Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (488) Do not fulfill one's long-cherished dream...

"Oh~hhhhhhh! It's really Feng Shui turns, you all get out of me!!! giaa~aaa!!!"


  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom


   also felt that this magical power seemed to be more refined or even rising, as if the undead giant dragon who had found his own unique strategy, showed such a crazy sneer.


After looking at the encircling net of dragoons surrounded by black and heavy rocks, it continued to release a large amount of roars with high-vibration magic power, and it was completely detonated at once, and the sky was full of sand. Dust and stone chips.


   "Huh~huh! Unbearable! Then hurry up and recycle such good things! Ha~ha~ha!"




   (Hmm~hmm! I can feel it! This suspicious aura and a very contrived and safe method can be used by the superior to take the opportunity to launch any unexpected action after all of us have fallen!)


   (What a cunning old fox~ If I hadn't discovered how to use this power, there would be no way to detect your true intentions!)


   "Ha~ha~ha! Isn't this just right? Thanks to its agitation and intimidation, how else would there be me now? Then~ I will accept all your hidden powers!"


  ‘Hu~hu~hu, 嗵~嗵~嗵’


  Naturally, this undead giant dragon was so understated, after a violent 360° whirlwind around his huge body with a nice wave of magic power!


   disintegrated all the surrounding dense encirclement in an instant, and then he immediately locked the same kind of magical response remaining on the ground through the ‘advanced summoning magic circle’ he possessed in his body.


   Obviously ~ even if it was shot down by an enemy, there is still the same magical aura in these corpses of the same race that is faint as if covered by something.


   That's why it seemed to understand why Gruut might have made some calculations, but ~ for it now, the truth or something has no meaning.


  In turn, because of the great temptation induced by this good power, let them all directly swallow them as quickly as they are!




   (What's the matter? Why did the magical reaction of this abandoned child suddenly rise to a state that exceeds its limit. There is no reason why it can be completely brought back to life?)


"Wait for a minute... how come there isn't it? Isn't the'Advanced Summoning Magic Circle' that has been carried in its body the best thing? This guy~ I didn't expect that in such a desperate situation, he would understand like a whim. How should I use it? Looks like I can't keep it!"


  ‘Wow~wow~wow, dick~di~di'


   Also, after not hearing any feedback about the magical power of the undead giant dragonfolk for a long time, I thought it was going to fall and was ready to implement the plan of planting its seeds, Grut.


However, under this unreasonable humming reminder, it suddenly felt bad as if its face was bad. After all, it did not think that this undead dragon would actually be able to detect the real so-called'sacrifice' under such circumstances. How to use it.


   After all, the endless burst of troops before, and the defensive effect of using it as a sacrifice are just the surface characteristics of the skin itself!


   And the truly terrifying thing about this ‘Summoning Magic Array at all levels’ is the multiple utilization abilities that can be absorbed by the endless natural magic of ‘Teammates’ sacrifice to the sky’.


   When Groot knew that he couldn't let him do what he wanted, he immediately tried to interfere with him from a long distance...


  ‘Hu~hu~hu, bang~嚓, 咣~咣~咣’


   (1, 4, 8, 15...)


"Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a pity that you are already over While absorbing and using this leftover thing conveniently, I am fully prepared! For example~ like this!!!"


  ‘Om~Om~Om, 咚~哐, bang~嚓, 嗵~嗵~嗵’


   "What? Woo~woo~woo..."


  ‘嘭~哐, 咻~咻~咻, patter~patter, 咚~咚~咚’


It is also in this undead giant dragon people, as if unscrupulously, searching for the corpses of their compatriots on the battlefield, and then returning the things that seem to be shining with a good magic halo,'Summoning Magic Arrays at all levels', one by one. Swallow it like a master, time point!


   That terrible feeling as if the invisible big hand gripped its soul all at once, directly caused its eyes to stare with a lot of pain and hideousness.


   But even in such an uncomfortable situation, it remained in a state of excitement and madness as if the suffering was exhausted. Even if it triggered all the powerful magical powers of the ‘Summon Magic Array at all levels’ in his body!


   For an instant, it was like completely relying on external force to directly destroy the body, and the soul confinement magic that has been at the mercy of people, let it be completely broken with force.


Not only that~ its powerful magic power feedback, but also along the way with the help of this magic to connect with the magic circuit direction, directly rushed to the location of Gruut from a long I haven't fully understood what the situation is in this minute. Gruut, as if being detonated from a zero range by a C4 bomb, was directly blown out unsuspectingly.


   even so fiercely that with the huge impact, it stiffly smashed through a lot of the walls that existed behind, and it took a long time to calm down without knowing how many meters away...


  ‘Zi~Zi~Zi, Om~Om~Om, Quada~Quada’


"Haha~haha...haha~haha...ha~ha~ha, I can feel the power being desperately giving back to my whole body! And that very strong soul restraint is also here. Directly destroyed under the powerful magic power!"


"But~ it's also because this magic has been aging for thousands of years, so it can be easily destroyed under such an incomplete supply of magic power. Sometimes I have to admire the blessing of the old saying that'time is a pig's knife'. what!"


"Then~it’s time to! Why do I have to solve the common enemy of the scum original superior? Wouldn’t it be better to let them destroy it? Wouldn’t I just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and everything will be fine? ~Ha~Ha! It is also a good choice to give them a suggestion!"


  ‘Hu~hoo~hoo, om~om~om’


   [Ah~huh! Can you hear me? My enemies who were confronting me! Shall we discuss a good cooperation plan? In this way, we don't need to lose money like this, let the black hand behind the scenes pick up a bargain! 】



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