Chapter 109 Grotto-Heaven Specialty

This villa is worthy of being a Transcendent Level mansion worth tens of billions. It is built on the hillside of Yulong Mountain and covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters.

The villa has five floors in total, four above ground and one underground.

The entire villa is like a Transcendent Level manor, with lush trees and colorful scenery.

There is an oval artificial lake in front of the villa. There is a small island in the center of the artificial lake, and there is an exquisite pavilion on the island.

There is a 20-meter-wide circular track on the periphery of the artificial lake.

The facilities in the villa are also very complete, including a private electric courtyard, a gym, and a dome library.

There are nine large bedrooms, eight kitchens, twenty-five bathrooms, a reception hall...

Yulong Mountain is the highest mountain in Riverside City. Standing on the rooftop of the villa at night, you can also see the night view of the entire Riverside City.

It can be said that this villa is worth the money.

As soon as Fang Yu returned to the living room, he released Tang Xiyue from the Grotto-Heaven.

Tang Xiyue had just been released by Fang Yu. When he saw this strange living room, he was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "Xiao Yu'er, where is this?"

Fang Yu pulled Tang Xiyue to sit on the sofa, and immediately told Tang Xiyue everything about buying a villa with Tan Jun.

Tang Xiyue smiled and said, "I never thought you would buy a villa with Xiaojun."

After a pause, he looked at Fang Yu with a smile and grinned: "Xiaojun is the same as Xiao Yan. We have known each other since childhood. His character is not bad. You can make friends with him, but you are not allowed to learn from him, otherwise ...Hmph!”

Speaking of this, Tang Xiyue glanced between Fang Yu's legs and made a scissors gesture with her right hand.

Fang Yu subconsciously crossed her legs, put her arms around her waist, and held her in his arms, "Xiyue, are you willing to do it?"

Tang Xiyue, whose head was resting on Fang Yu's thigh, blushed and said with an arrogant expression: "It's hard to find a three-legged toad, but isn't it hard to find a two-legged man?"

"But I'm so handsome and my kung fu is unique!"

"Narcissist, big pervert!"

Fang Yu used both hands to help Tang Xiyue arrange her hair, and asked curiously: "Xiyue, you were just worried that Xiaojun and I were bad students. Could it be that he was having a lot of fun?"

Tang Xiyue's head turned slightly, her beautiful eyes looked into Fang Yu's eyes, and she said softly: "Xiaojun is known as the 'First Artillery King of Riverside City', do you think you can do it without spending money?"

After a pause, he added: "But he has never forced himself on a woman."

The corner of Fang Yu's mouth twitched slightly, 'Riverside City's number one gunner'?

Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his mind, he fixed his eyes on Tang Xiyue's bright and charming face, and said with an ambiguous look: "My dear concubine, today is a happy day for the two of us to get engaged. Do you think it's time for us to go to bed?"

Tang Xiyue's pretty face turned red and she gave Fang Yu a blank look, "Big Man Niu, you've been thinking about this for a day!"

Fang Yu held up Tang Xiyue's head, lowered her head and kissed her.

living room.



Two hours later, Fang Yu changed to three battlefields to exchange martial arts with Tang Xiyue.

Until she couldn't bear the whip.

Passed out with happiness.

He just had some unfinished thoughts.

In the bedroom, Fang Yu stood up quietly and put on her clothes. He leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead. After covering her with the quilt, he escaped into the Grotto-Heaven beside the bed.

On the other side, the northern suburbs of Riverside City.

In a magnificent manor.

In a wide hall.

A tall old man with half-white hair and stern eyes looked at Tan Jun who walked in from the door with a cheerful face, and said in a deep voice: "You came back so late, where did you go to fool around tonight?"

Facing the old man's stern gaze, Tan Jun remained calm and smiled: "Grandpa, I didn't go fooling around tonight, but I went to make friends with a great big shot?"

The old man looked in disbelief and said in an indifferent tone: "With your careless temperament, what big shot would fall in love with you?"

A beautiful middle-aged woman sitting second to the right of the old man asked with a smile: "Jun'er, tell me, what kind of big shots did you make friends with tonight?"

The old man glanced at the beautiful middle-aged woman, shook his head helplessly, and murmured in a low voice: "A loving mother often loses her son!"

Tan Jun glanced at the three people in the hall and said with a serious face: "Grandpa, parents, I can tell you, but you must promise me not to leak his information!"

The three people in the hall were Tan Jun's grandfather, Mr. Tan, his father, Tan Qing, and his mother, Ji Mengmeng.

Mr. Tan, who was sitting in the first seat, looked at his grandson with majesty and snorted: "Huh! Grandpa can promise to keep it a secret for you, but if your answer doesn't satisfy me, you can go to the army and raise pigs tomorrow." go!"

Tan Jun smiled and said: "Okay! If my answer does not satisfy you, I will accept your arrangement and join the army!"

Then he looked at his parents.

Tan Qing and his wife also expressed their opinions one after another, "We also promise you, you can say it now!"

Tan Jun looked at his grandfather and said with a smile: "Grandpa, if I tell you that tonight I will become a sixteen-year-old young hero with strength comparable to that of Core Formation level, is such a person considered a big shot?"

Mr. Tan was stunned and subconsciously replied: "Of course such a person is a big shot!"

