Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The feelings contained in the Ex chapter Christmas Eve Christmas (113) are probably not fake...

The domain name of this site has been changed to ow The Sword of Gray Wheel Dancer ex, and the feelings contained in the Christmas Eve Christmas (113) may not be fake... listen to audio novels online


   "In addition, you continue to be tortured, hunted down, and experimented by the same kind of people. This inhumane world and clan...Is there anything else I can rely on and nostalgia for? Humans!!!"


   After confirming Kirito's possible situation, Yun fell into an extremely irritated look as if uncharacteristically, while narrating some terrible words.

   And the anger continued to circulate on the body that was too scarlet and full of terrible resentment-like magic, and suddenly shattered the rough decorations and statues on the wall.

   let all the people present feel the release of extraordinary negative emotions, and the full of hatred and terrifying aura, which completely makes people unable to believe that he is a human being, or what the person he is most familiar with before...

   (Is this acting? Or is it really the resentment in Yunnei's heart? Anyway, with the existence of this magical power, has he grown again?)

"So, you still insist on betraying the humans, and then you are willing to become a member of the monsters? Compared to those people, you just didn't find those, you really understand and even accommodate your people! If you don't mind! We can accept you. !so you…"

"Huh~huh! Foolish words, when you see that you are about to be disadvantaged, you will desperately want to use this sugar-coated cannonball to shake the beliefs of others, and let them gain that very hypocritical kindness and sense of being needed! To be honest, I really saw that you humans still look like this, and I feel particularly wanting to vomit... Don’t talk nonsense! How are you going to die?"

   Seeing that Kirito, who can't tell if Yun is acting or what, mustered up the courage to take a small step toward Yun, trying to use words to make him stand on their side as if he could correct evil and return to the right.

   But Yun didn't show him a good face, it was as cold as sarcasm, even as if he looked at them like disgusting things, extremely disgusted and contemptuous of his expression and tone, without a trace of mercy, interrupting his persuasive words.

   It seemed as if he had been sentenced to death by the judge before the trial was held, or it was so terrible that it would be useless to shoot him immediately.

   For a long time, it made Kirito difficult to speak for a long time. He didn't know how to answer for a long time, staring at Yun's indifferent appearance like widening his eyes, feeling incredibly dazed there...

   (This~this...Is it really acting? It seems to be true, so it makes people feel painful, feeling endless hostility and even desperate pain...)


   I don’t know why Yun’s performance has a very deep heart tightening for Kirito, who looks at all his words and behavior, and even doubts the feeling of fear in life.

After all, everything about Yun seems to be like telling himself that since he was full of abnormalities, he felt that in addition to reverence and respect, the people around him secretly contained that deep fear, fear, and even saw a monster in human skin. Looks like a horror.

   All these words may not be as simple as acting, they may also be mixed with the most fundamental voice that Yun really slowly perceives in his heart, but does not want to particularly deny but subconsciously cares about.

   The condition that is not leaking in the words will make Tong's subconscious eyes moist as if he knows the words, and quickly traverse the crystal clear tears...

   (Cry? Why? Could it be that this little girl feels deep despair or fear? No~ This is not the tears left by fear and fear! And her sight stays on...)

   "Is it tenderness, compassion, love, tenderness, etc.? That's it~ It seems that she can really feel the screaming, pain and other emotions contained in Yuanxiang's heart all at once..."

Looking at the different eyes of the two people who have been looking at each other, Yun is still full of emotions such as indifference, ruthlessness, rebuke, resentment, etc., not at all because of Kirito's very emotional, tolerant and other beautiful emotions. .

   But no matter how much it forgets about emotions, the many long-term accumulations that Yun has vented in his words, and the many problems that have been ignored, are vaguely sensed by him and even looked into his eyes.

That kind of helplessness, loneliness... even the situation of being discriminated, puzzled, persecuted, etc., once offered a helping hand to others, so that it endlessly evokes many things that should have been forgotten before, so that it will love and even appreciate the cloud more and more. Everything.

   was willing to be a bystander, sitting silently on the bone throne behind him, silently watching how the cloud solved Kirito and the others.

   After all, it has to hand over the most important thing like this, which still belongs to the human identity, and has not completely transformed and accepted the cloud to become the undead. This is the most important link for his excessive expectation and trust development!

   "Then~then... how can we redeem you? Is it possible that we must sacrifice our lives and successfully defeat these monsters before you believe our sincerity?"

After regaining his senses slightly, Kirito subconsciously wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his jade hand, and restored the very firm and unshakable fighting eyes. He pointed at all the undead generals and personnel around him with the tip of his sword. Finally, he pointed the tip of his sword at Yun's back, and the priest who didn't know what his appearance and expression was when UU read questioned Yun very seriously.

   (Defeat all our staff? xn)

   "Haha~haha/Gada~Gada, how confident this little girl is, she can speak so utterly with such a big tongue! It is really too arrogant and arrogant human! xn"

   "Master Yuanxiang! Since he has underestimated us, you and the priest! I'll come here to dismember his owl to show the majesty of our undead!"

   "Yes~ Yes! xn"

   And when I heard that Kirito was so naive, as if he didn't see the situation clearly, it felt like the undead generals and personnel who heard the most funny jokes in this life, all laughed and even arrogantly each invited to fight.

  Like those arrogant soldiers who must be defeated, they underestimate the strength of the three of Kirito and the others. They want to use this way of fighting one by one, trying to make them fully understand the ancient traditional attitude of the undead being powerful and humiliating each other...

   (Well, it is Kirito sauce! I caught the common problem that they have always existed as soon as I came up, and directly mocked so many big fools, but the strength is different and the enemy exists!)

  (Then since they have reached this point, if you don’t want to complete them and want to try their wishes or something, wouldn’t you be too insensitive to them?)</tent>

  Sword and Gray Wheel Dancer </p>

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