Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (522) Unexpected encounters

"It's really difficult...that is to say, the only way right now is not to break in, but to ask the man behind the scenes trapped in the ice? It's really a lot of headaches..."

And after hearing the surrounding rock warriors speculate on it, Kirito, who also didn't have much method and found for a while, so he used his jade hand to hold his jaw like shattered thoughts...

‘Squeak~squeak~squeak, squeaky~ squeaky~ squeaky’

(What sound? Is it possible that some mechanism was accidentally triggered by us? xN)

"Leave around the gate in an emergency, there is a possibility that something will happen immediately! The entire staff is on the highest alert!"

"Understand! xN"

"Whh~hh~hh, papa~papa"

And it was also at the time when Kirito closed his eyes and began to think about these rock warriors who were able to share relevant memories carefully from the various investigations into the door clues.

Suddenly there was a ringing around this huge stone gate! There was a continuous loud noise as if the mechanism was fully activated.

Kirito, who also understood that this was naturally not a normal phenomenon, immediately retreated to a position far away from the gate with Ai-chan beside him, and at the same time ordered a large number of guards and patrols around him to leave him about 200~300. Meters away...

‘Gah~gah~gah, pah-pah~ pah-pah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh’


‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da’

And just after Kirito and the others retreated to a safer distance, the two stone statues that were supposed to be dead, suddenly resurrected and broke free from the massive rock surface on their bodies.

Unfolding their huge leaky membrane wings in this way, their mouths are still slightly hoarse and roar to the sky!

Seeing that they are now using the countless eyes that shone fiercely like the compound eyes of a spider, and all of a sudden, they aimed at Kirito and the others.

Most of the people who really trigger are probably Kirito and Ai-chan who suddenly approached, which means that the mechanism here is so weak that the fighting power is like a rock warrior, it is impossible to directly trigger it, so Kirito and the others approached it. The special setting is automatically activated.

(What a misstep! We actually made this too obvious mistake. From the beginning, the door here was not a place for small and weak existences to pass through. Once it reaches the point where the opponent can feel threatened by the magic power or ability, its Setting up a defense mechanism will automatically release the originally restrained guards and revive them again!)

"It's so surprising that I can't express this shock in words! Love sauce!"


‘P~p, om~om~om, hum~eh~eh, hum~mah, hum~hum~hum’

After looking at the mess he was making, Kirito reflected on the negligence of the two of them a bit, and then called Ai-chan to take the lead in realizing his own "double black" and stepped out.

Aichan, who naturally understood what he wanted to do, violently smashed the ground on the soles of his feet and used his jade feet to pick up a large rock surrounded by about five people.

He immediately sent a halo of earth-brown magic sword skills, kicked it and flew in the direction of one of them, and then rushed in together!

[Blasting Flame, Random Flame Strike]

‘Om~Om~Om, boom~ boom, 咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, bang~ bang~ bang"

And that is, under the high reminder of the same double life-saving ability, these two weird monsters have a good crimson magic halo all over their bodies, and they suddenly shoot out a lot of blazing flames directly from their mouths and limbs. Proliferation attack.

The other end is wrapped in its own sharp claws with a good magical halo flame of the same color, and then swings the claws from mid-air to directly hit a large number of flying flame blades, and intercepts all Aichan's cover attacks in the air!

They also wield good broken membrane wings, and followed their long-range containment attacks and stretched out their minions to Kirito and the others in the same charge!

Suddenly, under the explosive conditions between continuous attacks and volleys, these four beings directly fought each other like 1v1 in the battle location that they subconsciously delineated...

"Crack~crack, slam~ slam, ding-dang~dangdang, Zi~ Zi~ Zi"

(It’s so hard! It seems that their bodies and the state of being turned into a weapon conjoined are completely connected by a good composite strengthening magic! It means that no matter what the enemy’s attack is, it will seem to be before being completely silent. Do you keep fighting to death or until there are no enemies?)

"Cut~Cut! A group of artificial dolls, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome!"

"Pop~pop~pop, ding~ding~ding"


"Hey~shih~shih, da~da~da"

And these monsters, which can be called gargoyles, are completely different from the many low-level undead armies encountered before!

It belongs to a kind of berserker guard who specializes in attack and assault. It has extremely enhanced attack and defense capabilities, but is so weak that it can only obey a single command.

But also because of excessive pureness and direct violence, in turn, Kirito, who was continuously passively fighting with him, could not spend too much time looking at its action mechanism and its fighting methods.

After all, there is actually only one command in the opponent's mind! ‘Use absolute speed, strength and skill! Annihilate all the existence coefficients that are not of the same race'!

This means that unless the creatures of the undead clan, all creatures or magical creatures that are noticed by it will be completely attacked by them before they lose their breath or silence. They are purely a target that must be killed. It just exists...

And it is such a simple and violent command which in turn has stumped Kirito. Many of Kirito's immediate feelings are obvious, and the natural additional solution is to completely destroy it, I am afraid~ there is not much. The time and energy allowed Kirito and the others to try one by one...

(There is something wrong with Kirito-chan! It seems~ I can only clean up this puppet first and then go to reinforce her!)

[Benglong Jin, Tyrant Wolf Howling]


‘Om~Om~Om, 咚~ 哐, 嘭~ 嘭~ 嘭, papa~ papa’


"Boom~pop~pop, pop~pop~pop"

Naturally, the Aichan on the other side is slightly different. After all, the hunting situation in front of him has quite a lot of experience for such an excessively sudden encounter and rapid entry into a fighting situation.

Therefore, in the situation of being entangled with each other at zero distance, it kept using its own single blow to bombard the straight fist in the body with a single blow, stiffly hitting the body of the gargoyle in front of him!

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