Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (521) Kirito who blames himself too much

I also understand why he is good at close combat. Asuna, who is the first to use ‘magic’ and ‘sword skills’ together, will be able to force the opponent to use force and technology to decide the outcome of each other.

That's why it's like a summary, but it's not a pun and ridiculous meaning, to change to the mouth-wrenching Gruut, who has already maintained a terrifying appearance like a crown of anger...

Sometimes it is said that Kirito is not black, I am afraid I am sorry for the natural black words that are accurate to the flesh every time!

(This girl... is really bullying!)


That's right~ Even without Kirito's reprimand, it actually knew it itself, that this overly paralyzing situation, in turn, caused such unnecessary trouble to him.

Even if it relies on the micro-movements of its internal body, it still barely makes such a trembling sound, but it no longer has the courage and threateningness of the previous one!

(The fighting spirit and consciousness are still there, which means that it is still in this situation, is it still looking for a way to escape?)

"Well~Well! Work hard! Monster! Let's go! Love Chan! Let's take a look at Asuna Chan and the condition of the gate over there!"



Also, after being able to make a certain degree of unyielding reaction through his own agitation, he almost understood what Gruut was still thinking about.

So logically, holding Aijiang's jade hand, with some Aijiang who is not suitable for this Kirito's behavior, everything left the ice lotus...

"Om~ Om~ Om, Gada~ Gada"

(So ​​serious! Has the rocky body that can almost fully reproduce the human structure in itself become so broken? It looks like ~ even if it is not a serious enemy, Asuna still forced herself a lot...)

"His Royal Highness Kirito...xN"

"It's okay! Keep busy, Ai Jiang, please help them with some cloud potions!"

"Eh~ Eh! But~ Looking at his current physical recovery, I am afraid it should be the strongest special drug that I have used, which in turn produces great side effects and drug resistance. In this way, I can only use other grades. Potion, don't you mind? Kirito-chan!"

And just like this, as soon as I walked to the side of a small cave that was created by the battle between the two sides, the inside was filled with the rock warrior who used it as an emergency medical point, and the unconscious Asuna himself.

When seeing this full of green healing magic, with a group of people rushing to see Asuna's bone-like almost whole body, the time to change the bandage and ointment as quickly as possible.

All of a sudden, it made Kirito a lot of distress for this, and even Ai-chan couldn't bear to pass the small head of the melon seeds, and did not dare to look at the current tragic situation of Asuna.

Naturally, it was the first time that Kirito was approaching the rock warriors who greeted him. The jade hands raised by Kirito signaled them to continue to work, so they slowly came to Asuna and shook hands slowly. Tight her jade hands lowered her head and wept...

(This is the first time... Asuna Chan was sent to the medical room with more bruises again... Sometimes I was still too weak, and the injured Asuna Chan shared her worry for me. Shouldn't be suffering...)


‘Di~di~di, gada~gada’

And just as I feel very sorry for Asuna right now, in fact, Kirito is also in the follow-up and the rock warriors and rock dragons who accompanied him, and has been carefully understanding the various things Asuna experienced during this time and this battle. Horrible experience.

Therefore, after seeing Asuna with his own eyes in this terrible appearance this minute, he burst out a large amount of inner feelings in the first time. I am afraid that this pain and sorrow can only be deeply experienced by Ai-chan, who has a similar experience on the side. Correct……

(Kirito sauce...)


"It's okay to cry! But the catharsis should be modest. After all, all the contributions Asuna Chan has made are not just ghosts. We have more important things to do! Don't we? Kirito-chan"

It is indeed a good thing to deeply feel empathy, and Aichan, who also understands that it cannot stand still, came behind Kirito with such determination.

Then put his jade hand on his little fragrant shoulder, and spoke to him so radically.

That's right~ As Ai-chan said, now their task is not to cry for the many things that have passed, or even regret it too much...

The follow-up task for the two of them now is how to unlock the huge stone gate and support Yun himself, who still doesn't know what the situation is!

"Ah~Ah! There really is no time to waste a lot of precious time here! After all~ Time never waits for us, so we can’t miss a minute and a second because of it! Let’s go! Love the sauce! It’s time to open that door. Up!"

‘Sw~tah, tah~tah~tah’

And after hearing Ai-chan's words and feeling the warmth of the jade hands, Kirito slightly recovered from the excessively negative feelings.

So after wiping away the tears with his sleeves, he reopened the eyes that were immediately firm in consciousness, and then personally came to the door to the next position with the Ai-chan from the back...


"His Royal Highness Kirito and Xiaoai-sama! xN"

"Exemption! Has the mechanism of this gate been found?"

"It's a pity~ I didn't find anything It's possible that this thing is opened from the inside, or it needs a special corresponding method to open it! I'm really sorry for the expectations of your highness and adults..."

Similarly, after Kirito and Ai-chan slowly came to this good because of the reorganization, they converted into two good horror-like monster stone pillars standing around, and then changed to a huge hell-like painting style in front of the stone gate.

The warriors exploring the Rock, who were already devastated and didn't have the slightest clue, welcomed him with such enthusiasm after seeing his arrival.

Naturally, after being questioned by Kirito in this way, he also expressed his doubts and replied to him the best on-the-spot inference he had made.

It can be seen that they did not trigger the corresponding mechanism around this gate, so it is impossible to infer the specific opening mechanism of this stone gate...

(Is it internal or special method? Although it can feel a certain degree of magic power, the source of its magic power is very intriguing... as if someone maintains its blocking effect from the inside.

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