Chapter 123 The Queen’s Gift

"Although the Sacred Spring of Life can condense a ton of life spirit liquid in a day, I am now supplying [Hongmeng Holy Guard] and [Army of All Heavens] in unlimited quantities, and the recovery speed of [Sacred Spring of Life] cannot keep up with the consumption speed."

"So, Spirit Well needs to bind another one."

"One more warrior tower needs to be bound. After all, strength is the foundation."

"As for the last spot."

Fang Yu didn't think about what type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure the last spot would be bound to.

Shaking his head, Fang Yu directly communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and escaped from Grotto-Heaven.

He planned to go out and ask Tang Xiyue for her advice.

After all, the three stooges are the same as Zhuge Liang.

Tang Xiyue, who was sitting in the pavilion chatting with Ji Mengfei, saw Fang Yu suddenly appear and asked curiously: "Xiao Yu'er, has your Grotto-Heaven been upgraded to Fifth Grade?"

Fang Yu shook his head, "Not yet!"

He walked straight to Tang Xiyue and sat down. He took the tea that Tang Xiyue poured for him and took a sip. The tea was fragrant and left a fragrance in his mouth.

What he drank was not ordinary tea, but spiritual tea cultivated by the Lord of Grotto-Heaven.

Putting down the teacup, he turned to look at Tang Xiyue on his right and asked with a smile: "Xiyue, my current Grotto-Heaven level is Fourth Grade. I haven't decided yet what type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to bind. What do you have?" good suggestion?"

Tang Xiyue heard the words, his eyes moved, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Although there are many types of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, there are only a few for the Lord of Grotto-Heaven."

"Normally, the Lord of Grotto-Heaven will bind the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that is useful to them."

"I summarized it. Currently, it is in the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure owned by our Great Xia Dynasty."

"The only Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures that are helpful to the Lord of Grotto-Heaven are Spirit Field, Spirit Well, Forge, War Tower, and Palace Spirit Treasure."

"As for Spirit Vein, since it is not affected by the Grotto-Heaven level, I did not include it."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiyue glanced at Fang Yu inexplicably, because she knew that Fang Yu had bound two useless Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures.

It's not useless, those two toilets have become very powerful after being strengthened by Fang Yu.

Seeing Tang Xiyue's inexplicable look, the corner of Fang Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

He vaguely guessed that Tang Xiyue was thinking that he had bound two useless toilet Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures.

Who said his toilet was useless?

His toilet is a treasure.

Now it is the Fourth Grade Pavilion, which can accommodate one million people to defecate at the same time.

And he just discovered that after he had just upgraded the [Grain Reincarnation Factory] in Seoul to Fourth Grade.

Almost all the people in Seoul rushed inside to practice.

It is now a training Sacred Land!

Tang Xiyue saw the corner of Fang Yu's mouth twitching, smiled, and then said very seriously: "Your Grotto-Heaven has more than 200,000 people. I suggest you bind two more Spirit Wells and a warrior tower, or Bind all three places to Spirit Well!”

"After all, it takes a lot of resources to cultivate soldiers. The Spirit Well can condense Spirit Gathering fluid every day."

After a pause, he continued: "Spirit Well, you can ask Sister Qingqing for help. Based on your relationship with the country, I guess they are willing to give you an epic quality Spirit Well."

Tang Xiyue only has her man's interests at heart.

In her opinion, the life liquid that Fang Yu sold to the military was discounted by 50%.

Still forging weapons for the military for free, both suffered huge losses.

Everyone has selfish motives, and she is no exception.

She didn't want Fang Yu to suffer all the time, and she didn't want him to suffer all the time.

Therefore, I suggested that he go to the country to ask for epic quality Spirit Well.

Epic-quality Spirit Well type Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is very precious, and she estimates that the military will not have more than ten pieces in hand.

But if the military only knew how to take advantage of her man, she would persuade him not to help the military in the future.

It's not that Tang Xiyue is ruthless and has no patriotic feelings.

It's because she understands that real help is mutual.

Blindly helping others will only make people dependent and take it for granted.

If one day you suddenly stop helping, others will even hate you!

She knows that Fang Yu can strengthen the quality of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, and he will have many good things in the future.

[Holy Life Spiritual Liquid] and [Magic Weapon Forge] were exposed, and the country came to their door.

Obviously, if other good things are exposed in the future, the state will also come looking for it. Will it continue to help or not?

Fang Yu does not run a charity. Helping once is a sign of affection, and helping twice is also a sign of affection. But if the country continues to ask for help, it will be excessive!

She didn't want her man's relationship with the country to change from a benefactor to an enemy one day.

Hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu's eyes lit up. Although the strengthening effect of Primordial Tree, the same type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure had the best quality.

But what if he uses the epic level Spirit Well to strengthen it.

And there are different types of Spirit Well.

Rare quality Spirit Well and ordinary quality Spirit Well are two completely different concepts.

Functional healing and increasing cultivation are two different concepts.

When he strengthened twice, he used the same quality and the same type of Spirit Well.

If he can reach three different types of epic level Spirit Wells, it is estimated that the quality after strengthening will not be low.

Even worse, you can still get three legendary quality Spirit Wells.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's eyes lit up and he was eager to try.

After making a decision in his mind, Fang Yu immediately took out his mobile phone and called his god-sister Qin Qingqing.

The phone was answered quickly, and Qin Qingqing's voice came over.

"Brother, do you have anything to do with your sister?"

Fang Yu said bluntly: "Sister, I want three different types of epic-quality Spirit Wells. Can you call and talk to Mr. Li Ming and see if he can help me find them?"

