Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (One Hundred and Forty-six) The same strange identity exists and another..

Not only that~the huge vortex that continues to exist, passively involves it directly into the waterspout, I am afraid that there will be no way to get out easily for a period of time...

(This sound looks like it hit it abruptly. At that time, the density is comparable to the water spinning on the alloy city wall after a few hundred meters. Ha~ha~ha, it’s enough to drink a pot! But~ next What should I do? Even if I am the initiator of the central swirl, I am afraid it is difficult to control its path and effect in a real sense, right?)

"Goo~ Lu..."

And although Ji Zhongshengzhi once saw the former lord’s wife who succeeded in dismantling the trick and got a temporary advantage, it is a pity that she did not think about the next step, and was forced into the waterspout vortex she triggered. It seems that the two are thrown into the washing machine, accompanied by centrifugal force, rotating back and forth as if two facing vertices exist in parallel...

(Woo~Woo... the smelly woman dare to attack me like this! See if I won't pull you out of this vortex!!!)

‘Om~Om~Om, wow~wow~wow’

However, during the next round of turning, the black shadow used his magic power to adjust his direction as if he was the first to recover, and then accompanied by the propelling force that surpassed the traction of the whirlpool, it immediately turned back, without a trace of hindrance. Generally rushed to the original lord's wife.

(Is it a lie? She is so strong? And~ Isn't she my good daughter? Why...)



"Guru~Guru, bang~bang"

Even when he was barely seeing the other person’s appearance, the wife of the former lord was really stunned for a while. After all, I didn’t expect that it would be his daughter who had been claiming his own life, but something different was the former lord. The young lady behaved like a cold and merciless killer.

And at the moment when she was stunned, she directly stuck her throat with those jade hands, and then took her very uncomfortable along with her, and suddenly rushed out of the waterspout's range of influence, with her flying fast. After swimming for several kilometers, he barely hovered.

"Guru~ Lu"

"Why~ why do you want to kill your mother! What's wrong with you... my good girl~ my good girl!!!"


It is possible that this excessive propelling force, along with keeping her throat stuck in her throat on the way, made it difficult for the former lord's wife to yell out such a sentence, full of doubts and condemnation.

After all, she herself couldn't figure out why her daughter became like this, and she was very familiar but very unfamiliar, and wanted to claim her life, so she questioned her as if she didn't understand...

(Daughter? Really a person who randomly recognizes relatives! What a joke!)

"You said I'm Libia Winglaus is your daughter? It's ridiculous! My mother is Flytia Winglaus! How could it be that you look like a weak woman? Uh~hhhhh? That's how it is. ~I didn’t expect it to be like this! Haha~Hahaha! No wonder you asked me this way! But~ it’s not important anymore!"

(How come? Is it possible~ She is really not my daughter? But as a mother, how could I mistake my daughter? But~ the move just now...)



However, the reply received by the wife of the original lord really made it difficult for her little head to turn around. After all, except for the present arrogant and arrogant situation, all the circumstances belonged to her, a piece of falling from her body. Looks like a fleshy baby girl.

However, even if it is difficult for her to understand the current situation, this short pause in Libia Winglaus’s words caught her attention, and the moment of pause was because they moved here, and A large number of transparent reflective bubbles remaining.

And Libia suddenly fixed her eyes on a larger bubble, and there was a strange scene reflecting the two of them, one being controlled by the other.

That's why Libia, who was somewhat confused, said the last words as if suddenly realized, but all of this was echoed in the brain when the original lord's wife suffered from the other party's tight throat and jade hand...

"Huh~hu~hu, huh~huh, pa~da"

( hurts! What's going on? How can I suddenly fall into the forest now? What is this place?)

"Strange... Am I not accepting Hexiang-sama's magic power, and then trying to break through the magic circuit? Then what's the situation now..."

To be honest~ After suddenly getting rid of the painful feeling, the former lord lady fell from a very high place suddenly, and then under the relief of the impact of the plural branches, she was just using her ass. The way he landed, he hit an area full of soft mud.

It made her subconsciously use her jade hand like an uncomfortable face, rubbed the painful area and slowly stood up, but after she opened one eye and closed one eye and looked around at the surroundings, it was dense and dark and deep. And the eerie and terrifying situation of the big forest makes it even more questionable, and I don't understand why I suddenly came to such a weird place...


"Wow~Da, 咻~咻~咻,Da~Da~Da"

"It's dangerous! If it weren't for the'danger perception', I'm afraid I would have been pierced by an adult hedgehog! Who~who! If you have the ability to come out, I will play black hands in the dark!"

And just when the former lord was still thinking about how to be a good Suddenly the radical "danger perception" reminded her to get up, let her subconsciously follow the reaction of the body to pounce around and add After rolling, quickly escaping from where she fell before.

There were a plurality of stone spears flying out from the dense forest on the side, and they filled the ground and the trunk behind her before without a slight deviation. At first glance, it was an old hunter's place with extraordinary strength and skill. For, obviously, he was prepared to rely on a preemptive sneak attack to kill him with one blow.

That's why the former lady lord who evaded in time couldn't help being covered with a lot of sweat on her small head, after all, if there was no such passive reminder!

I'm afraid she just confessed here today! Sometimes I have to be grateful that, in order to save their lives, Yun, who was deliberately ruthless, gave them the necessary passive sword skills for survival.

(Nice intuition! I didn’t expect it to be so subtle or even without any precursory attack, that it would be avoided so easily in advance! It seems that it is not such a simple prey!)

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