Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 557: 3 People must have my teacher, and all the knowledge of the cloud is not necessa

【true! Worthy of being my acting teacher! It was really great, and I learned a lot! 】


‘Clap~clap, hiss~his~his, buzz~boom’

And just when Lisbet followed the command of the stone soldier squadron and was taken out of the enemy's encirclement by the support mount, she detected that Lisbet escaped like a big fat sheep, and tried to directly track the big bugs that went up. .

Just because of the countless sharp stones that suddenly penetrated their bodies, they were given alive in the middle of the cave when they passed through the cave. The painful torture made them feel uncomfortable until they finally died...

Lisbet, who is also continuing to act as planned, has been sharing his command situation with Lisbet during the journey, so that he can experience its decision and explain it on the spot. Why do you think so, why do you want to wait so boldly for the other party to take the bait situation.

It can be said that all the known intelligence on the battlefield is fully used hand-in-hand to solve the deadly lore situation in front of us, and let it cooperate with the rhythm of the strange stone soldiers and the little flying dragon team on the other side, and it will take advantage of the situation in one breath. The big bugs have become the same as counted by the agency, and most of them have been dealt with temporarily.

Soon their four teams, which were dying in their own right, were brought back to life, and the gap between the two sides that should have existed in all aspects was reversed in a short time, making the other side gradually become passive or even helpless...

(Do you make use of your own basic magical characteristics? That's it. To be honest, magic is really too much magical, so I don’t understand other magic conditions besides knowing and using summoning magic. This is indeed a blind spot of knowledge. what!)

"Nevertheless! Why does the teacher know their movements? Except for the chaotic ground and various sounds around me, I can't understand their specific direction of action at all?"

But even if Lisbeth can slowly watch and understand why she should be familiar with the magic and the nature of her personnel, but when she thinks of the command of the corporal commander, she almost grasps a precise situation, so she can't help but tell her. Be puzzled.

After all, just like what she said, when the other party is in the vicinity of the encirclement, so there is no regularity, so that it is so indistinguishable and confused, the average person will feel very upset or even a little hard to distinguish. It is obvious. The head of the army is different, as if he can put aside these noises and fully perceive the other party's whereabouts.

The ability to be like a fisherman who hits a fish in the water of twists and turns, not affected by the interference of its refraction, this is a key point she wants to learn, as long as she understands her it can grow a lot.

‘噌~噌~噌, 噌~嘭嚓, 咚~咚~咚’

(Ah~Ah! That question!)

"Actually, there is no special mystery. After all, like Lisbet-sama, I have the five senses. Naturally, we are also affected by the same interference, but don’t forget that we are magical creatures and we have something to do with the land. Completely understand the basic nature, so we can use the magic power similar to the sixth and seventh senses to explore!"

"On the other hand, it is a simple analogy to use the surroundings as a sound wave probe in all directions. After all, this usage is completely different from the sound wave. In addition, we are familiar with the earth magic, so it is better than other types. Magical creatures have a lot of familiarity with exploring things on the ground! And as a magic user, Lisbeth-sama can do it too!"

While moving towards the inner depths and continuing to explore the way forward, although the surrounding enemy big bugs are still pouring in on their way, the continuous earth magic attack makes it difficult to keep close in full form. The direction of Lisbeth's troops.

Similarly, the Little Flying Dragon Team and the Stone Soldier Team, which had outflanked the purpose of annihilation, also moved closer to their teams to **** them because of their main tasks.

It can be said that because of the personal dispatch of this stone soldier corps leader, among the four summoned beast teams following the four human generals, the most effective team may only be the discipline of Lisbeth, the most successful army. There is a possibility of strong cooperation!

(What? I can do it too? No way?)

"Teacher, don't make fun of this waste of me. My knowledge of magic and magic is nothing more than this magic stone and the subtle feeling of summoning magic, let alone being able to explore magic alone like a master or craftsman. , Even if I barely used and sensed the magic power of this magic stone, I spent a lot of time, okay..."

But when the head of squadron said that, Lisbet was obviously a little bit depressed. After all, she had also used and learned the magic teachings in Yun's hand, and naturally understood that it was a miracle that she could barely learn it, so she I never thought I had this kind of talent, so I thought it was just playing jokes like How come? Oh~oh! I understand! What is going on! Heh~hhhhhh! In fact, it is not difficult to understand why Lisbeth-sama has this illusion. In fact, ~ Master Yun is also a half-knowledge about the concept of this magical energy system, isn't it? "

"Like his habit, it is to sum up the successful experience that he has studied in his own research, and then he has formed the basic situation of magic that Master Lisbeth is learning. But it is obvious that Master Yun does not have a deep understanding of our summoned beasts. That's right, otherwise his magic usage would be so rough!"

"But the main reason for this awkwardness is that when Lisbeth-sama learned to summon magic, he accidentally discovered that we may have a fatal connection with intelligence, right? I think Lisbeth-sama, who has experienced it personally, should understand me. What do you mean by his words?"

After hearing that Lisbet belittled herself like this, Captain Stone Soldier, who had not thought of the root cause, suddenly remembered the initial situation of Lisbet’s summoning magic in the cloud education, and afterwards, Yun prepared to personally educate the strategy. After the memories of the tactical stone soldiers during the drill, they snickered and responded to them like this.

(Isn’t the master craftsman’s stuff the most right and the most essential part? Indeed... this situation is also something we didn’t doubt. After all, he is the only one who has accomplished so many feats that other people dare not do and dare not think of. The most successful person, that's why the blind worship that Shi Bing said is firmly convinced that this situation happened?)

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