Chapter 121 Getting rich

Although he knew that the situation in Great Xia Dynasty was very serious, Fang Yu did not lose his fighting spirit.

It's been less than a month since he opened Grotto-Heaven.

In less than a month, his strength was comparable to that of the Core Formation realm, and the achievements he achieved were achievements that countless people could not achieve in their lifetime.

So what if the alien race is above the Core Formation realm, as long as he breaks through to the Core Formation realm.

Even if he encounters a foreign race from the Infant Formation Realm, he will not be afraid!

However, Xiao Yan's words still gave him the idea of ​​retreat.

He has not forgotten that there is still a life and death battle to be fought in three days.

Since it was a life and death battle, that meant that only one of him and Qin Wudao could survive.

Although he was confident, he did not underestimate Qin Wudao.

Although Qin Wudao's character is not very good, he has to admit that his talent is still very good.

Qin Wudao's record was achieved by fighting, not bragging.


He was sure that with the Qin Family's urinary nature, they would definitely give Qin Wudao many trump cards.

Qin Yu and others would even give their own soldiers to Qin Wudao.

After all, the Qin Family hated him deeply, and the life-and-death battle three days later was the best time for the Qin Family to kill him.

Fang Yu didn't think anything of it.

After all, this is a life and death battle of 'either you die or I die', rather than a martial arts competition, so there is no need to talk about martial ethics at all.

And in the Great Xia Dynasty, although the laws are strict, killing is illegal.

But once both sides agree to a life-or-death fight, the official will not care.

Therefore, even if he has the [Guardian Medal], attacking him is tantamount to treason, but if he is killed by Qin Wudao in the life-and-death battle three days later, the country will not hold Qin Wudao responsible.

You only have one life, and Fang Yu doesn't want to lose his life because he underestimated the enemy.

A lion must fight a rabbit with all his strength.

He wants to fight at his best.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu looked up at Xiao Yan, who was sitting directly opposite, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiao, I'm going to retreat. When Xiyue comes out, tell her."

Xiao Yan said very seriously: "Okay! I will also collect some trump cards for you in the next three days. I estimate that the Qin Family will definitely give all the trump cards to Qin Wudao this time, and Qin Wudao may even give up first. The soldiers are bombarding you with the 'Purple Thunder Talisman' and consuming your spiritual power!"

Fang Yu nodded slightly, but did not reject Xiao Yan's intention. He immediately communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and escaped into the Grotto-Heaven.

When he reappeared, he was already standing under the Primordial Tree in the center of Hongmeng Temple Square.


"The Qin Family is the most powerful royal family. According to Ji Mengfei, the Qin Family has more than thirty masters of Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer, which is not comparable to the royal family like the old Wang family in the imperial capital. I estimate that the Qin Family must have some. Lots of 'Purple Thunder Talisman'!"

"As long as I'm fast enough, no matter how many trump cards Qin Wudao has, he can't attack me and he won't be able to retreat with me!"

"In this case, my main focus these days is on the "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Step". It is a Seventh Grade movement technique. As long as I practice it to Basic Accomplishment, my speed will definitely increase greatly!"

"Of course, my cultivation and the "Hongmeng Sword Sutra" cannot be left behind. After all, I have only reached the beginning of the second form of the Sword Sutra, "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect", and I am still three realms away from perfection!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu made a decision in his heart.

After making the decision, Fang Yu closed his eyes and read the information on "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper".

After a moment, he opened his eyes, and a gleam flashed across his eyes.

Next, Fang Yu practiced the "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Step" in the square in front of the Hongmeng Temple.

At the beginning, his movement was very stiff.

As time went by, his movement gradually became elegant and anomaly.

I saw him shuttle back and forth in the square, his anomaly movement was elegant and his speed was lightning fast. With every step he took, he could cover a distance of several hundred meters.

The traces were nowhere to be found. For example, he seemed to be rushing to the right, but the next moment he appeared directly on the left and right.

And every time he takes a step, an illusory purple lotus will grow under his feet.

The purple lotus is so beautiful and anomaly.

While Fang Yu was practicing in seclusion, Qin Wudao was also in seclusion to hone his skills.

Not only that.

Just as Fang Yu thought, the senior officials of Qin Family not only gave Qin Wudao all the life-saving trump cards that Qin Family had reserved, but also secretly continued to purchase trump cards for Qin Wudao.

It can be said that the Qin Family wants to get rid of Fang Yu quickly this time, and they don't want to make any mistakes.

Moreover, they knew that Fang Yu practiced the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

In the view of the Qin Family executives, the life and death battle in three days is the best opportunity to kill Fang Yu. As long as Fang Yu falls, the items he drops will belong to their Qin Family.

So they must win this battle.

As for whether the means are despicable, they Qin Family don't care.

Besides, it is a life and death battle, either you die or I die, the one who survives to the end is the winner!

Who cares whether the means are despicable or not?

They even found out that Fang Yu had moved, but they couldn't find out his whereabouts.

Otherwise, they will secretly notify foreign forces and let those forces harass Fang Yu, disturb his mind, and leave him no time to practice.

Time passes quietly while Fang Yu is practicing.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed.

Hongmeng Immortal Domain.


