Chapter 122 Big Upgrade

"Meng Fei, you and Xiyue chat first, I still have some things to deal with. I will come out to accompany you after I deal with the matter!"

Fang Yu said with a smile after seeing Ji Mengfei put away all the weapons.

This time, Concubine Ji Meng brought him 390 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, plus the trophies that Mr. Li Ming got from the Qin Family trap.

He now has a staggering sum of 400 million.

Now that he has money, he will naturally upgrade Grotto-Heaven.

As for bringing Ji Mengfei into his Grotto-Heaven, Fang Yu never thought about it.

He has too many Grotto-Heaven secrets, and Ji Mengfei's relationship with him has not yet reached that level, so naturally he will not expose his secrets to Ji Mengfei.

Ji Mengfei nodded, she had guessed that Fang Yu must want to upgrade his Grotto-Heaven.

Although she was a little curious about what Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven was like, she was a smart woman and did not rashly ask Fang Yu to take her into the Grotto-Heaven.

She vaguely felt that Fang Yu must have her own secret.

The Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condenses the "spiritual liquid of life" can also be said to be the amazing opportunity Fang Yu got when he opened Grotto-Heaven.

But what about the forge that can forge a Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon?

After all, when opening Grotto-Heaven, you only get one chance, that's common sense.

In other words, Fang Yu cannot get two opportunities.

She had already guessed that the quality of the forging piece in Fang Yu's hand must be beyond epic quality.

The epic quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is only available in the High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm with three stars and above.

The legendary and High Grade Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, Great Xia Dynasty has none.

Fang Yu has only entered the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm once. Where did he obtain the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of epic quality or above?

Although Ji Mengfei's heart was filled with many questions.

But she won't pry into Fang Yu's secrets.

And she knew that once she rashly pried into Fang Yu's secrets, her friendship with Fang Yu would come to an end.

Tang Xiyue originally wanted to enter Grotto-Heaven with Fang Yu to see him level up.

But she was embarrassed to leave Ji Mengfei alone outside.

As for bringing Concubine Ji Meng in with her, she had never thought about it, nor would she think about it.

Because she knows Fang Yu's secret, once she brings Ji Mengfei in, Fang Yu's secret will be exposed.

Although she knew that with Ji Mengfei's shrewdness, even if Ji Mengfei knew Fang Yu's secret, she would not expose it, but if one more person knew it, Fang Yu would be in more danger.

She even hid it from her grandfather and parents, let alone Concubine Ji Meng.

She will not put Fang Yu in danger, nor does she want anyone to bring danger to Fang Yu.

Seeing Tang Xiyue get up and ask Concubine Mengmeng to chat aside, Fang Yu smiled, immediately communicated the Grotto-Heaven seal, and disappeared from the sight of the two women in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, Fang Yu was still standing under the Primordial Tree.

"First upgrade both [Primordial Dao Palace] and [Innate] to Third Grade, and then upgrade Grotto-Heaven!"

Fang Yu touched his chin with his right hand and murmured softly.

Immediately spend one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the level of Primordial Dao Palace from Second Grade to Third Grade.

The area of ​​the Third Grade Primordial Dao Palace has directly increased ten times, which is almost the same as that of Seoul.

After the Primordial Dao Palace was upgraded, the area of ​​the purple mountain below also increased dramatically, and it also increased by one thousand meters, reaching three thousand meters.

The 3,000-meter peak looks like a sacred mountain holding up the sky, and is the most beautiful scenery in Hongmeng Immortal Domain.

Not only that, after Primordial Dao Palace was upgraded to Third Grade, its attributes were also improved.

Cultivation speed +1000% → +1500%.

Comfort +1000% → +1500%.

Comprehension +1000% → +1500%.

From Third Grade to Fourth Grade, the number of Grotto-Heaven sacred stones required increases from one million to ten million, which is a tenfold increase.

The Hongmeng Holy Guards and the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] who lived in the Primordial Dao Palace sensed the changes in the Primordial Dao Palace, but they were not surprised because they had long been accustomed to it.

Then, Fang Yu spent another 1,980 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the eighteen Innate ancestral veins from Mythical First Grade to Mythical Third Grade.

The reason there are four more is because he has just placed all the four dragon veins that Mr. Li Min gave him from the Qin Family.

After adding points of dark blue from Primordial Tree, the four dragon veins have undoubtedly become Innate ancestral veins.

The attribute panel of Mythical Third Grade Innate has not changed much, but the speed of producing heaven and earth spiritual energy has increased several times.

Although the Innate ancestral veins have been upgraded, the aura of heaven and earth in the Primordial Dao Palace has not changed.

Because the speed at which Innate's ancestral veins produce Innate spiritual energy has increased dramatically, but the area of ​​the Primordial Dao Palace has also increased, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has naturally been diluted.

Therefore, the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in Primordial Dao Palace has not changed much compared to before.

After all, one increase and one decrease are almost the same.

"All Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures have been upgraded to Third Grade, and the Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones are also satisfied. The next step is to upgrade the Grotto-Heaven level!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately opened the [Grotto-Heaven] panel.

[Grade] Third Grade (379200000/10000000) [Upgradeable]

Seeing the words upgradable behind the Grotto-Heaven level, Fang Yu immediately clicked on it.

In an instant, ten million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones flew from his body, turned into a black airflow, and sank into the ground of Grotto-Heaven.


