Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 556: Meeting of 5 people

Knowing how to entertain them with this rare and precious ingredient, Kusharrati directly admired Asuna and praised Asuna's detailed analysis.

(It seems that most of them were the horses who came here with the army at that time? After all, from yesterday to today, I and my subordinates privately investigated, there is no military horse here in the stable. Obviously these are the excellent military horses, but why Don't they stay here for a short-term need? Is it possible that even if they leave, there is no need for them to rely on horses?)

"Yeah! Tomorrow's generals, it seems that our brothers also got horse meat dishes yesterday. Is it possible that people at this level prefer to keep them in their stomachs than raising horses? After all, only that is the safest Right? Ha~ha~ha!"

In fact, Rudd also wondered why Asuna and the others didn't attach importance to the use of military horses, and even slaughtered them and sent them to their banquet.

But you can’t let the other party answer that these horses were all killed by a certain woman, right? After all, according to the truth, if you don’t know how to do a lot of things afterwards, it is purely self-inflicted and you cannot live!

"In fact, this is not the case. We did not intend to kill them, but their own situation is very unoptimistic. If they are not killed by their own hands, it might be a cruel fate for horses.... Actually It is sent before Lord Aldo, that is, before the squad leader and his team, as well as Lord Kusharrati and his subordinates!"

"Our checkpoints and the corps leader team have been attacked by unknown enemies. Although the number of opponents is small, they consume a lot of people in our hands without loss, and these military horses in the plate are the things that were accidentally injured or killed at that time. Instead of hiding them, it’s better to use them rationally. What is the most basic way for our army to deal with them? Please understand that the two adults are..."

Even after being mentioned in this way, Asuna closed her beautiful eyelids slightly, and after a little thought, combined with the fact that Kirito had once attacked that Wu, she responded with such serious and earnest words to the two of them.

(The enemy has been here before and launched a surprise attack? That's it! Then the traces of the battle in those locations and the situation probably make sense. I thought it was a civil war between us humans at first, but I didn't expect it to be like this. The result...x2)

"Hmm~hmm, that's it! These military horses can be regarded as a great contribution to us in a lifetime? Whether in life or after death, they are one of the greatest heroes!"

"Yes! It would be a shameful blasphemy if we can't taste and cherish their contributions like we are grateful!"

Seeing Asuna's very uncomfortable silence, after looking at the horse meat dishes that they had tasted a little bit in front of her, she slightly closed her eyes and folded her hands together, and gave her a few bows to know why she sacrificed. The reason why these horses entertained them.


"Ahhhhhhhhhh! What else is this uncomfortable topic? Asuna Sister!"

"Yes! Seeing the two adults and Asuna-sama are so solemn and quiet, I thought I was in the wrong place!"

And just as the three of them were expressing condolences for these horse meat dishes, Hexiang and Yinxue who came in afterwards showed cute smiles and tried to blend into their topics.

(This is really a scene of heroines not letting beards and eyebrows! Especially the black-haired woman in it. It feels that she is definitely not capable of describing the strength of a hundred people. It seems that this Asuna-sama is not easy! x2)

"Ha~ha~ha, welcome the arrival of the two Hundred Generals!"

"Yes! It is a great honor for us to be able to witness the heroic appearance of three hundred generals!"

At the same time when Rudd was disturbed by the girls with a very obvious contrast between black and white, Rudd and Kusharrati could see from the first glance that Hexiang had some unique feelings, after all, as Yui goddess acting Valkyrie She, no matter how simple and low-key to cover herself, there is no way to erase her unique sense of existence.

So this is another reason why Kirito would take her into his actions. Because of her solemn and positive atmosphere, it makes it easier for her to fall in love with the possibility of their words. The so-called humanoid beacon-like positive characters are reasonable. Own it.

That’s why they are sometimes suspicious and even have a brain, and they will be a little bit jealous and even change to confuse the audiovisual effect. When they see that Kazuka is so willing to be under Asuna, the two of Rudd are even more concerned about Asuna. More conjecture and awe.

"Good talk~ good talk! Wait for everyone to have a meal together, let's talk about business together!"

"Good~ good! Please~ please! x4"

And just after the 5 people met formally, they each began to enjoy the delicious food from Asuna...

"Since everyone is here, I don't know if Asuna-sama, can I tell you about the situation of the enemy who attacked here before?"

"Yeah! If we now understand the facts and slowly join together ~ Most of the many situations will point to this magical army, obviously they are holding various fortress defense armaments. It’s possible that the mastermind who attacked everywhere trying to cause us to fight each other!"


Also while having a meal together, Asuna, Rudd, and Kusharraty all exchanged their respective information. Among them, Rudd and Kusharraty’s information is true and reliable, but they are giving priority to listening to Asuna. The information given was slowly made public.

What is more miraculous is that Asuna’s intelligence almost completes a lot of information that the two parties have been missing, and it is still the degree of agreement with little doubt and controversy, although occasionally there are still some inaccuracy or ambiguities. But generally speaking, most of the things they are difficult to understand have changed a lot.

At the same time, the intersection of these intelligence points is that this level is the center, forming an invisible connection between the fortress and the lizardman camp, as well as the Kirito camp, which has been known but has no special operations.

After all, according to Asuna, their level was built before the lizardman camp was attacked. After the "Ancestor Totem" was sent and followed by Boran’s army, they were divided and built quickly. After the attack and many things before...

Also in order to determine the authenticity of what he said, the two of them were also buried where the sacrificed soldiers he said were buried, and found a large number of cemeteries and internal corpses, almost in line with what Asuna said.

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