Chapter 114 Got a bargain?

Just when Fang Yu had just sent Xun Yu away, he suddenly felt Zhao Yun reciting his real name.

Immediately release your thoughts to investigate.

The next moment, Zhao Yun was found standing in an open place in Seoul with twenty soldiers and three old men, waiting for his introduction.

He immediately used the power of Grotto-Heaven to move Zhao Yun and others over.

When everyone saw Fang Yu, they saluted him immediately: "Greetings, my lord!"

Fang Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to be polite!"

Then he looked at the leader, Zhao Yun, and said with a smile: "Zilong, assign work to them!"

Zhao Yun respectfully accepted the order: "Here!"

He immediately led twenty-three people to the alchemy furnace, and then assigned tasks to everyone one by one.

Guo Jia next to Fang Yu suddenly said: "Lord, I think it is very inappropriate to place the [Shen Weapon Forge] in the square in front of your Hongmeng Temple!"

"The Hongmeng Temple is the meeting hall and your personal residence. It is sacred and inviolable. If any of these people accidentally break into your Hongmeng Temple, they will offend your majesty!"

"Besides, there are no latrines in the Hongmeng Temple, which is very inconvenient."

"Jia suggests that my lord move the [Divine Weapon Forge] to the vicinity of the Hongmeng Holy City [Devil-Slaying Legion]'s headquarters!"

Xi Zhicai also made the same suggestion as Guo Jia.

Seeing the serious faces of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, Fang Yu suddenly felt dumbfounded.

He had not considered this issue before.

However, he still agreed to Guo Jia's proposal.

The Hongmeng Temple mentioned by Guo Jia is the main hall in the Primordial Dao Palace. He named it based on the suggestions of Guo Jia and others.

Hongmeng Holy City is actually the Primordial Dao Palace.

Primordial Dao Palace is now Third Grade and has become a large city.

Although the name cannot be changed, Guo Jia and others now call Primordial Dao Palace the Hongmeng Holy City.

"Fengxiao, Zhicai, I will now move the [Divine Weapon Forge] next to the [Devil-Slaying Legion] station. I will leave the rest to you, those 'employees' who make weapons. Give them a drop of life spirit every day." Liquid as reward!"

Guo Jiahe Xi Zhicai replied respectfully: "Yes, lord!"

It's worth mentioning.

[Demonstration Dao Bing] is full.

Dian Wei has also selected five hundred of the most elite Demon-killing Dao soldiers to form a personal guard.

This personal guard was given a very lofty name by Guo Jia and others - Hongmeng Holy Guard!

He placed the Hongmeng Holy Guard and the [Devil-Slaying Legion] in the Primordial Dao Palace.

There are twelve Innate ancestral veins under the Primordial Dao Palace. The aura of heaven and earth is the richest place in the entire Hongmeng Immortal Domain, and it is also the highest level place.

Coupled with the terrifying increase of [Primordial Dao Palace].

[Hongmeng Holy Guard] is his personal guard.

[Devil-Slaying Legion] is the most powerful legion under his command.

After the transformation of [Tianyang Sacred Pond], the qualifications of the most common Demon-slaying Dao soldiers have reached Ninth Grade.

Ninth Grade qualification is a peerless monster.

In other words, both armies are composed of a group of peerless monsters.

If they grow up smoothly, they will definitely become two invincible legions that will make all races in the world change their expressions and be frightened by the news!

Fang Yu naturally wants to train them with all his strength.

Therefore, he placed both the [Hongmeng Holy Guard] and the [Devil-Slaying Legion] in the Primordial Dao Palace to give them the best treatment.

As for drinking water and washing, he directly transferred two small lakes.

A small lake was placed in the Primordial Dao Palace for them to use as drinking water.

The lake water is very clean and can be drank directly.

And being nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for a long time, sooner or later it will become a Spirit Lake.

Another small lake was placed at the gate of Primordial Dao Palace for soldiers to wash.

It is worth mentioning that Primordial Dao Palace has only one gate.

There is also a [Wugu Samsara] toilet.

He has upgraded the toilet to Third Grade, which can accommodate 100,000 people to defecate at the same time.

The Hongmeng Holy Guards and [Devil-Slaying Legion], including some chefs responsible for cooking for them, total less than 7,000 people, which is enough for them.

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu directly moved the [Magic Weapon Forge] next to the [Devil-Slaying Legion] station.

After doing all this, he directly became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Teleported to the Primordial Tree and started practicing by taking the life spirit liquid.

the other side.

Imperial Qin Family.

A very luxurious room with bright lights.

Qin Jie, who was about to escape to Grotto-Heaven to practice, suddenly heard a pleasant cell phone ringtone.

Qin Jie immediately took out his mobile phone because not many people knew his mobile phone number.

Qin Jie's eyes flickered when he saw the caller number marked [老不死].

"This old man still calls me at such a late hour. What does he want to do?"

"Are you here to ridicule me and see my Qin Family jokes?"

Qin Jie's expression changed and he murmured in a low voice.

When he mentioned the words "old and immortal", his eyes were full of fear.

Li Ming has a pair of eyes that can see through people, and he doesn't want to come into contact with Li Ming.

Not only him, but also few other senior executives of Great Xia Dynasty were willing to contact Li Xing.

Because in front of Li Ming, they had no secrets at all.

Although he didn't want to contact Li Xing and didn't like Li Xing, he still chose to answer the call.

