Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (951) After crossing the dangerous road and encountering huge obstacles!

(I have to say~ If my body hadn't been extremely modified and exercised, I'm afraid it would be close to the end, just like the chief priest Glenn Hays behind me!)

   "Water~Water...Hot~Hot...Fast~Fast... Consciousness disappears..."

  ‘P~ta, da~ta~ta, guru~guru’

That’s right~ I’m afraid I’ve been in it for less than a dozen minutes. This sudden flame **** makes him rely on magic as a good method for everything, like Glenn Hays, who is suffering from an instant physical energy tank emptying technique. Same, I immediately fell to the ground and couldn't get up again!

   For this reason, the cloud that can't help it, has always added a certain degree of relief or isolation to its body, like direct high-temperature impact, so that it can be slightly agitated, so hot and confused...

   But after all, there are still some clouds that pinch the stopwatch, so I can only keep it moving fast, and pass through this extreme area before it is completely finished!

  【No Shadow Step】

   [This deity is here~ here! 】

  【Ah~Ah! 】


   After quickly passing through this magma lake area by relying on sword skills and footwork almost like a rush, Yun and the others quickly merged with the original exploratory team!

   "This deity! You came here just right! The stuff behind~ I'm afraid we won't be able to resist it at all!"

   "Hmm~hmm! x"

   It was Glenn Hays who had escaped from the hot environment on his back in Yuncai, so before he could take the opportunity to take a breath, he was pulled by the waiting "Shadow Warriors" to the intersection where he could see the terrain in front of him.

   For this reason, the cloud, which still feels a little weird, also gave Glenn Haiss to the "Shadow Warriors" around him.

   After pouring out his little head so carefully, he began to use a good combination of reconnaissance sword skills inside to further explore the inside...

   "Uh~ uh~ uh..."


   I can only see it in the front position, which is a natural and overly irregular polygon-like spacious area, and in the interior ~ as if it has twice scored, there is a huge hair ball.

   just so blocked a ~ slightly looks like it directly leads to the next area, the exposed part of the entrance and exit position of the traces of trimming.

For this reason~ If you want to go to the next place, you must let this big guy give them concessions. Naturally, most of the monsters are not in such a good mood to make way for you. Most of them will start a bombardment like a bed when they wake up. Everything around is right!

   So~ the ‘Shadow Warriors’ who dare not take the initiative to provoke the battle, they waited for Yun’s personal reconnaissance as if they hadn’t been stunned, and then made the next action plan!

(It’s interesting~ Is it possible that the monsters here can live from ancient times to the present by only devouring magic power? Or simply before being exposed here, they were forced into hibernation by some kind of magic, and they were only consumed by us at very low consumption. Does the action reappear in the world?)

   "We can only wake it up. After all, if we remove it forcibly, we will definitely wake it up halfway! It's better to give her a big one in one breath, and then we can solve it!"

   "Understand! xN"


   That's right~ After the first-hand personal exploration of intelligence has been completely accomplished, after confirming that there is no less disturbing the other party, you can move the way out of the way.

   Yun just confessed to all the "Shadow Warriors", leaving behind two people to guard Glenn Hays, who was almost in a comatose state.

   I took almost 8 "Shadow Warriors" and sneaked up to it first, to see if I could find the weak point of the opponent at close range, and then hit it with a lethal devastating blow...



   And that is, after Yun, they seem to be light-handed but over-swift, directly after touching this big guy who is still hibernating.

   And the cloud is still very bold, he further touched its messy hair that is almost petrified, and then tried to find a hedgehog-like animal, that is equivalent to the soft abdomen that does not exist in armor!

   But it's a pity that it seems like a curled body and sleeping, that is to say, the most vulnerable part is completely protected inside, and it is impossible to easily reach it from the outside.

   For this reason, I circled it up and down several times, and shook his head a lot...

   (Completely sealed ~ as if there is no gap where you can directly start, even if you find a gap where the opponent can breathe, but because it is too small, there is no way to get in...)

   "It's really like a person who sleeps without dripping water. In fact, the self-protection consciousness is extremely strong. It seems that only a **** can be operated!"



  【Benglong Jin】

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 咚~哐, bang~bang~bang’

   also after confirming that it was impossible to see the stitches, I could only say that the most effective countermeasure was really hopeless. For this reason, I took a deep breath to get the cloud, and immediately after taking a good stance in front of any of his body positions.

   opened his eyes once again, facing the petrified hair position, with a blow that sparkled with a blue sword skill halo, which made a straight fist, and then bombarded its hair.

   The time was so intense that it had a compound impact with a good sword skill bonus, and the huge resonance-receiving body shook rapidly in a short time.

   But when he frowned and retracted his fist, the other party seemed to have nothing to Continue to breathe very smoothly, still in a deep sleep like thunder...

   It looks like a sword attack at this level can't hurt the opponent at all. It's a farce!

   (I have used a good physical body to maximize the strength, to use this more classic to attack, after all, I still lack a lot of heat?)

   "It looks like~ it's just physical sword skills or something... I am afraid that it is still difficult to shake this overly rigid and impact-resistant huge body without a higher support and ability foundation!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, patter~patter’

   [Everyone is ready to combine attacking sword skills. This time, let's use a good offensive together to see if we can penetrate the natural defense that the opponent is proud of! 】


  ‘Hah~ Hah, Gada~ Gada’

  【Emperor Heart Sword Thorough Decision-Nine Dragon Strangulation Array】

  ‘咣~咣~咣, 唰~唰~唰, huo~huo, 噌~噌~噌, bang~papa, ding-ding~ 咚咚, 咚哐~咚哐’

   also after confirming that just relying on the power of one weapon system or even one person, it is impossible to shake the opponent at all.

   After almost testing the opponent's defense level, Yun Lima concretized his ‘universal changes’, so that he was divided into two one-handed swords like Kirito with two swords.

   For this reason, it can be said that the "Shadow Warriors" who have concretized themselves with different arms are also in this situation of fully sharing ideas with Yun Telepathy!

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