Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (One Hundred and Forty-seven) The enemy in a similar situation, none o

"Shoo~hoo~hoo, wow~ta, da~da~da"

"Hey! Hey! Are you hunting me? You hide your breath so well? Is it a hunter in the tribes living here? Or ~ cannibals? But ~ you don't look like this Are you going to answer me?"

‘Hu~hu~hoo, papa~papa, papa~pah~pah’

However, even if the first mover was defeated, the hidden enemy did not take the opportunity to escape. Instead, he continued to change his position, using stone arrows to constantly attack the evasive original lady lord, making him have to. Some were slightly aware that the other party might be like an identity, and questioned so loudly.

It's a pity that the only people who answered her were arrows and guns that seemed to have eyes, which were obviously common routines in hunting that prioritized damage or consumption of prey. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

But ~ that rapid combo attack, but the former lord lady had to be led by the nose to passively respond, after all, since the opponent took the lead, he didn't want to let her freely press forward...

(If that's the case, let's play with who is the real hunter! Treat me well and have a kung fu as a hidden person! ‘Shadow Walk’!)


After confirming the attitude of the other party, the former lord also knew that the other party was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so she immediately lost her breath after stepping out of the "Shadowless Step", and started playing the game of who is hunting who!

"Huh~hu~huh, huh~huh"

For a while after the original lady lord disappeared, the entire forest that was still restless suddenly became quiet a lot, and this situation is like the tranquility before the storm, in a sense, it is very scary. ! After all~ there are two hunters who are fighting each other to death and life hidden here, among the flaws that are tentatively trying to peek at each other...

(Got you!)

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~huh, ding-dang~dangdang, papa~papa’

But this calm did not last for about 10 minutes. For a while in the darkness of the forest, there was a terrible halo of two opposing sword skills, one red and one blue, and sparks splashed like fierce friction when colliding with each other. Between the swords and the shadows, it seems that no one will let each other die in the midst of death!

(Woo~Woo... the other party's attack seems to be more terrifying. It seems that his ability is indeed much higher than mine. Otherwise, in the case of my preemptive strike, I would actually be too unbelievable to be defeated by him!)

‘Boom~pop~pop, boom~pop~pop, boom boom~da da, pa~ da’


"Bang~bang, pacha~pacha, eh~pa"

But just in this way, after roughly 378 sword skill competitions with only two sword skill halo, as the key role of the head and tail, directly kicked with the dark shadow sideways.

There will be no time to respond to the original lady lord kicking alive tens of meters away, if it weren't for the continuous breaking of several tree trunks about ten meters in diameter along the way, I'm afraid she would have to be kicked farther.

But also because of such horrible continuous multiple bombardment, the former lord had to spit a pool of blood and land heavily on the ground. I am afraid it will be difficult to stand up for a while...

"It really doesn't feel much! Is this all your strength? It seems that I can't even play a warm-up exercise! I really overestimate you too much! I really don't know why I have too much in your body. Look forward to!"

"Da~Da~Da, buzz~buzz~buzz"

(Damn...this foot is so cruel that the whole abdomen is tingling like a knife, huh~huh? How could it be her? But what is this magical and terrifying aura? Is it possible that Xiao Ai is really open Is it magical? But~ But...Why would you be so deadly on me?)

"Well ~ ~ cough cough ...... small adults love you ...... which is why ah? Even if we are a total of Kazuo not be so doom to death point, right?"

Seeing the figure slowly coming out from the dark place now, the slightly uncomfortable former lord lady opened her eyes involuntarily, and then slowly raised her hand like she was familiar with her, but she was too unfamiliar. Ai Jiang questioned so.

After all, she couldn't figure out why the first thing after Aichan gained the magic power was to plot against her directly like this, even to the point of endless death...

"Sir Xiao Ai? Is it possible that you are talking about me? Do you have a problem with your brain! I'm just...oh~oh! Haha~hahaha! Is that true? So how can I kill you? It's a solid fact!"

Somewhat meaning is that this "love sauce" also heard the original lord's inquiry like this, she involuntarily wrinkled the beautiful thin eyebrows, but also reflected the light from the dewdrops on the surrounding leaves, so she understood why she asked so .

But this didn't delay any time. Instead, she lifted the sharp claws in her hand like a sneer, and attacked coldly in her direction.

‘P~p, puff~puff~puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff

And even at this time, even if the former lord lady did not figure out the situation, she still wanted the other two Ai-chan to perceive this moment's abnormality.

That's why it was the first time priority to roll on the ground quickly, and let its claws with sword skills halo continuously sway in the air like it once rolled over the ground, leaving a very scary and terrible ten-finger pit.

(My God! This is really not easy to hit! Or it will become...)

"Haha~haha...haha~haha...something is not so good..."

‘Pak~pak, pak~pak, wah~pak, pak~pak~pak’

Moreover, after the additional destructive power went to the back, it almost completely turned into two large holes left on the ground, making the original lady lord who saw this change a little bit from the corner of the eye, scared all over her body. In addition to the pain and bleeding, she was also soaked with a lot of sweat. After all, there was a slight pause or hesitation, and she would be stabbed into a hornet's nest in the next second.

So when her continuous attacks were getting closer and closer, she ignored the intense pain from her body, and instead jumped up her body directly along the tumbling direction, and then disappeared again with a'Shadowless Step'.

(Want to run? Do you think my "Silver Wolf" Gilly Field is a vegetarian?

‘Hi~Hi~Hi, Da~Da~Da’

But even if the figure is invisible, her **** smell in such a short period of time, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape and be in the "love sauce" nose of the demi-human, so after her slightly shrugged her cute little nose, she revealed a trace The cold wicked smile directly dashed away in one direction with one stride...

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