Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The familiar feeling of Christmas Eve and Christmas (953), shouldn’t it be...

Remember in one second【】

"Then~ under my signal, let's sing and dance together!"

"Oh~oh~oh!! xn"

That's right, after seeing Yun pull out all the weird things from his inventory again, to be honest, there are some things Glenn Hays can't understand.

It can only be equivalent to following the actions of the surrounding shadow warriors, so imitating as much as possible, this time following the foolishness.

Now, after only seeing the clouds lit the torch with flint and steel, I poured water into a metal spray can with a pressure effect and sprayed it around.

In this way, the shadow warriors use the joyful dance steps and singing to surround a rising bonfire and place ice containers around them, just like laughing and singing, singing praises to the sun!

Although Glenn Heise and Yun didn't know if they met these prompt conditions, they could only say that they were obedient to their destiny, and they could only take a gamble on this!

Gata Gata, Hu Hu Hu

(I have a reaction, I have a reaction! I didn't expect that this mischief would also have a corresponding effect! xn)

"Look at Lord Yun over there! After the mechanism was activated, a beam of light appeared on the center of the hanging position! But it did not extend in one direction as usual!"

"There seems to be something that distorts the light, causing it to show a trace of multiple refraction!"

"Hmm! This is! The good guy really hid his hand! Almost deceived!"

Patter, patter

That's right, it was after hearing the sound of the mechanism, and then from the position directly above the entrance on their side, suddenly along a 45-degree angle, shining in the direction of the corresponding abyss!

Suddenly, there was a multiplicity of refracted effects in all directions, and for this reason, I found that they were almost fooled by the designer again.

He hurriedly came to the edge of the cliff corresponding to the expected position of a straight line, and surveyed it at close range as if he squatted down...

Hu Hu Hu, Da Da Da, Pap Pap, Huh La Huh

(Sure enough, there is a bridge directly to the other side, simply because it has a similar effect like optical camouflage, making it invisible!)

"Just over here! Let's go!"

"Hmm! xn"

Ta ta ta

That’s right~ that is, after finding a further invisible path, the clouds who let a few "Shadow Warriors" open the way in front of them, they quickly walked up and walked on a road. I am afraid that they will be covered with sand and stone roughly in front. A shoulder-to-shoulder path up...

It can be said that Yun and the others did not dare to relax their vigilance too much even if it was halfway forward at a fast speed!

After all~ it is inevitable that there are still designers who have a bad taste, and there may be two or more traps on the way...

But~ Generally speaking, it was not as troublesome as expected, after all, they came to the other side in less than 10 minutes.

For this reason~ After looking back at the direction of the road that is still not visible, he continued to pass through the tunnel on the side to the next zone so quickly!


(Is it just a room with a door? And this familiar sense of sight, is it possible that it is the same as Ain Grandt in the world over there, the boss level of the final maze? Is it really missed for a time? Less...)

"I have to say~ it does smell like that! It looks like it might be Lord Glenn Haiss, you have to wait for me here a little bit!"

"What do you mean? Is it possible~ There is trouble here, is Master Yun afraid that I will get in the way?"


It was also in this situation that Glenn Hays reconfirmed it after suddenly knowing what the cloud meant!

After all, it also knows that it is really useless, but it still wants to be a witness, and it wants to go in and pay attention to the possible situation of the battle this time!

For this reason, I saw that it looked a lot of seriousness this time, and Yun did not hesitate for a while!

"I know you are very conscientious, but if you don't have the fighting capacity and you want to go in, I actually can't guarantee your life safety!"

"But if you can hold this weapon and even learn from it the skills I have been using, you can still use a few tricks! I can consider taking you in!"


Yes, seeing it might be disobedient, and under the visual perception that I wanted to force it in, I thought of a compromise.

So it embodies a good quality long gun that is more than 3 meters long, and speaks to it like this!

(Learning new skills? It just so happens that I am also very interested! I even feel I can't ask for it!)

"Come on! Master Yun please also enlighten me!"



And after confirming that he was willing to learn, Yun explained the principles of sword skills very simply.

Then let him and his own less capable "Shadow Warrior" after the actual combat drill, see if he can quickly improve his proficiency, so that he can use more than 2 of the most novice sword skills!

‘Huh~huh~huh, huh~huh, huh~huh~huh"

"How is it? Master Yun? Are you able to go to the battlefield?"

"Goo~ Lu"

It also took about 15 minutes to look like, it can be said that there is a Glenn Hays who can use about 4 sword skills in the same way, so she feels courageous to it.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is the next page ^0^

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