Chapter 113 Hongmeng Coins

Qin Qingqing glared at Su Qingyin, then looked at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Brother, the things have been delivered to you, let's go back."

She knew that if she stayed any longer, her rotten girl best friend might say even more shocking things.

Fang Yu tried to persuade her to stay, "Sister, it's so late, you and Sister Qingyin should just stay at my place for one night. I have a lot of rooms here."

Qin Qingqing shook her head, "No, I have to go back to the Grotto-Heaven office to get the Treasure Weapon and send it to the old marshal. I can sell as many as I can."

"We're leaving, don't send it away."

After saying that, Qin Qingqing stood up directly, stretched out her hand and pulled Su Qingyin and flew out.

Fang Yu saw that his god sister had dragged Su Qingyin and flew out of the living room, so he did not get up to see her off.

"It's almost four o'clock in the morning now, I'd better wait until dawn before calling Ji Mengfei!"

"The most important thing right now is to forge the weapons in advance!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately transferred the Grotto-Heaven mark and escaped into Grotto-Heaven.

When he appeared again, he was already standing in the main hall of the Divine Weapon Forge.

Guo Jia, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, who were sitting cross-legged on the floor, saw him appear and quickly got up from the ground, clasped their fists and worshiped: "Lord!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, "No need to be polite!"

He walked to an open place and took out all the 300,000 tons of refined iron that his god-sister had sold to him.

Three hundred thousand tons of refined iron were piled up like a huge mountain in the main hall of the Divine Weapon Forge.

Fortunately, the space inside his [Magic Weapon Forge] is large enough.

Otherwise, there would be no room for so much refined iron.

After all, a piece of 100-jin fine iron is about the same size as a piece of red brick.

Three hundred thousand tons of refined iron is equivalent to 6 million red bricks, so the space required can be imagined.

Fang Yu turned to look at Zhao Yun and said with a smile: "Zilong, I will move you to [Seoul] now, and you can find twenty garrison troops and three knowledgeable people!"

"After you find it, say my real name and I will be able to sense it. I will transfer you here then!"

Zhao Yun: "Here!"

Fang Yu immediately used the power of Grotto-Heaven to transfer Zhao Yun to Seoul.

His current Grotto-Heaven grade is Third Grade.

The peak under Primordial Dao Palace is already three thousand meters high.

The mountain is vertical on all sides, like four smooth mirrors.

Without his help, the people in Hongmeng Immortal Domain would not be able to climb out at all.

Even people with Body Tempering Realm Ninth Layer like Zhao Yun and Dian Wei can't climb up.

Because that mountain is surrounded by purple rocks, as smooth as a mirror, without any focal points.

Moreover, the purple rock seems to have become one with the Primordial Tree, and even the Treasure Weapon cannot damage it at all.

The reason why he asked Zhao Yun to find so many people was because he needed manpower to carry the fine iron into the alchemy furnace.

The identification of weapons and the handling of weapons also require manpower.

A piece of fine iron weighs a hundred kilograms. There are 300,000 tons of fine iron here. Ordinary people simply can't hold on.

Therefore, he asked Zhao Yun to find the garrison to carry the fine iron.

Because the garrison all have cultivation bases.

Even the most ordinary Body Tempering Realm First Layer has a physical strength of a thousand kilograms, and it is very easy to carry a hundred kilograms of fine iron.

After seeing Fang Yu sending Zhao Yun away, Guo Jia immediately asked: "My lord, have you found the machine for printing coins?"

Fang Yu nodded, "Found it!"

"Come here with me and I'll show you how!"

After saying that, Fang Yu walked towards an open place.

Guo Jia, Huang Zhong and Xi Zhicai quickly followed.

Fang Yu walked to an open place and waved his right hand.

A white machine that was two meters high, three meters wide, and four meters long, like a cabinet, appeared in the open space in front of him.

This is the money printing machine that he and his god-sister Qin Qingqing ordered.

It is worth mentioning that after the great change in the world, scientists from the Great Xia Dynasty developed the spiritual power battery, which is very durable.

A spiritual battery is enough for a money printing machine to work continuously for a month.

The banknote printing process is very complicated, with more than a dozen steps, but Great Xia Dynasty's technology is very advanced.

The banknote printing machine in front of Fang Yu is a fully automatic all-in-one machine, which includes all the processes of printing banknotes.

For example, offset printing, gravure printing, code printing, etc.

Fang Yu took out the instruction manual given to him by his sister, read it over, and then put the materials into the money printing machine one by one according to the steps explained in the instruction manual.

Then he took out a stack of paper as white as jade and placed it on the money printing machine.

This stack of white paper, which is about the size of a newspaper, is not ordinary white paper, but paper specially used for printing coins.

Its main ingredients are cotton and wood pulp.

Of course, there are other chemical raw materials.

Turning on the switch of the banknote printing machine, Fang Yu took out a piece of white paper and put it in through the entrance.

Then walk to the exit and wait.

After a while, Fang Yu saw a small stack of banknotes spit out from the front.

He reached into the window and took out the small wad of banknotes.

Then he took out three and handed them to Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and Huang Zhong who were standing behind him. He also took out one and looked at it carefully.

The note in his hand was a hundred-dollar bill.

The style is about the same size as a hundred-yuan yuan in its previous life.

