Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (98) There is hope!

"That~that, Silica sauce! Can you see the characteristics of the sheep's head monster and the liquid monster, and the inherent enchantment magic of the primary target?"

After contemplating for a while, Kirito, who seemed determined to ask an experienced person, asked Silica like this without shame.

(Goat head monster and liquid monster? Oh~ oh! Those two on the screen before?)

"Yeah... I'm not sure, it's hard to see the Goathead Monster, right? After all, its fighting method is to use magic as an auxiliary means to strengthen its flesh and sword skills, even at the expense of its own combat methods, I'm afraid it The characteristic of this is to deliberately use these to hide it, and even when you are accustomed to its domineering offensive, it can achieve the effect of turning things around!"

"We must pay special attention to this point, otherwise it will be affected to the point of dying. Even if it is not used, it will be handed over! And the liquid is strange~ Well... After all, it is difficult to guess that it has not been shot yet. Its one or two points of true ability are right!"

After hearing Kirito's sincere advice, I recalled that after watching the video together, he responded to Kirito in such an objective analysis.

(Did you deliberately hide it? After all, the character and play style of this Goathead Monster does have a trace of persistence and weirdness in it after several fights, and it does not rule out such terrible inferences! It seems that these two may be uncertain. Exist, it's better to step back a little...)

"Um~hmm! We will pay attention! By the way, I remember just getting the return from Leo and the others for sending out a scout team! For some purpose, this behind-the-scenes man sent out many of his subordinates and returned to the cloud. In the small world, investigating the six relics of the previous battle! How about ~ let's start with the enemies in these six places first?"

After listening to Silica's advice, Kirito and the others had a little bit of inwardness, so they pushed the main target of attack back to the other 6 enemies who left here!

After all, they know that there are many people in the inner hall of the undead, and even the defense is very tight. Once they use the two ‘beacons’ to launch a surprise attack and are blocked, then the enemy will stop them as if they were called before and after.

Therefore, compared to the decapitation operation at once, it will be more certain and weaker to defeat the opponent's more important foreign aid combat power...

"Uh~hhh! That's not bad! But are we going to wipe out one place in one fell swoop? Or do we split 2~3 teams and break 2~3 places together? Kirito-chan?"

"That's true! Just like Silica's concern before. If we are wiped out in one fell swoop, once the other party receives a report of the last dead generals, it will greatly strengthen the vigilance in the remaining places. If the same trick is repeated at that time It will hit the hardest steel plate!"

After hearing Kirito talk about this situation, everyone really agreed, but doubts naturally existed, so Asuna and Aisha, who had a little right to speak, asked him like this first.

"The tree blossoms! Directly destroy the opponent's 3-way! The team arrangement is the same as we came in, balance the combat power and directly take their 3-way generals!"

"Wait~wait! Kirito-chan! People think it might be better not to disperse the combat power like this! Since they will be alert because of this kind of thing! Then it is better to make them alert! That way, even if they are not eliminated, they will change their direction. Wouldn't it be better for us to counterattack internally if we weaken their combat power? Why not do foreign aids strengthen internal defense?"

But just when Kirito made such a grand announcement, Aisha on the side stood up and spoke directly to him.

"It's true~ If that's the case! We can still achieve our goal, and we will suffer less losses! That's good! Let's attack the other side's two lanes instead, and then act according to the chance to see if we go straight to Huanglong?"

"Wait~Wait! Tongren-chan, I suddenly remembered an important thing! How about we don’t take action for now? There may be something here that will help us a lot and improve the success of our plan. Yes! You almost forgot what Brother Yun confessed to me!"

"Huh~huh, huh~huh"

And just as Kirito was about to change the plan and was about to deploy troops to implement it, Silica screamed as if thinking of something, and at the same time it embodied a lot of messy parchment scrolls, as well as documents and books. Please so please.

(Which is the cause of trouble again...xn)

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! silika sauce

To be honest, it was at this critical point that Silica suddenly made such an incomprehensible move, causing the nearest Asuna to blink the beautiful jeweled eyelid, lowered her body and picked up one or two of the parchment scrolls. , Opened it and asked about it while observing.

"Huh~huh~huh! These are all the books and documents about it that Brother Yun asked us to steal from the black hand behind the scenes! If we don’t guess wrong! This is probably due to the magical characteristics and inherent characteristics of the other party we want to know. Detailed information such as enchantment magic! After all, it looks like its private library, and it is not surprising that it is mostly hidden in it!"

Seeing everyone with their faces full of confusion, Kirito and the others, who didn't know what Silica took out these things, suddenly understood the importance of these treasures in this explanation!

"That's good! Although I am afraid it will take some time! But if we can find the detailed information of the other side's two strategy points! This is our most favorable situation!"

"Hmm~hmm! Sisters, everyone moved your little hands! For our final victory in knowing ourselves and the enemy, it is in our move!"

"Ou~Ou~O!!! xn"

‘Ding Dong~ Dang Dong, Wow~ Wow!"

So they rolled up their sleeves and quickly flipped through each other and searched for all the secrets they wanted to know...

"It hurts... It hurts... I didn't expect that the priest is really a devil! But it seems that this wonderful power has also made a lot of breakthroughs!"

In the cloud room of the undead inner hall on the other side, I felt the cloud that was trembling and painful like a spasm. It just slept on the fur floor before. It was the priest's special use of teleportation magic to prevent him from adding a trace. Suffering, directly sent back to lying on it.

But the sharp nerve response after the speeding regeneration, coupled with the pain refreshed from time to time at that time, made him understand that the physical changes are becoming more obvious and even new progress may be made!

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