Chapter 107 Big Oolong


On the tree crown, Qin Qingqing looked at Fang Yu, who was holding a long sword and with a calm expression, and opened her mouth in shock.

She used words to scare the little devils out, and then Fang Yu killed them.

The sword energy that killed the little devil with one sword just now came from Fang Yu.

Although Fang Yu has told her that his strength is comparable to the Core Formation realm, she also knows that Fang Yu killed the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer of the Seventh Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer of the Royal Family in the Imperial Capital.

However, hearing it is far less shocking than seeing it with your own eyes!

Looking at the stunned god sister, Fang Yu smiled and reminded: "Sister, release your people and let them clean the battlefield."

After saying that, he flew down from the tree crown and landed lightly on the ground like a leaf.

Qin Qingqing took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and then jumped down from the tree, landing firmly next to Fang Yu.

As soon as they landed on the ground, she released Su Qingyin and the other five.

As soon as Su Qingyin was released by Qin Qingqing, she hurriedly asked: "Qingqing, where is the little devil?"

Qin Qingqing pointed to the messy cave entrance and said with a smile: "There!"

After a pause, he continued: "But he was killed by my brother with one sword!"


"Seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers were killed by a sword...?!"

Su Qingyin and the other five were suddenly startled, and all looked at Fang Yu.

When they were at Fang Yu's villa just now, they knew that Fang Yu was very strong when he captured the old devil Xiao Inuichiro of Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer alone.

But he didn't know he was so strong.

Core Formation environment!

Killing seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer with one sword, Su Qingyin and the others are very sure that Fang Yu's combat power has reached the Core Formation realm!

Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi was the first to come to his senses and said with a smile: "Little friend Fang, I didn't expect that your strength is so unfathomable at such a young age. You are truly a hero born from a young age!"

Thinking that it took me thirty years of practice to reach the Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer.

And Fang Yu is only sixteen years old this year, and his strength is comparable to that of Core Formation Realm. Killing Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer is like chopping vegetables and melons.

There was Qin Wudao before him, and Fang Yu behind him.

Xuan Qingzi suddenly felt that he was old. It was like the waves in the Yangtze River pushed the waves in front, and the waves in front died on the beach!

Su Qingyin's bright big eyes swept over Fang Yu, and said with a smile: "Brother Fang Yu, has your cultivation level broken through to the Core Formation realm?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu shook his head, "I am only Qi Condensation Realm Second Layer now!"

Su Qingyin looked unbelieving, "Brother Fang Yu, when I saw you just now, your cultivation level was Body Tempering Realm Sixth Layer, and now it is Qi Condensation Realm Second Layer. You must have used Qi Condensation Technique to hide your cultivation level." for."

In addition to Qin Qingqing, Xuan Qingzi and Master Jiujie did not believe Fang Yu's words.

Because when they were at Fang Yu's villa just now, they felt that Fang Yu's cultivation was Body Tempering Realm Sixth Layer.

Now it is Qi Condensation Realm Second Layer.

They were all sure that Fang Yu must have practiced the technique of concealing his aura.

Qi Condensation Realm Second Layer, its strength is comparable to Core Formation Realm.

Even Qin Wudao, who is known as the "No. 1 man in Great Xia", can't do it.

That's not to say that Fang Yu is inferior to Qin Wudao.

But in their perception, Ninth Grade qualification is the strongest qualification, and Qin Wudao is the strongest Ninth Grade qualification.

They do not think that Fang Yu's qualifications exceed Ninth Grade because they have never seen such a being or heard of such a being.

That's why they didn't believe Fang Yu's words.

How come no one believes the truth?

Fang Yu did not explain too much to them, and changed the subject: "There are still seven Japanese women in the cave, but they are all undressed and being roasted in handcuffs. Which one of you is going to rescue them?"

Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi and Wu Anguo both shook their heads.

Master Li Jingxuan also shook her head.

The fat-headed and big-eared Master Zhu Wuneng’s eyes lit up and he said righteously: “Amitabha, since all the Fellow Daoists don’t want to go, let the poor monk go!”

"My body is just a skinny bag. The Buddha said that I am not as good as hell. Whoever goes to hell, let the poor monks rescue them from the Sea of ​​Bitterness, Amitabha!"

Master Jiujie shouted the Buddha's name and emitted golden Buddha light. He seemed to be a compassionate and enlightened monk.

He walked towards the cave with his head held high, as if he had died heroically.

Fang Yu took a deep look at the back of the upright Master Jiujie. Do you think I didn't see your eyes shining just now?

He finally figured out that Master Jiujie was a flower monk.

I just don’t know if he has a junior disciple named "Bajie"?

Fang Yu withdrew his gaze, looked at Wu Anguo and Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi, and said with a smile: "Brother Wu, Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi, those seven old devils are not wearing any clothes. You two and I can clean up the battlefield!"

Wu Anguo and the other two nodded and followed Fang Yu towards the big pit at the entrance of the cave.

Su Qingyin actually took steps to follow.

Fang Yu looked at Su Qingyin, the big dark lolita who was following him, and reminded him: "Sister Qingyin, these seven old devils don't have any clothes on!"

Su Qingyin's expression remained unchanged and she said calmly: "Isn't it because I'm not wearing any clothes? My sister was a forensic doctor before she was transferred to the Grotto-Heaven office. This kind of scene has become commonplace!"

