Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 106 Catch Them All In One Fell Swoop

Chapter 106 Catch them all in one fell swoop

Seeing Fang Yu's reaction, Su Qingyin glanced between Fang Yu's legs with her big eyes, and said with a sweet smile: "Brother Fang Yu, don't worry, my sister won't do that to you!"

Fang Yu looked calm and said he didn't understand what she was talking about.

Qin Qingqing's forehead was covered with black lines, and she glared at her rotten girl best friend, "Okay, let's get down to business."

Su Qingyin straightened her expression and said calmly: "The old devil's name is Xiaoguichiro, and he is one of the elders of the three-person group. The purpose of their coming here this time is for the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure on brother Fang Yu!"

Speaking of this, Su Qingyin glanced at Fang Yu and continued: "According to this little dog Ichiro, at three o'clock this afternoon, Fang Yu's brother's information suddenly appeared on the underground dark web abroad!"

"After they saw Fang Yu's information, they learned that his cultivation level soared from Body Tempering Realm to Qi Condensation Realm in less than a month."

"After seeing the information about Fang Yu's younger brother, they guessed that he got a shocking opportunity when he opened Grotto-Heaven, so all the senior officials of the Yamaguchi Group mobilized to prepare to take action against Fang Yu's younger brother and seize the opportunity from him."

Hearing this, Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

Although he didn't know much about the underground dark web abroad, he had heard from Tang Xiyue that it was a killer website.

Because from the other party's actions, he knew that the other party obviously wanted to kill him.

The only ones who hate him deeply are the three parties.

On one side is the Qin Family of the Imperial Capital; on the other is the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital.

Another party is Wang Fei’s wife.

The Imperial Qin Family can be ruled out. The Imperial Qin Family wants to get his attention, and it is impossible to leak his information and let foreign forces pick peaches.

It is possible that the old Wang family in the imperial capital must have guessed that Wang Bi and the others had been killed by him.

The old Wang family in the imperial capital found that they couldn't do anything to him, but they might resort to other forces to take revenge.

Wang Fei's wife is also possible.

After all, he killed the other party's husband and son.

Killing his father and killing his son is irreconcilable, so he will definitely find a way to take revenge.

Su Qingyin's voice continued: "A total of eight Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer came this time, and the remaining seven were hiding in a mountain outside Riverside City."

"The spies sent by Ichiro Kogu, as long as they are sure that Brother Fang Yu is at home, they will take action at midnight tonight!"

Qin Qingqing asked in a deep voice: "Qingyin, do you know their specific location?"

Su Qingyin nodded, "Yeah! It's in the General Ridge to the south outside Riverside City."

Qin Qingqing's eyes flashed coldly, "In that case, let's set out now and catch all these damn little devils!"

Having said this, he looked at Fang Yu, pointed at the Miao girl who was unconscious on the ground, and asked, "Brother, what are you going to do with this Miao girl?"

Fang Yu glanced at the unconscious Miao girl and said softly: "Sister, take us away together. When she wakes up, I'll ask her why she wants to spy on me!"

Qin Qingqing nodded, reached out to pick up Miao Nu, put it into her Grotto-Heaven, turned around and walked out.

Fang Yu and others also walked out.

After walking out of the villa, Qin Qingqing took out a maglev off-road vehicle and asked Fang Yu to sit in the back seat. She sat in the driver's seat, while Su Qingyin sat in the passenger seat.

Nine Rings Master Xuan Qingzi and four others were sitting in another car.

The two cars flew together towards the place where Koinu Ichiro said.

While driving, Qin Qingqing said to Fang Yu: "Brother, you really can't live there any longer, because your information has been exposed on the underground dark web abroad, and I think all the big forces in the world have seen you. data of!"

"Although there have been many Grotto-Heaven masters over the years who have had good opportunities to skyrocket in their cultivation when they opened Grotto-Heaven, none of them are as terrifying as you!"

"If you hadn't exposed the 'Life Spirit Liquid', they might have thought that you obtained the elixir when you opened Grotto-Heaven!"

"But you exposed the 'Life Spirit Liquid', they must all want to seize your Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condenses the 'Life Spirit Liquid'!"

"I guess there must be many foreign forces trying to get your attention now, and the little devil is just the first wave!"

"It's easy to dodge open guns and hard to defend against hidden arrows. There are also some foreign countries that have weapons as powerful as the 'God-Destroying Cannon'. If they use Grotto-Heaven to smuggle that kind of weapon in, we won't be able to detect it!"

"Although you are powerful, you can't resist that kind of strategic-level weapon!"

"You have the 'Guardian Medal'. Domestic forces dare not use the 'God-Destroying Cannon' against you, but foreign forces have no worries!"

Fang Yu pondered for a moment and nodded: "Sister, I understand, I will find another place to live."

Fang Yu also felt that what Sister Gan said was very reasonable.

After the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, the area of ​​the entire Earth Star became a hundred times larger, and the area of ​​Great Xia Dynasty also became a hundred times larger.

Although there are border guards guarding the border, the main force is used to guard foreigners.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Qin Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

She was originally worried that Fang Yu would be stubborn and would not listen to her advice and would go his own way.

Qin Qingqing asked again: "Have you decided where to move?"

"If you haven't thought about it, my sister has a villa in the southern suburbs of Riverside City. The environment there is no worse than yours, and I don't live there much. If you want it, my sister will give it to you!"

She regards Fang Yu as her biological brother, he is just a villa, and she has no trace of reluctance to part with him.

Besides, Fang Yu gave her a bucket of life spirit liquid. The value of that life spirit liquid can buy many villas.

Fang Yu shook his head, "Sister, I want to discuss it with Xiyue before making a decision!"

He planned to live in a remote place like that.

