Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 335: Earth-based summoning magic with different miraculous effects depending on the s


   ‘whew~whew, patter, patter, bang, bang, huh, huh’

Then its action was not finished, just like a roar and a whirlwind, a big hammer centrifugal force rotating attack, regardless of the enemy and us, together smashed all the stone soldiers that did not react in one breath, and finally collapsed like a daze. I fainted on the ground...

It was a daze that Yun and Lisbeth who were present were confused. After all, the speed of the battle was too fast, and the gameplay was not according to common sense. After the entire stone **** duel, they both had no response for a long time. ...

"Ah~Ah~Ah! This is an unexpected situation! Lisbet sauce! Can you explain to me what kind of weird orders you have given them? This chaotic method of warfare ! Although I can’t agree, I still have temporary resilience! But I don’t think it will be your orders and ideas!"


After regaining his senses and slapped his face with his hand, some of them were confused and also felt that it would not be Lisbeth’s credit or the cloud of thought, so he scratched the back of his head and walked over with a serious look. Asked her.

"Ah~ah! In fact, I really just twisted my body in a mess like what the master saw, and even a little incoherent, I didn't say anything clearly, so... they seemed to understand something from it, and acted and defeated it by themselves. Master...but this kind of tactics really taught me a lot!"

Seeing Yun questioning his appearance so seriously, he knew that Lisbeth, who was unexpectedly used in actual combat, was not a product of his own, and reported to him in a frank manner, without any adulteration at all. It must be very well-behaved!

(So ​​that's it! I can't see that this only trained Earth Summoning Art, does its summons still have certain consciousness and their own thinking ability? This can be used as a good reference and used in some cases. It should be There will be unexpected effects!)

"Ha`ha~ha! Interesting! Then our mission objectives have changed! If it has this feature! It is very suitable for you now that no one is watching the night, and then I have to cooperate with my next day's exercise and mission situation! Lisbeit sauce ! These 4 magic stones are left for the three of you to put in your inventory, and then one spare is prepared!"

   "After all, it's just to master the summoning magic! I can't use up their magic power! Do you understand what I mean?"

After slightly obtaining some information about the summoned object from Lisbeth, and combining the vigil that the three of them had worried about before, Yun felt that this summoning magic was particularly suitable for their current training needs. After all, its usefulness can be said. Various according to the situation! If it is done well, it can be used as a means of life-saving for them, maybe!


   Therefore, with the actualization of himself, he put the magical stone, which exuded a lot of magical power, into her hand!

   (Summon magic? Can I have my own support staff later, and even exercise my weak tasks? It feels great!)

   "Understood! Leave it to me! Master! But... how do you use the magic stone as a medium to perform this summoning magic?"

Although Lisbeth saw the previous stone soldiers battle scene, and recalled that she had performed the bottom on the first day before, she put away the other Philosopher’s Stones, and then clenched the remaining one and frowned at the cloud. Asked head-on.

"Well~ well! I'll explain the principle to you, plus the slow movement of splitting again, you should understand! After all, its overall difficulty is not difficult, it must be said that the operation, perception, and control of magic power will be somewhat That’s it! Come on! I’ll show you a demonstration! That’s it, then..."

   Seeing Lisbeth in front of him ignited a curious look, Yun started to explain and teach in detail...

"Call ~ call! Fortunately sauce! You said cloud brother in what kind of special sauce Liz Gifted ah?"

"I don't know! At least Lizchan's strength and physical ability are many times that of ours, so compared to sword skills or something, maybe Big Brother Yun wants to teach her brainpower or commander, right? Silica-chan, do you think about it? Now, on the score sheet, Liz Sauce was given the lowest score for this aspect, which has greatly hindered all her performance!"


   On the other side, Silica and the others, who still completely relieved the sequelae of hard physical training, just ran to the side of the stream to catch fish.

After all, Yun said that the supper vigil is an exception this time, and the rest is still dependent on their self-reliance, so although there are still some muscles slightly sore and weak, they have to think that they may have no food today. Light-strength aquatic animals like screws, shells, and mussels in the stream are preparing for today's feast.

   "That's right! Wow! Some crabs and river prawns!"

   "Quick~Quick! Catch them! This is today's meal!"

   Seeing this cute situation like a The two happily used some props to capture today's rich and colorful food!

   "Compared to this! Is it okay for us to do those physical training? It feels a bit worse than yesterday's intensity! I can still continue to exercise, at least I can still be a little self-knowing about this!"

"Forget it! That was the first day of the present tense formally about physical training content, our body muscles these reactions have not officially appeared! If you guessed it correctly! When our muscles relax tomorrow morning, we will know that the pot is It's made of iron! If you practice again at this time, I'm afraid I will only collapse in the ground tomorrow, and I don't know how long it will take to recover!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Also, just like before when we were in physical education class, because we exerted too much effort on the first day, the muscles aches all over the next day and there was no way to ease it. We had to wait for it to recover by itself! "

And when Silica felt that her training intensity was acceptable, and she even wanted to practice more, she shook her head and warned her like this. It reminded her of the pain in the previous physical education class, and she shivered with fright. He obediently took the opportunity to relax his muscles and get ready for the recovery of the next day's training...

  ‘Boom~Boom, boom~Rumble"

"Call - Call ...... seems to find some trick up! Division Carpenter! Do you think I called out something! Although some appearance is not very tasteful! But on the order of completion I was quite confident!"

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