Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (114) Allowable level of water release

The domain name of this site has been changed to ow The Sword of the Gray Wheel Dancer ex, Christmas Eve Christmas (114) allows the release of water audio novels online listening



   "Everyone is silent! No matter how big or small, when I and the priest do not exist, right?"


   (we are...xn)

   "My subordinates dare not! I also ask Master Yuanxiang and Master Priest to forgive their sins...xn"

And after seeing the undead people who were so loud but didn't dare to be particularly arrogant, there was not much change in the expression of the cloud, so he gently raised his hands, and after such reprimanding words, all the undead existed as if With a frightened appearance, they apologized for the two kneeling and bowing their heads.

   The gang members did not dare to look up at the appearance, proving that they understood that what they said and did was indeed impolite, and they did not dare to look like panic again...

"Eh~ Eh! Yuanxiang! Don't blame them. These family members are eager to maintain that we are being insulted together. I think they should be deeply introspected. You are watching this. And forgive them for my face?"

   I also saw that the cloud was a little bit fussy, but helped it support and maintain the military discipline situation. In order to make the matter not particularly serious, I personally came to intercede and said something to make everyone step up and talk...

"Since the priests have said so, I will give you a chance to make up for your merits. After all, in order to show the majesty of our undead, we naturally have to deal with this group of humans in the best state, then I will appoint you~ you and you Three, go down and solve them! If it fails! You should know how to do it? I hope we don't lose face and dirty our hands!"

   After seeing the priests all stand up and speak, the well-defined cloud randomly pointed at three huge monsters and let them go down to compete with Kirito and others.

   "Lead it! If we don't succeed, we will sacrifice this soul by ourselves and return to the hands of the priest! Let's go! Guys!"

   "Oh~oh! x2"

  ‘Pah~Da, 咚哐~咚哐’

And after hearing Yun’s favor, the three black shadows named among the masses jumped together, and suddenly fell from the high wall in front of Kirito and the others, directly causing a huge A lot of smoke and dust rose up.

   (Did you come directly after the discussion? x3)

  【Cough~Cough~Cough! Asuna sauce, silver snow sauce! Ready to fight! 】

  【Ah~Ah! Cherish the opportunity that Yun is still helping us secretly! Weaken the opponent's overall combat power as much as possible! 】

   [Hmm~hmm! 】

  ‘Om~Om~Om, patter~patter’

   After knowing that the enemy entered the arena directly and in accordance with the rules, Kirito, who dared not to be too negligent, grabbed the weapons in their hands and began to slowly and secretly use their magic power to strengthen their bodies and enter the best state of preparation.

   (Not bad magic power! But not enough to be our opponent! ‘Sandstorm’/‘Hardwood Pile’/‘Liquefaction’ x3)

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 咻~咻~咻, hu~hu~hu, guru~guru"

   "What? This is!!! Uh~ uh...x3"

   And just at this time of good guard, a sandstorm that can obscure the field of vision suddenly rises in the entire arena.

And there are countless mixed sounds of chaos breaking through the air, with multiple black shadows suddenly flying out of the flying sand. If it weren't for Kirito's own "danger perception" to be very advanced, I am afraid that they will be worn before they react. It was a skewers of meat, but even so, the ground under the feet itself became excessively viscous in a short time, even with its skin stinging and corrosive mucus.

   As soon as Kirito and the others came up, they were greatly restricted. They used various slow and difficult movements for a while to continue to avoid the simple but very troublesome offensive of the three-fold multiplication.

(Have you been preempted? What a terrible opening! But this is also a more reasonable way to release water. Otherwise, if there are so many high-level undeads, they cooperate with the common offensive of low-level undeads, and it's not a priesthood The shot situation is enough to wipe out the Tongren sauce and them dozens of times, and now they can only ask for their own blessings!)

   "You are giving me more cruelty! If your opponent breaks free and kills the carbine, you will be embarrassed!"

   "Yes~Yes! Just like Master Yuanxiang said, don't give them a trace of face and leeway, but really let them be tortured and desperate to death! Ha~ha~haha!!! xn"

Seeing that Kirito and the others were hit by a surprise attack unexpectedly, the duplicity Yun could be said to be very uneasy, but even so, he could not act rashly. After all, the priests on the side had been staring at him with his spare time. Although I couldn't tell that he was examining or suspecting his actions.

   But in order not to show his horse's feet, Yun still plays the role of a traitor who hates humans and is bent on the undead. This can be said to be a very difficult infiltration task. It suddenly made Yun feel a lot of pressure...

   And the surrounding undead are all happy for Kirito and the others in their desperate situation. After all, what they like most is seeing the enemy struggling needlessly, and even being ravaged is the most beautiful appearance for them.

   It is naturally not enough to follow Yun's words, cynicism and even cheering, constantly raising the emotions of all the people Actively killing Kirito and they can satisfy their endless desire...

   (sand dust, wood, harmful seems that Yun is sending us a trio of trouble!)

  【The magical characteristics of ‘sandification’, ‘grown wood’, and ‘damage fluid’ are the most troublesome undead monsters of Schalt, Lotte, and Durda! Although there is no inherent enchantment magic that belongs to fifty people will exist, it is enough for us to have a headache! 】

  【Ah~Ah! This should be the best practice for me to deal with system magic opponents! Leaving Yinxuejiang and Tongrenjiang! 】

   [Oh~ oh! 】

   (‘Sonic Impact·Wind’, ‘Star Road·Magic’, ‘Falling Stars’ x3)

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! x3"

  ‘Buzz~buzz~buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

But even if they fell into an unknown controlled situation for a while, Kirito and the others, who still kept their heads calm, were wrapped around their bodies with three magical sword skills halo of green, black and purple, and white, accompanied by huge destructive power. The three assault sword skills of penetration and influence suddenly broke free of the control effect of the harmful liquid.

   directly blasted through the sandstorm's field of vision without a pause, causing the three black shadows that were suddenly exposed to be bombarded directly by them...


  Sword and Gray Wheel Dancer </p>

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