Chapter 108 Yulong No.1

Half an hour later.

Fang Yu returned to his home.

As soon as he got home, he packed his sports car into the Grotto-Heaven.

He placed his right hand on the wall of the villa to communicate with the Grotto-Heaven mark, and the villa in front of him was instantly included in his Grotto-Heaven.

Looking at the bare place, Fang Yu felt a little lost.

After all, he has lived here for sixteen years, and this place still holds his good memories for three years.

I felt a little bit reluctant to move away from here suddenly.

"Qin Family, it's because of you that I moved!"

"Just wait, when I break through to the Core Formation realm, your Qin Family will be destroyed!"

Although he was a little reluctant to give up, after all, he was a man of two generations. He quickly adjusted his emotions and turned around to take a deep look in the direction of the imperial capital.

If it weren't for Qin Wudao, his information would not be leaked.

If Qin Yu hadn't forced him, he wouldn't have exposed the matter of "Life Spirit Liquid" to the public.

He and the Qin Family are already life-and-death enemies, so he will naturally wipe out the Qin Family.

Taking a deep breath, he turned and ran towards the back mountain.

He didn't plan to drive because it would be caught on camera on the horse.

He has already considered that when he breaks through to the Core Formation realm, he will go to the imperial capital to destroy the Qin Family.

Because he vaguely felt that after he broke through to the Core Formation Realm, his speed and combat power would be no less than those of the Infant Formation Realm.

Infant Formation Realm can teleport.

His speed is no less than that of the Infant Formation Realm, which means his speed is comparable to teleportation.

When the time comes, even if the Qin Family has a "God-Destroying Cannon" hidden in their possession, he will not be afraid.

Ten minutes later.

Fang Yu came to a magnificent villa.

On the way here, he avoided any place with a camera.

The lights in the villa were brightly lit, and two men stood in front of the large iron gate of the villa.

One of them is Xiao Yan.

The other man looked about the same age as him. He was wearing a green suit, about 8.8 meters tall, with shoulder-length hair and an extraordinary appearance.

Fang Yu emerged from the darkness and walked towards the two of them.

Seeing Fang Yu, Xiao Yan's eyes lit up and they immediately came over to greet him.

As soon as Xiao Yan came to Fang Yu, she introduced him to the man next to him, "Brother Fang, his name is Tan Jun, and he is a good brother who grew up with me!"

Tan Jun looked at Fang Yu and said with excitement: "Brother Fang, hello! You are my idol. I am very happy to see you. From now on, just like Brother Yan, just call me Xiaojun."

It can be said that after the Skynet incident was exposed, Fang Yu instantly became the idol of many young men and women.

After all, Fang Yu is not afraid of powerful people, and a commoner dares to directly challenge a royal family.

He is also the first person in the history of Great Xia Dynasty to practice the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" and the youngest recipient of the [Guardian Medal] in history.

People are usually only jealous of their peers who are slightly better than them.

But if that person is so powerful that they will never be able to match him in their lifetime, they will only envy and even worship him.

Fang Yu responded with a smile, "Xiaojun, nice to meet you!"

If others respect him a foot, he will return a foot to others.

His first impression of Tan Jun was not bad.

Tan Jun smiled and said: "Brother Fang, let's go into the room and talk."

Fang Yu nodded slightly.

The three of them walked into the villa together.

After arriving in the living room, Tan Jun immediately made him and Xiao Yan a cup of coffee each, and the three of them sat on the sofa and drank coffee.

Tan Jun put the coffee in his hand on the coffee table, looked at Fang Yu, and said with a smile: "Brother Fang, I bought this villa a year ago, with an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters. At that time, I spent 10 billion Great Xia I bought it with coins, but I’ve never lived there!”

"Like Brother Yan, I grew up with Sister Yue and treat her like a biological sister. You are her fiancé, that is, my brother-in-law. If you want to buy it, I will sell it to you for five billion!"

"Don't refuse, listen to me first. The other five billion is my engagement gift to you and Sister Yue!"

After the Skynet incident, Fang Yu has become a well-known figure.

Although Tan Jun has never met Fang Yu, he knows his name.

And before Fang Yu arrived just now, Xiao Yan had briefly revealed some information about Fang Yu to him.

Sixteen years old, with strength comparable to the Core Formation realm.

Just because Fang Yu is Tang Xiyue's fiancé and Xiao Yan's recognized brother, he wants to make friends with him.

What's more, Fang Yu also has the strength of the Core Formation realm.

If he could gain Fang Yu's friendship, he would be willing to give him tens of billions, not just five billion.

And after the elders of his Tan family knew what he did, not only would they not blame him, but they would also praise him!

He was originally thinking about how to have a relationship with Fang Yu, but he didn't expect that pie in the sky would fall and Fang Yu would buy his villa.

He originally wanted to give it to Fang Yu for free, but Xiao Yan just told him!

If he wants to gain Fang Yu's friendship, he can't be utilitarian but must be sincere.

