Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (Ninety-Nine) Come to the Priest of Cloud again

Although this kind of change of service and ruining oneself is indeed a bit embarrassing for a man... But Goujian, the ancient king of the eastern kingdom, can lie down and try to get revenge, and Han Xin can be humiliated by his crotch a lot! Then why can't he Yuezakiyun accept this good opportunity to strengthen himself in vain?

After all, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, especially now that he is still gaining the trust of the other party. This diligent way of cooperating with the other party can also make him less wary of him again, so that he can prepare for defection afterwards.

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, boom~Boom~Boom, Ga~Da'

"How's it going? Are you recovering well?"

"Priest? Are you here to take the time to see me? It really flattered me!"

But while he was still feeling uncomfortable, the priest sneaked up to the door of his room again, and knocked on the door for questioning.

It made Yun really less and less understanding, why this guy ran to him in two or three days, obviously there are so many messes waiting for it to clean up, but it likes to stick to him~ like a sticky stick on his hand, Can't get rid of...

So Yun looked at it as he slowly opened the door and poked his head in, and some of them responded without understanding.

‘Hu~hu~hu, pa~da, huh~huh~huh"

"It's not because you are a special human being~ Well! Thinking of you more or less have to eat, drink and sleep, I am afraid that you are not used to bringing some good things for you to eat and use to settle you personally. Anyway, you will stay here in the future! It will be very troublesome if you don't prepare some in advance!"

Seeing Yun's unprepared appearance again, it felt like it was just right. Even the self-satisfied priest floated in without a hassle and concretized a lot of good-quality materials, placed in front of Yun and waited for him with such care. Respond to...

(My goodness! It's true that there are all kinds of things for life~ But how do you think these materials should be obtained from my town? Otherwise, how could there be human use materials in an undead gathering place? )

"Thank you priest! But these things shouldn't be the property of the original villagers? After all, think about the situation here and the situation in the prison before being lost...Is it probably right?"

I can see that all kinds of materials are almost complete, but some of them are still stained with blood, stains, etc., which obviously shows that the origin of these materials is not particularly clean.

But~ This is probably a common basic operation for the undead, right? After all, they don’t use these things, and they just throw them aside like garbage...

"Ha~ha~ha, it is true, but since the captives are gone, it’s no harm that we took some, after all, they won’t be needed anymore! Oh, oh, yes! The way their little girls escaped before Not clear, but there seems to be a frown too!"

Hearing what Yun said, it did not make him care too much. Instead, he confessed the ins and outs of these things without concealing it, but the following paragraph caught Yun's attention.

(No? Did you notice it so soon?)

"O~O? How did they escape with so many people? I am also puzzled, I wish to hear more!"

After receiving such a bad news, Yun, who was very vigilant, asked him for advice.

But something interesting is that the priest didn't rush to answer him, but first opened the door and looked around to confirm that there were no people, plus his own magic power to explore the surrounding area and there was indeed no problem.

He closed the door lightly, and slowly drifted to the front of Yun as if he was going to talk about something confidential.

(So...what important news did I find! Could it be that I want to destroy it immediately or do it? Although I am not sure, I can only fight it in desperation!)

"Goo~ Lu"

When he saw that it was not quite right, Yun already had his own plan in his heart, so after swallowing his saliva, he secretly hid it in its blind spot with one hand, and prepared to use the figurative'wan Change', taking the opportunity to give it a fatal sneak attack, prepared.

"It should be some kind of teleportation magic that caused them to leave this temple. If they are not mistaken, their purpose is to steal the important information in my hand, and rescue those personnel to destroy me in one fell swoop! So this matter is yours. Don't tell other lower-level personnel, after all, I have lost one of the most loyal nerds just because of this!"

"If the news is not blocked and it reaches the ears of the people below, I am afraid that the action will be greatly affected when the order is issued. Although it is not clear where they are now, it does not rule out the possibility of being in this temple. So I also strengthened various internal defenses and patrols! You have to forgive me! Yuanxiang!"

Just when Yun was worried in his heart and wanted to take the opportunity to take advantage of it, what it said made Yun relax a lot...

"It turned out to be like this! Although I had vaguely made this judgment before, but I couldn't find a trace of magical power, as if it was a similar but different way to reach the situation among the priests, but I can't say for sure. ..."

So he took the change back again, and then responded with a slight nod, and now he has escaped in a certain sense, otherwise he would really give up his previous achievements...

"O~O? There is such a thing? Is it possible that you have seen special space magic methods other than magic power? What kind of system situation is it? I really care!"

But it's okay not to say that Yun, it seems to have attracted the attention of this research madman. He is very close to him, and even his whole body is attached, almost forming a face-to-face appearance like zero distance. It makes the cloud really look like a face to face. With a dumb look...

"Priest, this is too much! I just want to say..."

"Wait! I'll take a report! Don't disturb me!"


But at the moment when Yun was so reluctant to dissuade the priest made a ‘quiet’ gesture to him, and after such a silent confession, he got up and floated in the air to answer...


【what's up? 】

[Sorry... Your priest! Of the 6 exploratory teams we went out, 3 teams were attacked by robbery one after another. If it weren't for the final report of their desperate death! I am afraid we will never know what happened to them! 】

On the other side, the shuffled and rude voice's feedback made the priest feel bad for a while. After all, Silica and Kirito did not escape for more than ten minutes!

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