Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 334: The new unique shield sword skill "Rock Fortress"

And Kirito, who was floating in the air, couldn't help but admire Frans subconsciously. The clever relief of this sword skill made him forget that he was currently in a passive state.

   (It still hasn't disappeared? Then you can fly with the real body!)


  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Bamdang’

Looking at the fact that there are still many Kiritos in front of him, Frans, who has not stopped his sword skills, is directly accompanied by a more violent centrifugal force, using his feet to destroy the surrounding ground, rolling up a burst of waves. The gravel has turned into a storm of indiscriminate damage and gravel full of crisis.

   (This is? Is it possible to mix in sharp or crushed stones to damage us?)


  ‘Huh~huh, ding-ding~dangdang’

However, after seeing this wrong situation, all Kiritos all waved the two black swords in their hands at a time, rotating their bodies like this, like a group of phantoms dancing, and in turn chopped the big stones into more fragments. Fine, let them simply become sandstorms.

   (Almost! The next step is for everyone to bear and protect themselves collectively!)

However, when all Kiritos were completing this action, they wrapped their heads with elephant-like cloth, closed their eyes and covered their mouth, nose and ears, just listening to the squally wind roaring outside, and continued to sway and wait together. It's over.


   (This is... damn!)

   "Oh~hh~hh! I actually used this method to end my attack...hh~hh~hh..."


Although this attack is very fierce, and the eye of the eye used by Frans is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful this kind of dust is too fine, he cannot be completely undisturbed. It didn't take long for him to feel his eyes. It was dry and uncomfortable, and the nose and throat were dusty.

   made him subconsciously stop his violent movements, and directly spun on the ground, trying to rub his eyes or even coughing and spitting out sweaty and sandy saliva. It even made him feel uncomfortable.


   "Don't come here! It's not over yet~"

  ‘咣~咣, bang~嚓, guru~guru’

Seeing this situation, the two Moss who were about to run into the field were stopped by their wave of hands. He subconsciously embodied a crystal from his inventory and smashed it all at once. In a moment, a large amount of liquid was crushed. He wrapped it, and quickly wrapped up a large amount of dark stuff from his body.

   Then he asked him to solve his own problem, and after drilling out the liquid again, he continued to raise the weapon shield and looked in the direction of Kirito who had just fallen.

   "O~O? Your rescue situation is quite interesting? Is it possible that this thing is the ability to extract unnecessary substances and liquids from the user's body?"

   Kirito, who just stepped on the ground and stroked his chin with his jade hand, asked him that way.

"Ahhhhhhh! After all, this is the'stripping crystal' that occasionally falls into the hands of high-level vendors, and the effect is very different from what you said! You are indeed a well-informed His Royal Highness Kirito. I didn't expect to know it by just looking at it. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's working! And I said that it will be true. Just this phenomenon will end the battle. I am afraid that His Highness Kirito will feel boring, right?"

I immediately felt relaxed. Frans, who had not been infected by sand or stones such as mucous membranes, smiled and confessed its efficacy. After all, they said at the beginning that there were no secrets. Of course, it was before these things appeared. , Naturally, not everyone will spread their cards first.

   (That's it! It should be an information exchange, right?)

"In that case! This skill of mine also divides myself into plural and more real existences. Although I am inferior to me in various aspects, it should be difficult for you to distinguish between true and false to a certain extent? After all, it will be very painful! "


   And the Tongren also smiled and raised the black sword in their hands, and lightly stroked the stones around them, before they shattered in front of several people together.

   (I'm going... there is still a certain degree of attenuation? Then how much can I tell the authenticity of them? I'm afraid I will get a knife before I can tell, right?)

   After seeing Kirito unreservedly introduced these Kirito abilities to Moss and the others, they all started to sweat for a while.

   (Anyway, it's been picked up! I'm so sorry to your Highness Kirito and ourselves if you don't finish the fight!)


   "Come on! I haven't fallen and conceded yet!"

   After cheering up slightly, Frans tapped his shield with his spear, and became so provocative towards Kirito and the others.

   "O~O? I dare to say it! Then don't blame me and bully less!"


   After watching Frans still maintain his fighting spirit, the Tongren laughed very coquettishly, and once again attacked him in all directions.

  ‘Ding Ding~Dangdang, 唰啦~唰啦, 嘭~嘭, patter~patter’

   But despite what Kirito said, Frans seems to have undergone some subtle changes now, he has become faster and he has also caught the current strength of the Kirito mass attack.

Even if Tongren’s attack speed angle is very tricky, he still has a slightly yellowish sword skill on his as if his own defensive ability and reaction speed are still slowly improving, even starting to continue without After the intermittent Kirito attacked in a series of eight times.

   had the opportunity to hold the spear in his hand to stare at the timing, and quickly pierced the two Kirito's bodies, causing them to shatter and disappear like petals.

(this is?)


   (Oh~ hehe! Frans actually used that! Uniquely matched with the shield sword skill "Rock Fortress")

   "It seems that Frans is gradually getting better by his Highness Kirito, and he has used his masterpiece! I don't know how his Highness Kirito will deal with this offensive and defensive counterattack skill!"

   "Hmm~hmm! I am looking forward to it!"

   Seeing that now Frans has actually shot down Kirito's avatars one by one, it is gradually understood that he is not a big target that can only be beaten, but a strong enemy who really shows his strength!

(I understand! That's why it is the standard configuration, which gives him the most suitable defense and counterattack range. If it is replaced with a more close-range weapon, although it can maximize the attack speed, power, and response ability, but if it encounters the same It would be helpless if the long-handled wide-handed weapon is used for offensive weapons!)

(And he can rely on the strong enough strength of his own shield, and minimize the consumption of physical and mental stance defenses, so that remote personnel who are extremely far away and do not have efficient penetration weapons are completely helpless! This is his own choice. A mixed tactic of armed and own characteristics!)

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