After a pause, he snorted coldly: "But do you think grandpa is a fool?"

"Our Great Xia Dynasty has no Core Formation environment at all, let alone a sixteen-year-old."

Speaking of this, Mr. Tan seemed to have thought of something, and his voice suddenly stopped.

Somewhat unsure, he asked, "Is the person you met tonight named Fang Yu?"

Tan Jun smiled and flattered, "Grandpa is so smart, you guessed it before I even said it!"

"Brother Yan asked me to go out just now, and I fell in love with Brother Yu!"

Mr. Tan's pupils shrank slightly and he murmured softly: "If it's him, I'm afraid his strength is comparable to the Core Formation realm. Otherwise, he would definitely not dare to challenge the Imperial Qin Family!"

He looked up at his grandson and said in a deep voice, "Tell me carefully how you got to know him."

Tan Jun did not hide anything and immediately told how he got acquainted with Fang Yu.

After Tan Jun finished speaking, Mr. Tan nodded with satisfaction and looked at his grandson with a much softer look, "You have done a good job in this matter. Don't worry, we will never disclose his information!"

"But you must also remember not to tell his information to your friends!"

Tan Jun nodded solemnly.

Mr. Tan waved his hand and said sternly: "Go back to your room to practice!"

"You have received the 'spiritual liquid of life'. You are not allowed to go anywhere these days. Just stay in seclusion and practice!"

"If I find out that you sneaked out and fooled around with your gang of friends, I won't break your legs!"

Tan Jun nodded, turned and left.

Tan Qing looked at her father and said curiously: "Father, if I remember correctly, that little guy seems to be only sixteen years old this year. Is he really that strong?"

Mr. Tan turned to look at his son and said with determination: "Xiao Yan said that, so of course he can't lie!"

Then he warned with a serious face: "Remember, don't tell anyone about his residence in Yulong Villa. Our Tan family cannot afford to offend such a peerless evildoer, not even the royal family of the Imperial Capital... can't afford to offend him! "

Speaking of this, a trace of ridicule flashed across the corner of his mouth, "The Qin Family of the Imperial Capital has always been overbearing, but this time they have made a big mistake. They catch eagles all day long only to be pecked in the eye by the eagle. It's really your own fault!"

at the same time.

Within Fang Yu’s Hongmeng Immortal Domain Grotto-Heaven.

In the Divine Weapon Forge.

Fang Yu, Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and Xi Zhicai stood in front of the alchemy furnace.

[Ding! The Shenwei Forge has detected forging blueprints, should they be added to the forging options? ]

Just when Fang Yu had just taken out six weapon blueprints, a cold voice suddenly came from the corner of the mouth of the humanoid statue standing next to the "Alchemy Furnace".

"Add to!"

Fang Yu looked at his humanoid "Blacksmith" statue.

This shirtless statue is just ruining his image.

As soon as he finished speaking, the six weapon blueprints in his hand fell out of his hand and disappeared into his human statue like lightning.

next moment.

A translucent virtual light curtain instantly appeared in front of the humanoid statue.

Fang Yu immediately looked towards the translucent virtual light curtain.

The three people around him, Guo Jia, also looked at the light screen with curiosity.

There are seven majestic gilt characters in the top center of the light screen - Forging Interface!

There are six options below.

[Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon: Forging requirements, Fine Iron x100]

[Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon: Forging requirements. ]

[Fine iron long sword...]

After a few cursory glances, he took out 10,000 kilograms of refined iron and threw it into the alchemy furnace.

This alchemy furnace may not look big on the surface, but it has a lot of space inside it, and it can hold no matter how many things there are.

[Refined Iron Spear] (can be forged)

[Fine Iron Long Sword] (can be forged)

[Refined Iron Long Knife] (can be forged)

[Fine Iron Armor] (can be forged)

Just after Fang Yu threw 10,000 kilograms of refined iron into alchemy, the words "Forgeable" appeared after four of the six weapon options on the "Forging Interface".

It is worth mentioning that the First Grade Forge can only add Low Grade Mortal Weapon weapon blueprints.

The Second Grade Forge can add Middle Grade Mortal Weapon drawings.

The Third Grade Forge can add High Grade and Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon drawings.

Fang Yu has upgraded the level of [Shen Weapon Forge] to Third Grade, so he can add the Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon weapon blueprint.

Looking at the four [Forgeable] options, Fang Yu thought about it.

Forging a fine iron long sword or a fine iron long knife requires 1,000 kilograms of fine iron.

However, it takes 10,000 kilograms to forge a piece of fine iron armor and fine iron armor.

He thought about it and decided to forge ten fine iron long swords first to see their properties.

After making a decision in his mind, Fang Yu started operating on the [Forging Interface].

With the weapon blueprints in hand, his [Magic Weapon Forge] station can finally open for business.

Thinking that the second Grotto-Heaven specialty of his Grotto-Heaven would be released soon, Fang Yu felt hopeful in his heart.

The reason why it is the second Grotto-Heaven specialty is because the ‘Life Spirit Liquid’ is his first Grotto-Heaven specialty!

Thanks to [No one is human anymore under the rain of fireworks] for your monthly ticket.

Thanks to book friend [160307203831883] for your monthly ticket!

Thank you all for your monthly votes!

(End of chapter)

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