Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 555: Lisbeth

But some Lisbeth, who didn't know him well, was very nervous all the time, observing the body of the big worms that were swaying and swaying everywhere around them, piercing through a hole.

Now let her head wriggle like a cold sweat and unstructured, so let alone let her command the summoned beast army composed of three team components, even the one she created by herself is enough to make the opponent headache.

This current situation is almost a mess, there is no tactical tactics at all, which fully reflects Lisbeth’s shortcomings in tactics and strategy in emergency situations, and she leads troops like her. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? , Will be defeated sooner or later...

(I can’t go on like this! Just relying on Lord Lisbeth’s rampage is like a wild boar, I’m afraid we will be annihilated here in less than ten minutes!)

"Liz Beit, your subordinates dare to hand over the command of the army to our team summoned by Master Yun! If this is the case, I am afraid that your head will soon be overheated! At that time we are all over, even though our rocky inanimate bodies are nothing, it would be very bad if the first person were gone!"


After observing that the current situation is really urgent, the standard-looking Stone Soldier Captain Yun summoned suddenly stood in front of her, forcing her to be so bold and forced to hand over military power.


"Please also Lisbeth-sama's permission, otherwise your life will be very worrying! xN"

Although many summoned beasts thought that the head of the stone soldier was really joking about his life, they thought that the only flesh and blood in the entire army was when Lisbeth was alone.

They all understood the deep meaning and painstaking effort of their words for the first time, and they couldn't help but gather their formations, starting from the internal idle personnel and asking them boldly like reconsideration.

It can be seen that their top priority is no longer to complete strategic goals and unconditionally follow their commander's instructions, but to save Lisbeth's life as the most fundamental core.

(You are...Is it really as weak as I just analyzed it myself? To be honest, it's impossible not to hurt the heart...)

"Tsk~tsk~tsk... Didn’t you even think that I’m a burden? That’s good! Whoever likes this commander, just be yourself! But I’ll stay by your side and see who it is. More suitable for this position! Huh~huh!"

To be honest, although she also knows she is not the so-called commander, but she also wants to be Yun's direct disciple, plus this is the first time Yun has given her a team like this, letting her commander become such a chased ass. He looked embarrassed, slightly holding back the flame of anger in his heart at the beginning.

Lisbet, who finally calmed down, just wanted to not lose face and behaved very stubbornly. After all, she knew that only in this way could she be able to learn from the side and even fully understand herself under the actions of others. Defects.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a good thing that she has been in a situation where she is a fan of the authorities. If she jumps out, it will be much better.

(This stubborn temper... But fortunately, I am willing to give in. If it is stalemate... it will really have a headache! xN)

"Okay! Listen to my instructions, all the teams will be transformed into a 4-line formation, ready to break through from two directions at the same time! The Wolves and I led Lord Lisbeth in, and the Wyvern team and Lord Lisbeth are directly under the control of the team. When the Stone Soldiers go out, there must be no mistakes and a two-pronged approach is needed to see the difference!"

"Hey~hey~hey! Ah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."


"Understood! (gia~aa oooo~oo!) xN"

‘Papa~Pada, Boom~Boom~Boom, Papa~Da~Da’

After confirming that the command was transferred, the head of the stone soldier immediately divided the army into two poles, and then threw Liz Beth on a support mount wolf, without a trace of Liz again. When Bette reacted to the situation, it stepped on the giant wolf carrying Lisbeth, and drove it to its intended combat position.

(So... Am I just a tow bottle? I didn’t even reveal the battle plan, so I came to this kind of all kinds of advocacy things, then~that? How should I observe and study by myself? Ah! Can anyone tell me about its strategy or tactics? I really want to be fortunate when they are with the masters and craftsmen by their side! Woo~oooo...)

To be honest, I'm afraid that this time, this kind of subordinates really can't stand the situation of rebelling against the guest. It is the most low-ranking time in Lisbeth's life. Not only is the opinion completely deprived, even his subordinates don't believe her mind. Whether it is easy to use, even the direction of the cannon fodder and the tool as the basis are not affected.

The commander of the Stone Soldier who was summoned by the hand of Yun completely behind him, as her military commander, even said that she was a plenipotentiary, protecting her from this painful despair.

However, according to this situation, if Lisbet, who is always weak now, does not have such a person who can advise him, I am afraid that most of it is here today, right? In a sense, she is still a very lucky Maybe she should never die!

【sorry! Lord Lisbet! I know that you need more hardships and training to thrive, but this battle may be too burdensome for the adults who are born with calves. Don’t worry, I’ll give them slowly while dispatching the sergeants. You carefully explain some basic strategy and tactics knowledge! 】

[It's okay! I am also a big old man, although sometimes my mind is fine, but I don’t have any talent in this after all. Please teach me carefully! 】

【natural! First of all, why should I...]

In the course of the action, although Lisbeth was always a little confused and very discouraged, but in this situation with the Stone Soldier Captain riding in front of and behind her supporting mount.

The head of the Stone Soldier began to apologize to her in private chat and slowly teach her. It can be seen that it did not completely overhead her, but at the same time as the whole battle decision-making, for her new growth and Yun did not have time to educate her. In the situation, she should face the growth alone.

"Boom~cock, patter~patter"

[Wolves and my team members are directly facing their moving ground below, using high-intensity bottom-up ‘stone spikes’, and then use this to block the opponent’s actions or signs of life! This is the anti-terrain use we are best at, plus the mastery of the special variable of magic! Look at Lord Lisbet! The other party was completely reversed by us! 】

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