After all, Li Min is the number one person in the military, the only remaining veteran of the Three Dynasties, and the oldest person in the Great Xia Dynasty. He still has to give him this face.

Qin Jian smiled and asked, "Mr. Li, are you okay with calling me so late?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xing's voice came over, "Xiaoji, I have a batch of Treasure Weapons to sell. Are you interested?"

Hearing that Li Xing wanted to sell the Treasure Weapon, Qin Jie narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "Mr. Li, I would like to ask, the Treasure Weapon is so precious, why do you want to sell it?"

Although Qin Jie was moved, he did not express his attitude immediately.

He always felt that Li Xing had no good intentions in selling him the Treasure Weapon.

After all, Great Xia Dynasty doesn’t have many Treasure Weapons, less than 500 in total.

High-quality weapons greatly increase combat effectiveness.

Great Xia Dynasty is so in need of Treasure Weapon, but Li Xing suddenly wants to sell it to him.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

But he couldn't figure out what the trick was?

Li Xing's voice was very gentle and made people feel very comfortable. "Xiaojie, I have reached a deal with that little guy Fang Yu, but that little guy only wants the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone."

"The Grotto-Heaven sacred stones stored in our Grotto-Heaven Office are far from enough, and the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones in your Qin Family's hands are the most among all the forces."

"Although Treasure Weapon is precious, it is only a foreign object. Foreign objects are foreign objects after all, and strength is the foundation!"

"That's why I sell Treasure Weapon!"

Upon hearing Li Xing's words, Qin Jie's temples suddenly twitched twice, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

He felt that Li Xing called him to show off to him and mock him.

After all, everyone now knows that the Qin Family wants to take advantage of Fang Yu.

Now Li Ming suddenly told him that he had reached a cooperation with Fang Yu, that little beast.

This is not to show off and ridicule, what is it?

Before Qin Jie could speak, Li Min's voice sounded again: "Xiao Jie, if you don't want it, then I'll hang up and I'll contact other forces!"

As soon as he heard that Li Ming was about to hang up the phone, Qin Jian said quickly: "Mr. Li, I want it!"

Treasure Weapon is very rare, even for Core Formation.

If he buys all the Treasure Weapons in the Grotto-Heaven office, the overall strength of their Qin Family will be greatly increased.

When the time comes, even if the three major royal families unite to attack the Qin Family, they will not be afraid.

As for the Wang family, they have been separated from the royal family by Qin Jian.

Because the Wang family has been half disabled by Fang Yu, and their rights have been taken back by the little queen, the current strength of the Wang family cannot even compare to that of a first-class family.

Qin Jian didn't suspect that the old guy Li Min had tricked him.

That old guy annoyed him though.

But his words are very reasonable. Compared with external objects, one's own strength is fundamental.

For example, a person in the Body Tempering Realm holding a Treasure Weapon cannot beat a bare-handed Qi Gathering Realm.

Therefore, he took it for granted that Li Ming suddenly sold Treasure Weapon and Fang Yu to buy Life Spirit Liquid.

He couldn't get the life spirit liquid, so he could only settle for the next best thing.

When he thought of "life spirit liquid", anger arose in his heart, but he did not show it.

Li Xing's voice came over: "We at Grotto-Heaven have 130 pieces of Low Grade Treasure Weapon, 90 pieces of Middle Grade Treasure Weapon9, 60 pieces of High Grade Treasure Weapon, and 20 pieces of Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon."

"If you pack it together, I'll give you a 20% discount!"

Qin Jie looked happy.

His first thought was to get a bargain!

Because Li Xing gave him a 20% discount, he could save at least 20 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

20 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are not a small amount of money.

The excitement in his heart was quickly suppressed by him. Qin Jie said with a smile: "Mr. Li, the current price on the market is that the Low Grade Treasure Weapon is 500,000 for a Grotto-Heaven sacred stone, the Middle Grade is 600,000, and the High Grade is 80. Supreme Grade 1 million!”

"We Qin Family don't have that many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones at the moment. Can you give me some time to raise them?"

Li Xing's gentle voice came again, "I only give you two hours."

"Of course, it's okay if you give it to me at a discount from other things, but I just want something that can increase my strength. Spirit Vein and Dragon Vein are also fine!"

"After you decide, come to the Grotto-Heaven headquarters to find me. I'll contact other forces first."

As soon as he heard that Li Min wanted to contact other forces, Qin Jie immediately became anxious and said immediately: "Mr. Li, please stop contacting other forces. I want all your Treasure Weapons!"

"I'll take someone to find you right away!"

"Yes! I'm waiting for you."

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

"I didn't expect this old immortal to give me such a big gift from the Qin Family!"

Qin Jie murmured softly.

Qin Jie didn't think much and walked out.

Treasure Weapon is available in Great Xia Dynasty.

Li Xing gave him a 20% discount, so he wouldn't lose money at all.

Because after he buys the Treasure Weapon, even if he doesn't use it himself, he will make a lot of money by selling it to other forces.

Therefore, in his opinion, Li Ming was giving him a gift.

As for whether Li Xing will cheat him?

Qin Jie never thought about it.

There is only one way for Li Yin to trick him, and that is if Treasure Weapon becomes popular and the price of the sword suddenly plummets.

But this situation will not happen at all, because the materials for forging Treasure Weapon are very scarce and expensive, and there are no blueprints for mass production.

(End of chapter)

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