But the color is golden, with six large purple characters flying like dragons and phoenixes on the front - Hongmeng Immortal Domain Bank.

There is a purple number "100" in the middle and a purple flower pattern below it.

There is a purple avatar in the right corner, and that avatar is exactly him.

In addition to these, there are coding and so on.

The pattern on the back is a magnificent and magnificent purple palace, which is a miniature version of the Primordial Dao Palace.

The date is [2091].

"This kind of coin?"

Guo Jia carefully looked at the hundred-dollar bill in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

Something suddenly occurred to him, and his expression suddenly changed, and he frowned slightly.

"My lord, I just saw you making this kind of banknotes using white paper. Once the white paper manufacturing technology is spread among the people, it shouldn't be difficult to imitate this kind of banknotes, right?"

Guo Jia turned to look at Fang Yu and expressed his worries.

Xi Zhicai also looked at Fang Yu and said respectfully: "Lord, my opinion is similar to Feng Xiao's. Although ordinary people cannot make such exquisite coins, it should not be difficult to imitate them!"

"I'm worried that after the white paper manufacturing technology spreads among the people, someone will take the risk and make counterfeit coins!"

As early as two days ago, Fang Yu had given them many modern books.

Among them is modern papermaking.

The banknotes look very beautiful, but in fact the main materials are white paper and wood pulp, and there are some things they don't know, and the manufacturing method is too simple.

Even if the people do not have the machines to make banknotes, if they spread modern knowledge, someone may be able to imitate them using other methods.

It doesn't need to be exactly the same as the real thing. As long as it is fake and looks similar, ordinary people can be deceived.

Besides, people probably wouldn't think that anyone would dare to imitate the coins he made.

Fang Yu glanced at Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, and said with a smile: "Feng Xiao, Zhicai, your concerns are not unreasonable. This kind of banknote is indeed very counterfeit."

At this point, he changed the topic and continued: "But this is my world. I can see all the truth with just one thought. Once someone like that takes risks for profit appears, we will kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and we will never tolerate it!"

"What do you two think of the appearance of this banknote?"

Fang Yu is not worried about someone counterfeiting his Hongmeng coins.

Because in Grotto-Heaven, he can understand everything with just one thought.

If someone dares to imitate the Hongmeng coins he made for profit, then he will kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Guo Jia put aside his worries and replied seriously: "My lord, the appearance of such banknotes is very good, especially with your statue on it!"

"As long as this kind of banknotes circulate in the market, the people will definitely have a sense of belonging and worship you!"

Xi Zhicai and Huang Zhong also nodded in agreement with Guo Jia's words.

Seeing that Guo Jia and the others recognized this set of Hongmeng coins, Fang Yu smiled on his face.

Then he communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and moved Xun Yu and Cai Yong over.

As soon as Xun Yu and Cai Yong appeared, they bowed and saluted Fang Yu: "Lord!"

Fang Yu waved and immediately handed each of them a hundred-yuan bill, "Wen Ruo, Mr. Cai, this is the Hongmeng coin I made."

Xun and Yu nodded, picked up the Hongmeng coins and looked at them.

Fang Yu walked aside and took out five banknote printing machines again.

He planned to print six denominations [one dollar], [five dollars], [ten dollars], [twenty], [fifty], [one hundred].

When Xun Yu and the two were looking at the Hongmeng coins, Guo Jia and Xi Zhi opened their mouths to explain to them.

Fang Yu turned on six machines at the same time.

After a while.

He printed 100 million of each of the six denominations of Hongmeng coins.

After printing an amount of 600 million, Fang Yu stopped.

Because Hongmeng Immortal Domain currently only has more than 200,000 people, which is enough.

If it is not controlled, a large amount of money flowing into the market will definitely cause inflation, which is not what he wants to see.

Fang Yu looked at Xun Yu and Cai Yong and asked with a smile: "Wen Ruo, Mr. Cai, what do you two think of this set of Hongmeng coins?"

Xun Yu replied respectfully: "Since my lord is not worried about being counterfeited, this set of coins is very good both in appearance and practicality. It is light and easy to carry!"

What Cai Yong said was similar to what Xun Yu said.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "In that case, the promotion of this currency will be left to you two."

He breathed a sigh of relief, finally solving a big problem.

The problem of Hongmeng Coin has been solved, and the next step is to implement it.

With Xun Yu and Cai Yong around, he didn't need to worry at all.

He was going to hand over the money printing machine to the two of them together. If they lacked money, they would print it themselves.

His god-sister had prepared a lot of materials for him, and it would be worthless to buy them after he ran out.

Fool-like operation, fully automatic, anyone can make it as long as they have the materials.

Xun Yu and Cai Yong said respectfully: "Yes, my lord!"

Fang Yu is the Lord of the World. If he introduces new coins, the people will definitely accept them.

Xun Yu suddenly asked: "Lord, are the gold, silver and five baht coins in the hands of the people recycled? How to calculate the recycling price?"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Recycle them all, and you can calculate the price according to the ratio in your world."

Xun Yu respectfully accepted the order: "Here!"

Fang Yu immediately asked Xun Yu and Cai Yong to put the 600 million Hongmeng coins and six banknote printing machines he printed into their space rings, and then transferred them back.

The space rings in the hands of Xun Yu and Cai Yong were naturally given to them by him.

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