Qin Qingqing smiled and said: "Okay! Just wait for sister, and I will ask Mr. Li for you!"

After saying that, Qin Qingqing hung up the phone.

Ji Mengfei suddenly said: "Brother Fang Yu, they have epic quality Spirit Well, but they shouldn't have more than ten pieces!"

"After all, Great Xia Dynasty's most precious Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is of epic quality, and they may not necessarily give it to you!"

Fang Yu said with determination: "They will give it to me!"

He believed that Mr. Li Xing would give it to him.

Fang Yu’s ideas are similar to Tang Xiyue’s.

He helps the country so much, if they can't even fulfill his small request.

Then he will have to reconsider whether to help the military in the future.

After all, giving is mutual, if they just want to take from him blindly.

He will never help them again if he gets something good in the future.

He understands the principle of helping others to make enemies. It's not that he is heartless, he doesn't owe them, and he has no obligation to help them all the time.

Mr. Li Xing is a smart person, and the Queen is also a smart person.

Therefore, Fang Yu believes that both of them know how to choose.

Tang Xiyue looked at Ji Mengfei and said with a smile: "Sister Mengfei, my Xiao Yu'er has helped the country three times. If they refuse to help my Xiao Yu'er even once, what do you think about my Xiao Yu'er? Is it necessary for er to continue to help them?"

Ji Mengfei blurted out, "It's not necessary!"

Ji Mengfei is a smart woman. She knows that Fang Yu owes nothing to the country. It is a matter of friendship for him to help, but it is his duty not to help.

If the country only knows how to take advantage of Fang Yu, sooner or later it will completely chill Fang Yu.

In less than three minutes, Qin Qingqing called Fang Yu.

Fang Yu answered immediately.

"Brother, Marshal Li Xing agreed to give it to you, but there are only two types, one is to increase cultivation, and the other is to heal injuries. How do you choose?"

"Sister, I want two to increase cultivation and one to heal injuries!"

"Okay! Sister, I will reply to Mr. Li right now and send it to you personally later."

"Sister, we'll see you later!"

After hanging up the phone, a bright smile appeared on Fang Yu's face.

Fortunately, the country did not disappoint him this time.

Tang Xiyue and Ji Mengfei also had smiles on their faces. They were really happy for Fang Yu.

Fang Yu looked at Concubine Ji Meng with a bright smile: "Concubine Meng, my life liquid is now Fourth Grade. Do you need it?"

He gave Ji Mengfei 10 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, so he naturally wanted to trick her.

After he upgraded Grotto-Heaven to Fifth Grade, if he wanted to upgrade it again, he would need an astronomical number of Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

One billion!

Moreover, upgrading other Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures to Fifth Grade also requires a lot of Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones, which may be difficult to upgrade in a short period of time.

Unless, he collects the wool of the whole world.

Ji Mengfei rolled her eyes at Fang Yu charmingly, "Sister, I just got the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone. If you haven't warmed it up yet, you're going to take it away!"

Although she said so, Ji Mengfei's body was very honest, "I want it!"

"How much?"

"Twelve million."

"I'll give it to you right now."

Fang Yu immediately used his mind to contact Zhao Yun and Guo Jia and asked them to install the life liquid.

The price of Fourth Grade on the market is eight hundred and one drops, and he gave Ji Mengfei a 50% discount, which is four hundred Grotto-Heaven sacred stones per drop.

Twelve million, which is 30,000 drops.

One drop weighs ten grams, three hundred thousand grams, six hundred kilograms.

In half an hour, he and Ji Mengfei completed the transaction and once again received 12 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Including what was left just now, he now has a total of 137 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Ji Mengfei left with satisfaction.

eight pm.

In Fang Yu's villa, in the living room.

Wearing a leather jacket and jeans, Qin Qingqing, who looked dashing, took out three palm-sized Spirit Wells and handed them to Fang Yu.

"Brother, Mr. Li asked me to give this to you!"

Fang Yu took the three Spirit Wells with a smile and looked at them carefully. Two were white and one was green.

He put the Spirit Well into the space ring, looked up at Qin Qingqing who was sitting directly opposite, and asked with a smile: "Sister, how many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones?"

Qin Qingqing smiled and said: "Mr. Li said this is a reward from Her Majesty the Queen, and it's free of charge!"

He originally thought that the other party wanted to charge money, but he didn't expect to give it to him for free.

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard.

The free prostitution queen smells so good!

Fang Yu happily accepted the gift from the Queen.

Qin Qingqing asked with a smile: "Brother, have your weapons been forged?"

Fang Yu said methodically: "Well! Brother Zhou sent me 150 tons of refined iron, of which 1 million tons of weapons are used to forge the armor!"

"The armor is forged with 5 tons of weight. I have forged a total of 200,000 pieces."

"200,000 tons are used to forge [fine iron longbows]. One ton is used to forge two bows, for a total of 400,000 bows!"

"300,000 tons are used to forge [fine iron arrows], and one ton is used to forge two, for a total of 600,000 arrows!"

"I'll take half, so I'll give you 100,000 pieces of armor, 200,000 fine iron longbows, and 300,000 fine iron arrows!"

Brothers have settled accounts clearly, so Fang Yu naturally wants to explain the accounts clearly.

He had used 300,000 tons before, and Concubine Ji Meng sent him more than 300,000 tons during the day, and he used that to make up for it.

Of course, he kept all three attributes.

Qin Qingqing smiled and nodded: "Not bad!"

Fang Yu stood up, took out the weapon and placed it in the empty hall.

Others include the 600 [Fine Iron Long Swords] that my god-sister ordered from him last night.

(End of chapter)

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