direction of the ‘Summon Magic Circle’, so if I collect it again, wouldn’t it be possible to easily solve these enemies?)



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