Fang Yu held the "Yuxi Sword" in his right hand, suspended a hundred meters above the center of a lake, looking calmly at the water splashing dozens of feet high below, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, after the Basic Accomplishment of "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect", its power has at least doubled!"

Fang Yu murmured softly.

The lake that exploded just now was his work.

He had practiced for a total of six hours just now, and spent four hours practicing the "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Steps" to the basic level.

It took another two hours to upgrade "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect" from entry level to Basic Accomplishment.

Fang Yu discovered that Basic Accomplishment's "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect" did not consume more spiritual power, just like the entry level.

But the power has been doubled.

If you practice the skill to perfection, its power will even exceed the original increase brought by the skill, and you can pick it up easily.

Looking back from the lake below, Fang Yu waved his right hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

In the light curtain, Ji Mengfei, who was wearing a red cheongsam, was charming and enchanting, and Tang Xiyue, who was pure and charming, were sitting where he left just now, drinking tea.


"Is Concubine Ji Meng here too?"

Fang Yu looked at the charming and enchanting Ji Mengfei with an excited expression.

He was not excited because of Concubine Ji Meng.

It's the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone on Ji Mengfei's body.

As soon as Ji Mengfei arrived, she said that she must have brought him the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

Even Fang Yu couldn't remain calm at the thought of getting more than 300 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones soon.

The Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is close to 400 million, which is a huge amount of money.


Fang Yu took a long breath and quickly calmed down.

Because he knows that as long as the golden chicken that lays eggs in the [Divine Weapon Forge] is still there, the 400 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones will only be a fraction.

Only he can forge weapons comparable to the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon. This is capital monopoly.

The Great Xia Dynasty weapons cake belongs to him alone, and he will definitely make a lot of money.

Until everyone in the Great Xia Dynasty has a set of weapons comparable to the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon, there will be a market for his weapons.

Even if everyone has a set of "Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon", there is still a market for his weapons, because he will continue to release "Low Grade Spirit Weapon" sets.

The "Low Grade Spirit Weapon" set, Fang Yu doesn't plan to launch right now.

Because if the "Low Grade Spirit Weapon" set is launched now, others will definitely choose the better "Low Grade Spirit Weapon".

In this case, the "Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon" will have no market unless it is sold at a low price or exported.

It must be said that Fang Yu has the potential to be a profiteer.

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and escaped from Grotto-Heaven.

As soon as he appeared in the outside world, Ji Mengfei and Tang Xiyue looked at him.

"Brother Fang Yu, you are really going to make a fortune this time. All the forces in the Great Xia Dynasty have contacted me just now. They all want to order the weapons you forged!"

Ji Mengfei said with a smile.

After a pause, he added: "Even foreign forces have contacted me, and they are willing to pay a higher price to buy it!"

Fang Yu looked happy, sat directly next to Tang Xiyue, and said to Ji Mengfei: "We will not consider foreign forces for now. We will consider opening up foreign markets after Great Xia Dynasty's market is saturated!"

After saying that, he took the tea from Tang Xiyue and drank it.

Ji Mengfei nodded. Good things must be sold to the people first. She still has this awareness. She will not betray the country for profit.

"Brother Fang Yu, I sold out all 200,000 weapons and got a total of 400 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones!"

Ji Mengfei smiled and said: "Because I chose to cooperate with the Queen, she did not collect taxes from you. Except for the 10% you gave us, you will receive a total of 390 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones this time!"

"I have brought the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone, and I will give it to you now!"

Ji Mengfei stood up and walked to the open space in front of her.

Fang Yu also stood up and walked up.

After a while, he put all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones into his inventory.

"You asked me to use 6.5 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to buy refined iron, and I bought them all, 20 pieces per ton, for a total of 325,000 tons. I will give it to you now!"


Then, Fang Yu put all the fine iron that Ji Mengfei took out into the [Magic Weapon Forge].

After seeing Fang Yu put away the fine iron, Ji Mengfei suddenly said: "Brother Fang Yu, there is not much fine iron on the market, and even if there is, the price will increase!"

"There are some overseas, but their asking prices are very high. Several foreign forces contacted me just now. Some of them want a few hundred, and some want a thousand!"

After a pause, he said angrily: "The little devil is even more hateful. He directly offered 10,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones for a ton!"

Hearing this, Fang Yu sneered: "One ton of fine iron can only forge two fine iron long swords. We only sell one thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. The little devils actually ask for ten thousand. They are thinking nonsense." , Are you crazy about being poor?”

After a pause, he directly changed the subject: "Meng Fei, ignore him for now. I will give you another batch of weapons. After you sell them, the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone you get can be used as capital to buy fine iron. You can buy a ton of 1,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones!”

"The wool comes from the sheep. The price we sell to the domestic market will remain unchanged, but the price sold to foreign countries will directly increase ten times. They want to buy it or not!"

Ji Mengfei nodded.

Fang Yu immediately took out 400,000 weapons and handed them to Ji Mengfei.

As before, there are 200,000 [Fine Iron Long Swords] and [Fine Iron Long Swords] each.

This batch of weapons was forged by him using the fine iron Zhou Jianguo gave him in the morning. He only used 300,000 tons.

The reason why he didn't use all of it was because only half of the batch of fine iron belonged to him. He didn't want to misappropriate Mr. Li Min's without permission. After all, he would definitely do what he promised to others.

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(End of chapter)

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