Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (519) Actually the worries of the Rock Warriors...

After slightly aware of the unnatural behavior of these rock warriors, some puzzling commanders of the rock dragons gave their initial explanations and explained the situation.

All these rock knights who seemed to have made a great deal of embarrassment did not know where to put their old face apologetically and kept bowing and apologizing to them a lot.

For this reason, it is also clear that my people are too much in this intense atmosphere, after the extreme mistakes, let them know that they should go to the rotation of personnel, fully retreat from the side of the rock dragon commander...

(I'm afraid that the illness is not mild...)

【soldier! 】

"What's the matter? Sir?"


And that is to see the personnel who rushed in, now returning to the previous situation of the offending rock warrior.

The commander of the giant rock dragon rolled his eyes and called it again, but ~ But... Actually, the situation is not particularly good, at least now that the naked eye can see that the warrior called is also trembling like a soul.

And this situation is not only unilateral caused by the fact that it committed itself, but if it matches its eyes with random movements, it is obvious that it is too cumbersome...

[Let’s talk about it~ Why is the situation of the entire internal staff now like this frightened bird? And~ what makes you all upset? Could it be because of the enemy who is still struggling in the ice? 】

Looking at the mental state that was almost hard to calm down, the Commander of the Rock Dragon, who went straight to the subject, asked him in this way.

"Ahhhhhhhhh... after all, I think the chief has only experienced such terrible battles, leaving a lot of inner impressions! But for the situation where no one of us can subdue this monster now, every one of us is afraid of it. Will suddenly break free!"

"Then we wiped out the young masters unscrupulously... After all, our lives don’t matter~ but the young masters who don’t have their own missions are different, because there is no news from His Royal Highness Yun. Midway..."

Similarly, after knowing what the commander of the rock dragon would ask himself, the rock warriors who were hesitant to speak first or after a long time in their thoughts gave them a complete explanation of why they were so nervous. .

It is true~ From the perspective of the current situation, it is true that this situation where Gruut has not been completely eliminated, belongs to the situation that almost all the rock warriors who can say that the dragon without a head are most afraid.

After all, Kirito and the others were really completely fought again and again, so if they were forced to return their spirits one by one, Aisha and the others, who had lost the only magical circuit connection of Yun, would naturally not be able to return to this place again.

This is why Kirito and the others are so aggressively pushing towards the inside after breaking through the gate of the defender, instead of doing follow-up support points. Who makes it more and more difficult for them to grasp the whereabouts of the cloud, it is too hasty to cause the current situation. Embarrassing situation...

(I don’t even know the risk, but I am very worried about the safety of His Highness Yun. I am afraid that there is no way to slow down like before steadily breaking through here... After all, they want to find and Those who help may be right behind this huge stone gate...)

[I understand! Let's change shifts with other shift workers first! Our body is almost in good shape, and we can personally guard the enemy general! Do you feel a little relieved like this? 】

"Really? Great~ This way we will really feel relieved. After all, it is our strongest combat power except for a few small masters. Naturally, it is much stronger than where we are fearful!"

【That's good! Go on! I will naturally rush over with the remaining companions! 】

"Hmm~Hmm! Everyone waiting for the officers! The subordinates retire..."


And that is, after knowing that what they are worried about is not nonsense, the Commander of the Rock Dragon, who had thought about it, confirmed that his body was almost fully recovered, and promised him this way.

Also, after hearing that the strongest commander of the rock dragon wanted to take the rest of his comrades that should be recovered, so after taking care of Groot personally, he was slightly overjoyed, and he was very relaxed and hurried away from his eyes. ...

(Sure enough, the enemy’s strength is because it did not show up its true strength, and then was sealed by my master first, so that the strength of the enemy now lost to the protection of my master is forced to force every soldier to live in Under its terrible shadow...)

[To be honest~ I didn't expect that we, who had already become magical creatures, would still fear the strong like a creature that was born with it. 】

[But this is how we can continue to maintain the biological characteristics to meet the battle conditions again and again! In a sense~ it's still a good situation where it is very full and true to mix with each other! 】


"Papa~Papa, bang~bang~bang"

And it was after confirming how this strange atmosphere of tension had completely generated tremendous pressure and reaction to the Rock Warriors.

As if the commander of the rock dragon, who smelled the conspiracy, sighed, he hurriedly moved about his huge body, which had just recovered from a serious illness, and then hurried to the place where Gruut was held...

(Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's it, I'm more confused, and then under the next good psychological attack, I will have fear and the brain indiscriminately giving orders! Only then can I regain my freedom!)

(Yes~ Only a few more times, everything will be under my control!)

"Crack~crack~ crunch, squeak~ squeak~ squeak, bang~ bang~ bang"

(It's over~It's over...It's going to really break free from the magical imprisonment ability of the little Now the little masters and them are all over...xN)



"Hmm~hmm? Isn't this the chief? Is it possible~ Did you come to solve this enemy personally?"

"It would be great if so!"

"Sir~Sir!!! xN"


And that is to say, now Gruut seems to be more and more accustomed to using this torn body, in line with the division marks that Asuna deliberately left.

In this way, it made a lot of unbearably sharp and slight collision sounds between the ice, as if it was really loosened by it slowly, and it was about to collapse completely...

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