As long as he lives in seclusion, it will be very difficult for other forces to find him.

Qin Qingqing didn't say anything else.


"If you want to change your place to live, then just move to one near Xiyue's house!"

"This way, if someone can't find me and wants to use them to force me out, I can rescue them in time!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately took out his mobile phone, opened [Trust], and sent a message to Xiao Yan.

"Brother Xiao, I want to change my place to live. Can you help me look around Xiyue's house? Are there any villas for sale?"

Within a few seconds, Xiao Yan replied to his message: "Brother Fang, what do you want?"

"The environment is more remote. It cannot be more than 20,000 meters away from the Xiyue family's manor."

Xiao Yan: "Brother Fang, I have a good brother who grew up with me who has a villa in Yulong Villa that meets your requirements."

"There are fifty villas in Yulong Villa. His villa is halfway up the mountainside of Yulong Mountain. There are no other villas within more than 2,000 meters around!"

"It's about 10,000 meters away from Grandpa Tang's house!"

"He has never lived there since he bought it. If you need it, I will ask him to sell it to you."

Fang Yu: "Brother Xiao, if it is convenient for you now, go to the Yulong Villa first and wait for me. After I finish handling the matters here, I will go directly to the Yulong Villa to find you."

Xiao Yan: "Brother Fang, are you in trouble?"

Fang Yu: "There are a few little devils. The Grotto-Heaven Office and I are rushing to where they are hiding, intending to catch them all!"

Xiao Yan: "Brother Fang, where are you? I will take the Xiao family masters to your place right now!"

Fang Yu: "Brother Xiao, no need, we have enough people here to handle it, and we will be there soon!"

Xiao Yan: "Okay then, please pay attention to your own safety. We will go to the 'Yulong Villa' to wait for you now!"

Fang Yu: "Okay! Let's not talk about it for now, we will see you soon!"

Xiao Yan: "See you soon!"

When Fang Yu had just put away his cell phone, Su Qingyin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly said: "Qingqing, find a place to park. This place is less than three kilometers away from the general order. If we drive there, we may scare the snake!"

Qin Qingqing nodded and pulled over to the side.

Another car following closely behind also stopped.

After everyone got out of the car, Qin Qingqing put the others and the car into her Grotto-Heaven, and ran towards Jiangjun Ridge at high speed with Fang Yu.

Fang Yu and Qin Qingqing were like two ghosts, rushing back and forth under the dark night, as fast as lightning.

After a while.

The two stopped in front of a cornfield.

Although it was dark all around, I couldn't see my fingers.

But with their cultivation level, both of them are able to see at night.

Qin Qingqing turned to look at Fang Yu and whispered: "Brother, Jiangjun Ridge is about 1,500 meters away from here. Use your mental power to check and see where those old devils are."

While at Fang Yu's villa, she discussed it with Fang Yu.

I know that my younger brother is very mentally powerful.

Fang Yu nodded and immediately released his mental power to investigate.

After a while, he regained his mental strength and turned to look at Sister Qian, "Sister, there are seven people in a cave halfway up Jiangjun Ridge. They are..."

At this point, his voice stopped suddenly and his face looked a little weird.

"What are they doing?"

"Sister, it's better not to say anything. Let's go and catch them all now!"

"Don't show off, otherwise my sister will be angry."

"Ahem, those old devils are playing with...women again."

Qin Qingqing looked at the hesitant Fang Yu, blushed, and cursed in a low voice: "Bah! A bunch of old beasts!"

"Brother, let's kill those old beasts now!"


Fang Yu nodded and led Qin Qingqing towards the cave where the old devils were staying.

After a while.

Qin Qingqing and Fang Yu came to the crown of a towering tree halfway up the mountain.

"Sister, they haven't noticed us yet, you lead them out of the cave, I will kill them with one sword!"

Fang Yu pointed to a cave several meters high about thirty meters ahead and whispered to Qin Qingqing beside him.

He could "see" the situation inside the cave clearly.

The cave was very big, and the seven old Japanese were having a great time. They were competing in martial arts with seven Japanese women on seven water beds.

The cave is also lit with candles and scattered with many flower petals, making it very romantic.

Fang Yu was a little speechless. The devils were devils. They always took women with them when they went out. I don’t know, but I thought they were on vacation!

And they all sneaked in. They were not aware of it, had no alertness at all, and had no idea how they cultivated the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer.

"Little devil, we are from the Grotto-Heaven office. You have been surrounded by us. Put down your weapons and surrender. We can let you live!"

Qin Qingqing shouted towards the cave.

Fang Yu used his mental power to monitor the situation in the cave. He found that just as his sister's voice fell, the expressions of the seven old devils in the cave changed drastically and their bodies trembled suddenly.

Their expressions changed drastically. They were not wearing any clothes or pants. They quickly got up from the bed with long knives in hand and rushed towards the cave entrance with lightning.

When the seven white-flowered old devils just rushed out of the cave, they saw countless dense purple sword energy roaring towards them.

The expressions of the seven old devils changed drastically, and they were so frightened that they even lost their souls. Unable to dodge, they quickly put up spiritual shields for defense.

"Bagayalu, you don't have martial ethics!"


"Your Majesty Heavenly Sovereign, I shouldn't have come. Great Xia Dynasty is a restricted area for our monks, ah!"

Before the two old devils running at the front could hold up their spiritual shields, they were instantly pierced into a hornet's nest by the purple sword energy.

Although a few old devils at the rear put up spiritual shields in time, they were not spared.

It only lasted less than three seconds.

The spiritual shields on their bodies were shattered by the purple sword energy, and screams could not be heard.

The seven old devils all died tragically in less than two breaths under the dense purple sword energy, and a gleaming object exploded on the spot.

(End of chapter)

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