The next moment, Fang Yu's [Hongmeng Immortal Domain] Grotto-Heaven world suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, the gray gas at the edge of Grotto-Heaven quickly retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Grotto-Heaven continued to expand.

The sky is also getting higher at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The upgrade of Grotto-Heaven is like the opening up of the Mythical legend in the previous life. The clear air rises to become the sky, and the turbid air sinks to become the earth!

After a while.

Grotto-Heaven stops expanding and upgrades end.

The area of ​​Grotto-Heaven has increased from 3,000 square kilometers to 30,000 square kilometers.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu spent one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the legendary Third Grade [Sacred Spring of Life] to the legendary Fourth Grade.

Spend 200,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade [Seoul] and [Grain Reincarnation Square] from Epic Third Grade to Epic Fourth Grade.

Spend one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade another legendary Third Grade [Grain Reincarnation House] to the legendary Fourth Grade.

Spend 23 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the twenty-three legendary Third Grade [Dragon Veins] to the legendary Fourth Grade.

Spend 40 million to upgrade the four Mythical quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures from Mythical Third Grade to Mythical Fourth. Grade.

Spend 180 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade eighteen Mythical Third Grade [Innate Ancestral Veins] to Mythical Fourth Grade.

In less than ten minutes, Fang Yu spent a total of 275 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

He had 400 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones just now, and now he has 125 million left.

Fang Yu sighed softly: "The Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is so worthless!"

“Now let’s take a look at the changes in Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure!”

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately checked them one by one.

[Sacred Spring of Life]

[type ]:


[Grade]: Fourth Grade.

[Function ]:

[Characteristics]: The blessing of the goddess of life can improve qualifications, enhance cultivation, and heal injuries (one drop of Fourth Grade Sacred Spring of Life can increase life span by four years, up to four hundred years).

[Inventory]: 20/20 tons (1/day).

[introduce ]:

[Primordial Dao Palace]

[type ]:


[Grade]: Fourth Grade.

[Function ]:

[Characteristics]: Cultivation speed +2000%, comfort +2000%, understanding +2000%.

[introduce ]:

[Kill Demon Dao Soldier Tower]

[type ]:


[Grade]: Fourth Grade.

[Function ]:

[Characteristics]: Tianyang Holy Pond (6000/8000).

[introduce ]:

[Nine Heavens Breathing Soil]

[type ]:


[Grade]: Fourth Grade.

[Characteristics]: Innate spiritual objects can be planted. Mortal objects planted on it have an 80% probability of transforming into spiritual objects, and a 0.0004% probability of transforming into Innate spiritual objects. Yield +2000%, medicinal properties +2000%, production speed +2000% .

[introduce ]:

[Magic Weapon Forge]

[type ]:

[Quality]: Mythical.

[Grade]: Fourth Grade.

[Characteristics]: Can forge Low Grade Treasure Weapon, with 100% probability of forging weapons with two attributes and 20% probability of forging weapons with three attributes.

[introduce ]:

As for the legendary Fourth Grade [Grain Reincarnation Square].

Cultivation speed changes from +600% to +800%.

Comfort level +600% → +800%.

Comprehension +600% → +800%.

Another epic, Fourth Grade's [Grain Reincarnation House], does not have the attribute of increasing comprehension, and the cultivation speed and comfort level are both increased from +300% to +400%.

In the epic Fourth Grade [Seoul], the cultivation speed and comfort level also increased from +300% to +400%.

It is worth mentioning that the area of ​​Fourth Grade Seoul has increased from 90 square kilometers to 900 square kilometers.

In addition to the City Lord's Palace, the number of houses in Seoul and the number of lofts in the city have increased tenfold, from the previous ten thousand to one hundred thousand.

As for the attribute panels of [Innate Veins] and [Dragon Veins], they remain unchanged, but the speed of producing heaven and earth spiritual energy has increased.

Not only that.

After Grotto-Heaven was upgraded from Third Grade to Fourth Grade, the various attributes of Grotto-Heaven have increased. Except for [Characteristic 1]: outstanding people and qualifications +2, other characteristics have increased.

For example:

[Characteristic 2]: A bumper harvest, the grain yield changes from x700% to x800%.

[Feature 3]: Grotto-Heaven, the cultivation speed of all creatures +700% → +800%.

[Characteristic 4]: The six livestock species are prosperous, and the output of livestock and poultry increases from x700% to x800%.

[Feature 5]: The fishery is developed, and the aquatic product output changes from x700% to 800%.

[Characteristic 6]: The growth rate and medicinal properties of Wuhua Tianbao and Tiancai Dibao increase from +700% to +800%.

Of the remaining three characteristics, the one that is still available is [Insufficient Grotto-Heaven Level].

It took Fang Yu a few minutes to read all the attributes of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and Fourth Grade Grotto-Heaven, and he let out a long breath: "Huh!"

"Fourth Grade Grotto-Heaven can bind twelve Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures. I have bound nine now, and I am still three places short of the quota!"

"If I want to upgrade Grotto-Heaven to Fifth Grade, I have to bind three more Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures, and I also need to upgrade them all to Fourth Grade to meet the upgrade conditions."

"What should I bind these three quotas to?"

Fang Yu held his chin with his right hand and thought silently.

(End of chapter)

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