Although sincerity may not necessarily bring you sincerity, but if you want to win the sincerity of others, you must give your sincerity.

Fang Yu took a deep look at Tan Jun, put down the coffee in his hand, and chuckled: "Xiaojun, since you mean what you said, I will accept your gift!"

After a pause, he added: "But I don't have any money, so I'll give it to you at a discount using the 'Life Spiritual Liquid'."

"I sold it to Brother Xiao for 30 million Great Xia coins per drop, and I will give it to you for the same price of 30 million. If you think it's okay, then we'll go through the transfer procedures now!"

Tan Jun shook his head: "Brother Fang, the normal price of your life spirit liquid is 60 million per drop. In this case, wouldn't it be..."

He already knew the efficacy and price of the Life Spirit Liquid from Xiao Yan, and he was very happy to know that Fang Yu used the Life Spirit Liquid to give him a discounted price.

But Fang Yu now gave him a 50% discount. In other words, Fang Yu was using life spirit liquid to return his 5 billion favor.

Fang Yu directly interrupted Tan Jun, "Xiaojun, it's decided. You are Xiyue's younger brother. Call me brother-in-law. Naturally, no one else can compare with you!"

Favor debts are the hardest to repay, so Tan Jun can make friends with him if he wants.

But he didn't want to involve debts of gratitude or money.

Once these things are mixed in, friendship will change.

Therefore, he gave Tan Jun a discount on the 'life spirit liquid'.

He only received 30 million yuan from Tan Jun, which was also a 50% discount, which was considered as an indirect return of his 5 billion yuan in favor.

Xiao Yan suddenly interjected: "Xiaojun, I know Brother Fang, he said it exactly, so don't refuse anymore!"

Tan Jun swallowed the words that came to his mouth and said helplessly: "Okay then!"

He originally wanted Fang Yu to owe him a favor, but he didn't expect Fang Yu to return it to him indirectly.

Of course, he also admired Fang Yu a little in his heart. He didn't want the five billion gift, but Fang Yu said he didn't want it.

Next, Fang Yu took out one hundred and sixty-nine drops of life spirit liquid and handed it to Tan Jun.

Tan Jun also went through the transfer procedures with Fang Yu.

It is worth mentioning that the house transfer procedures can be handled on Tianwang, and it can be done in an instant. There is no need to go to the real estate trading center to handle it.

Marshal Li Xing has told Fang Yu that his current information has been encrypted and only Her Majesty the Queen is qualified to view it.

Therefore, Fang Yu is not worried that other forces will buy houses through him and find this place.

And he believed that Tan Jun would help him keep the secret.

Rather than trusting Tan Jun, who he had only met once, it would be better to say that he believed in the vision of Tang Xiyue and Xiao Yan.

After all, birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

If Tan Jun can be recognized by Tang Xiyue and Xiao Yan, his character must be decent.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yan, I will be the host tonight. I will ask someone to book a private room at [Rose Nightclub]. The service attitude of the girls there is very good, and there are many innocent schoolgirls there!"

Tan Jun looked at Fang Yu and Xiao Yan with a smile that every man would understand.

Fang Yu shook his head, "Xiaojun, I won't go. We will get together when we have time. If your sister Xiyue knew that I went to a place like that, she would definitely get angry with me."

He already has Tang Xiyue, so naturally he won't go to that kind of place.

You must know that Tang Xiyue is the most beautiful woman in Riverside City. No matter how beautiful the women in the nightclub are, they cannot compare to Tang Xiyue.

Besides, he was used to seeing the beautiful faces of Tang Xiyue, Ji Mengfei, and his god-sisters, so he had a very picky eye.

Xiao Yan also shook his head, "I won't go either. If Ying'er knows that I go to that kind of place, she will definitely get angry with me!"

Tan Jun trembled when he heard Fang Yu and Xiao Yan mentioning Tang Xiyue and Li Ying'er.

He knew that if those two tigresses knew that he took Fang Yu and Xiao Yan to that kind of place, they would definitely beat him up.

"Brother Fang, Brother Yan, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you!"

Fang Yu and Xiao Yan nodded, stood up and sent Tan Jun out of the house.

Xiao Yan said: "Brother Fang, I'm going back too. Ying'er is still waiting for me at home. I'll take her to your house tomorrow morning to help you celebrate your housewarming!"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Okay! Pay attention to safety on the road."

After a pause, he took out the sports car from the Grotto-Heaven and handed the car key to Xiao Yan: "Didn't you want to try my 'Dragon Veyron' this morning? You can drive it back now."

Xiao Yan's eyes lit up, and he didn't smile politely with Fang Yu and took the car keys.

Xiao Yan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, waved to Fang Yu and drove away in Fang Yu's sports car.

Fang Yu withdrew his gaze, turned and walked into the villa.

Just now he heard Tan Jun say that this villa is [Yu Long No. 1], the best villa in Riverside City.

(End of chapter)

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