After hearing Su Qingyin's words, Fang Yu said nothing.

Su Qingyin didn't mind it herself, so why did he mind.

Soon the four of them came to the place where the seven little devils died.

"Little devils are just as small as toothpicks!"

Su Qingyin glanced at the naked bodies of the seven old Japanese with her big eyes, making comments.

Fang Yu's mouth twitched.

Old dead machine!

He felt that Su Qingyin, a dark lolita, was the "Car God" of Qiu Mingshan.

A mouth is either driving or driving.

Wu Anguo and Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi didn't react at all. Apparently they were used to it.

Seeing Fang Yu's reaction, Su Qingyin suddenly came to him and whispered, "Brother Fang Yu, you don't like Qingqing? I tell you, Qingqing is still an old maid. If you like her, , sister can help you blow your pillow!"

Fang Yu said seriously: "Sister Qingyin, I regard Sister Qingqing as my biological sister!"

Su Qingyin stared at Fang Yu's eyes with her big eyes, "You must be shy and don't dare to admit it. I understand, you little boys like mature and beautiful women. Don't be shy, I won't laugh at you!"

You know a hammer!

Fang Yu smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Sister Qingyin, everything I said is true!"

After saying that, Fang Yu went to collect the loot. He didn't want to drive with Su Qingyin, an experienced driver.

"Am I feeling wrong?"

Looking at Fang Yu's back, Su Qingyin murmured in a low voice and joined the army collecting the loot.

Soon, the four of them had collected all the loot that the seven old devils had exploded, and the corpses of those old devils were also collected by Wu Anguo into his Grotto-Heaven.

At this time, Master Jiujie also walked out of the cave with a glowing face.

Qin Qingqing and Master Li Jingxuan also walked towards Fang Yu and the others.

"Sister, these devils are all a bunch of paupers. This time we harvested a total of two dragon veins, twelve Spirit Veins, four common Spirit Communication fields, four common Spirit Communication wells, 544,444 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, and the rest are nothing. Something valuable.”

Fang Yu looked at Qin Qingqing who came to him and said with a smile: "Let's split it equally!"

Qin Qingqing shook her head: "You killed them all, just give us one."

Others nodded in agreement and had no objections.

After some "bargaining", Qin Qingqing finally couldn't beat Fang Yu and had no choice but to accept 30%, and she wouldn't want any more.

Spirit Vein Fang Yu only took two dragon veins, two pieces each of Spirit Field and Spirit Well, and 400,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. The rest were all distributed to his god-sister Qin Qingqing.

After dividing the spoils, everyone immediately left the mountain.

When he came to the road, Fang Yu took out his sports car.

He planned to go back to Annan Villa and incorporate his villa into Grotto-Heaven.

Because that villa has many beautiful memories with his parents.

Just when Fang Yu was about to get in the car, Qin Qingqing on the side stopped him: "Brother, that Miao girl is awake."

Fang Yu turned to look at Qin Qingqing and said with a smile: "Sister, let her out now!"

Qin Qingqing waved her right hand, and the Miao girl appeared in the open space in front of her.

As soon as the Miao girl came out and saw Fang Yu, her eyes lit up and she asked with a smile: "Are you the Mr. Fang Yu who posted on Tianwang?"

Fang Yu nodded slightly: "Well, who are you and why are you monitoring me?"

Miao Nu said apologetically: "Hello! Mr. Fang Yu, my name is Miao Fenghuang, I am Saintess from Miao Jiang. I didn't mean to spy on you. I came here to see my aunt this time. She is yours." Neighbor, I heard her suddenly talking about you!"

"And I saw your post on Skynet. I wanted to verify whether you are the same person, so I used a telescope to peek at you. If it has caused you any trouble, I am here to sincerely apologize to you!"

After saying that, Miao Fenghuang bowed slightly to Fang Yu and apologized.

Hearing Miao Fenghuang's words, Fang Yu's mouth twitched.

After working on it for a long time, this is a big oolong!

He had been secretly observing Miao Fenghuang just now, and did not notice any abnormal behavior from Miao Fenghuang at all.

He felt that Miao Fenghuang was not lying.

Because people who lie will have some abnormal behaviors.

Fang Yu secretly complained in his heart: Master Jingxuan and Taoist Master Xuanqingzi are too unreliable in their work. They knocked others unconscious without any malicious intent.

If the two of them knew what Fang Yu was thinking, they would definitely cry out that they were wronged, because the Miao voodoo technique is very difficult to guard against, and they both fell into the trap.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Therefore, they knocked Miao Fenghuang unconscious immediately.

Qin Qingqing and Su Qingyin looked at each other. Both women could be regarded as police officers. Their observation skills were very keen and their intuition was also very keen.

They were also secretly observing Miao Fenghuang, and they felt that Miao Fenghuang was not lying.

Fang Yu said firmly: "Miss Miao, don't peek at others casually in the future, it will cause misunderstanding!"

Looking at Qin Qingqing, "Sister, please send this Miao girl back!"

After saying that, Fang Yu opened the car door directly, got into the car, and drove away.


Seeing Fang Yu's retreating figure, Miao Fenghuang blushed a little.

(End of chapter)

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