Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (520) Grut, who has been eating continuously

However, in addition to the rock warriors who provided this ice lotus for the first time to maintain their own effects, and kept giving it magic power, the rest of the rock warriors who had already shaken hands and were now sweating a lot. .

Each of them now had a lot of big eyes, and their arms couldn't stop trembling, causing the entire internal atmosphere to rise to a terrible level of battle.

But at this crucial moment, the giant rock dragons that moved here on foot in time, their huge figures, as if to give them good hope and a sense of temporary comfort, suddenly let the mental state controlled by Gruut. The atmosphere has faded a lot...

(What? The recovery is over so soon? It seems that the damage done before is too negligible! This is troublesome~ After all, these giant dragons are much more determined than the stone people around! Or else~ that end Why did you defect on your own as if you were secretly Chencang!)

‘Gah~gah~gah, ah~ah~ahh, pah~pah~pah’

Naturally, when I saw the giant rock dragons, they slowly appeared in front of it with such unwavering steps, and he knew that the undead dragons had used their existence methods to directly defect to Grut. .

Don't mention how uncomfortable it is in my heart now, after all~ they were made to withdraw from the battle early because of the battle with themselves before, and then cooperate with them even if they withdraw from the battle situation~ still stare at it and never relax. Full of content...

This means that from the beginning, it didn’t seem to know the rock warriors who knew it had no bottom, but were too afraid of it, but were in a state of being prepared for battle at all without being affected, which made Gruut even more uncomfortable. A lot...

[Hmm~hmm! It's freezing really bad~ Well! At first glance, I can slightly understand why you can make such a noise! It's just that it didn't completely block the gaps in the internal cuts that belonged to it. 】

[My fellow citizens! Increase the injection of magic power, and directly fill it up even the gaps. I don't believe it~ What else can you continue to engage in under the condition of complete imprisonment afterwards! ! ! 】


‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣, hu~hu~hu, gada~ gada"

(!!! You group of shameless dragon breeds, dare to do this to me! No~no!!! Stop it!!!)

"Gah~gah~gah, gahda~gahda, pah~pah~pah"

Also, after Gruut has understood some of its sculpting tricks, and gradually became clear by these giant rock dragons, they will also use a lot of magical power to provide the internal gaps in the ice lotus that Asuna left behind~ make the inside completely complete. Fill up all the free spaces.

It can be said that under this kind of operation, Gurut lost the best physical means of directly interfering with the surrounding personnel, and naturally made him stare at his big broken eyes, and kept trying to fight again!

But now I am a tiger, and Pingyang is bullied by a dog, and completely sealed inside. It has no way to complete its escape plan anymore, so it can only try to think about new ways like this with staring eyes...

(Hmm~mm! The strange internal noise like this is gone forever, but~ I didn’t expect my master’s magic sword skills would consume a lot of mana, and we can only fill in the remaining shortcomings. space!)

(From this point of view~ the strength of our lord really should not be underestimated. It is really the only lord worthy of filial piety in our minds except for a fellow who is willing to belong to the undead clan after saving...)



And that is, after completely sealing off Gurut's ability to move further, seeing its indignant and funny appearance inside, the commander of the rock dragon suddenly felt very face and a lot of fun.

At the same time, he felt slightly weakened because he was taking away a lot of magic power in one breath, so after sighing slightly for Asuna's good growth ability.

All the rock dragons seem to be lying prone around this ice lotus, resting in place like this and watching Gruut's other movements...

"Da~Da~Da, hu~hu~hu"

(With a lot of cold air and the accumulation of good ice attribute magic power, I finally understand how Asuna can solve the existence of a good thousand-man general level monster!)

"Is the "Ice Magic Power" of the Yui Goddess protected? It seems~ Asuna can only borrow natural magic power to transform into the effect of ice attributes... But~ I am afraid that it is indeed true for many physical existences. Very restrained control effect!"

"Look at Kirito-chan! That ice lotus~ I'm afraid it is the man behind the seal of Asuna-chan!"

"Ah~Ah! I sensed this non-simple magic permeating situation before entering, so it is clear that it is embarrassing our existence for a long time!"

And it was not long after the rock dragons had just finished dealing with this Gruut matter, and Kirito and the others, who soon rushed from the waiting place behind, stepped into the interior of this arena so quickly.

Naturally, Kirito, who had long been aware of this extraordinary magical power collection, felt such a good cold wind, and at the same time, suddenly understood a lot of what he had guessed before.

In the same way, after Ai Jiang pointed at a huge ice lotus with a jade finger to give back to it, letting it nod so lightly, it replied a lot.

This good ice sculpture feat that can completely suppress the body of the Gurut giant inside and should not be inferior to their magical existence, so that Kirito and the others are more concerned about a lot of direct close observation.

(Hmm~hmm...Is it a simple giant species? It is indeed a bit too pure, but because of this, I can understand why it has a lot of talent for war!)

(But this strong muscle condition ~ I am afraid that is also why Asuna can use magic sword skills to fight against each other, the biggest reason for the lack of preparation, right?)

"The lonely high warrior who respects martial arts ~ and is bloodthirsty as life, this is the strongest bloodline you have inherited! And even if you truly transform into a commander-level existence, you can't resist the warrior in your body after all The surge of blood!"

"I'm afraid you can only blame yourself for being an immortalized giant!"

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, quack, quack, quack’

And when Kirito was so close to zero, he looked up with his small head and melon seeds and observed that he was purely a giant, and there was no strange Chimera-like transformation of the enemy's completely huge body...

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