Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (952) Old Riddler!

Then it is very tacitly shining with colorful, like a rainbow of sword skills halo.

Without hesitation, in the process of moving, under everyone's feet, they collectively portrayed a nine-striped winding and demonstrating in all directions, the vivid Nine Dragons dance pattern.

Even among them, 9 circling five-clawed oriental dragons were transformed, and they attacked all the enemies in the large array~ together they caused 81 destructive strikes!

"Uh~ uh~ uh..."

"Shuh~huh, papa~papa"

(Not only is there no such thing as a shit, but it even feels like a mosquito bite. Do you use your huge claws to grab the place I attacked? How hard is this guy's skin!)

[That’s enough...]

"Papa~Papa~Papa, da~Da~Da"

That's right~ That is, under such a good offensive, even one of the opponent's vellus was not removed, and it made him feel a little itchy after scratching with his huge claw.

I saw Yun and the others as soon as they landed, they all showed a dumbfounded look, and felt a lot of headaches for a while...

[Look over there~ the deity! Because of the attack situation just now, this big guy actually turned over and let the path behind reveal himself! So can we just walk over? 】

[This~this... well... we lost, clean up~ clean up, let's go to the next place first! It seems that these monsters are like mascots, they don't feel like a guardian at all! 】

【understand! xN】

"Shuh~huh, da~da~da"

Indeed~ just after the blow was unsuccessful, and it felt that there was no harm at all, the salted fish turned over and gave up a wide avenue.

I feel that I and the "Shadow Warriors" are just like jumping clowns, and there is no threat to the enemy.

Knowing the facts very clearly, he sighed so deeply and shook his head, taking the "Shadow Warriors" directly into the next zone...

"Da~Da, Da~Da~Da"

(Okay! After a few levels, will you come to a new challenge of such a great difficulty? The cliffs of this vast abyss, and the estimated width of the crack distance of 1000~1500 meters!)

(Moreover, there is nothing to climb, land and other terrain conditions. Isn't this just letting us fly over with our wings?)

"Even this time without magic assistance, although it can be done, but it is really a bit exaggerated..." The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://


That's right~ after Yun and the others hurriedly passed through a tunnel less than 300 to 400 meters, and stopped like this, they came to a cliff less than 20 meters wide.

This time, the gravel falling into the deep abyss disappeared continuously, and the direction of the next entrance and exit was obvious on the other side like a small hole in front of you.

For a while, he couldn't help but frown a lot, and sighed how much the designer here loves to make fun of people!

After all, the initial condition for entering is to repair the inscription technique based on the remaining ancient books, so as to activate the entrance and exit conditions here!

Not only that~ the follow-up is also a guessing; it is also a magma lake single bridge; it is also a situation of encountering a huge beast to block the door, which has made Yun feel a lot of disgust.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

It’s good now~ It’s like testing whether he has any unique skills. It’s almost difficult for ordinary people to climb to the sky...


(There are no institutions around, it seems that we really want us to find a way to fly over by ourselves, a design deliberately used to make things difficult for people!)

[This deity! What are we going to do? 】

[I can only use a little sorry for everyone! 】

[It’s okay~ It’s our best value to serve the deity! So let's get started! 】

[Hmm~hmm! 】

"Then ~ ready to go..."


"Eh~ Eh~ Eh?? Who is pulling me???? Lord Glenn Hays Lord???? What's wrong?"


And that is to say, Yunzheng is preparing to use a little like rocket propulsion, sacrificing a large number of "Shadow Warriors" in the airborne situation during the take-off.

Suddenly, the soles of his feet were embodied, forming a temporary platform jump in mid-air and leaping over the past point in time.

Suddenly, a big hand pulled the corner of his clothes from the back, and turned his head as if he was forcibly interrupted.

I saw Glenn Hays, who was awake at some time, and it was the culprit that prevented him from moving further.

For this reason, I’m afraid that I think it has something to say, so I consulted it so patiently!

"Master Yun~ There seems to be something written on the rock over there! After all, it is too conspicuous for me, but I can't make any big moves for a while, so I invite Master Yun to go and see for yourself!"

"O~O? There is such a thing? I'll go and see!"

"Da~Da~Da, 唰~Da, 唰~唰~唰"

Naturally ~ Suddenly I saw Glenn Hays pointing to Yun's right hand, on a natural stone that still looked quite conspicuous, and was a little familiar with the text.

Immediately, I felt what a sloppy cloud I was just now, so I trot to it in and wiped the dust on it with my big hand, and just observed what was written on it!

(Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's still the same as the ‘run text’ but what's the hint?)


"That... seems to be'needs, fire, sun, precipitation, ice, and joy'? What kind of messy reminder is this? Can I use magic, okay... Otherwise everything is simple! QWQ"

Indeed~ that is, after Yun slowly translated it, after the prompt words written above, it can be said that he immediately complained about it again and again, and talked to himself a lot...

After all, it is the same as what he said, if there is magic, these similar things, I am afraid it can be said that there are a lot of things at your fingertips! But now there is no such leeway, OK!

(Wait for a minute~ If you use inventory and warehouse items! It seems not impossible!)

"Oh~hhhhhh! Sample, see if I don’t see if I can get it right away! Is it difficult for me because of this? I started to have modern technology and the development of human civilization in my hand!"

‘Boom~boom~boom, da~da~da, boom~bang, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

The same~ After starting from the content of the things that work now, I suddenly recalled many items that I had placed in the warehouse and inventory at the beginning, and the smiling clouds showed a very unruly appearance.

It began to visualize many things, and began to make further preparations!

First, he embodied a torch, flint, ice cubes, water and other things stored in the container!

For this reason, I also produced a lot of things like musical instruments, and distributed them to Glenn Hays and all the "Shadow Warriors" around him, so they didn’t know what they were going to do. They looked at each other and spread their hands !

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