Chapter 127 Tang Xiyue’s decision

Half an hour later.

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue returned home.

As soon as he returned home, he immediately took Tang Xiyue and escaped into Grotto-Heaven.

When they reappeared, the two were already standing under the Primordial Tree.

In front of them, there were two gold-colored, intact coffins.

Looking at the two coffins that were intact and not rotten, Fang Yu was not surprised at all.

Because the two coffins in front of him were made of golden nanmu.

Golden nanmu has antiseptic properties. If buried in a dry place, it will not rot for more than ten years.

Moreover, coupled with the anti-corrosion technology of Great Xia Dynasty, it will not rot within a hundred years.

In the Grotto-Heaven era, the precious flowers and trees before have become worthless.

For example, golden nanmu.

Because every Grotto-Heaven master's Grotto-Heaven can plant things. Unless it is a spiritual tree, otherwise, no matter how precious the tree is, it is worthless.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Yu had already received a lot of tree and flower seeds from his god sister yesterday, and he had already scattered those tree and flower seeds in Grotto-Heaven.

His Grotto-Heaven spiritual energy is very abundant, and it won't take long for the tree species to grow into a towering tree.

Flowers and grass will also grow.

Fang Yu looked away from his parents' coffins, suppressed the excitement in his heart, took out an iron bucket, walked to the [Sanguang Divine Spring], bent down and filled a bucket of Sanguang Divine Water.

Walking to one of the coffins, he said seriously to Tang Xiyue beside him:

"Xiyue, once we open the coffin, my parents' bodies will rot when exposed to the air. You come over and open the coffin, and I will pour the 'Three Lights Divine Water'."

Normally, the corpse will rot into bones after being buried in the ground for about two months.

But the Great Xia Dynasty took all the air out of the coffin when burying the martyrs.

Theoretically speaking, in a vacuum state, as long as the coffin does not rot and is not breathable and air cannot enter inside, the corpse inside will not rot.

Fang Yu had just used his mental power to examine the situation inside the coffin, and he found that his parents' bodies were not rotten and lifelike.

If he hadn't been breathing and looked pale and bloodless, he would have thought his parents were just asleep.

Tang Xiyue walked up to the nanmu coffin in front of Fang Yu, looked at Fang Yu with beautiful eyes, and said sternly: "Xiao Yu'er, you first use your Grotto-Heaven ability to extract the space around the coffin and seal it."

"Then I count one, two, three, and then open it."

Fang Yu immediately used the power of Grotto-Heaven to draw out the air near the coffin and seal it, preventing any air from flowing in.

After doing all this, he lifted Tietong, nodded to Tang Xiyue, and stared at the coffin in front of him.

Tang Xiyue put his hands on the coffin and opened his mouth to count.





When Tang Xiyue counted to three, she exerted slight force with her hands, and the coffin lid was lifted off by her.


Fang Yu quickly poured the [Three Lights Divine Water] in the bucket on the body inside.

After pouring the water, Fang Yu focused all his attention on his father's body.

He saw all the three-light divine water being absorbed by his father's corpse, and then he saw his father's handsome face without a trace of blood turning rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Fang Yu looked happy and immediately lifted the ban.

As soon as the ban was lifted, Fang Yu felt air pouring into the coffin.

After seeing that his father's body did not rot due to the influx of air, Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

ten minutes later.

Fang Yu felt that all the [Three Light Divine Water] was absorbed by his father lying in the coffin.

His complexion has become like a normal person, rosy and fair.

Fang Yu even heard a faint heartbeat coming from his father.

But he found that his father showed no signs of waking up, just like a vegetative state.

Fang Yu frowned tightly.

"Could it be that [Three Lights Divine Water] is insufficient?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu once again brought a bucket of Sanguang Divine Water and poured it on his father's body.

After the father's body had finished absorbing it, he still didn't wake up, and his heartbeat strengthened a bit.

Three buckets, still not awake.

Just as Fang Yu was about to pour the fourth bucket, Tang Xiyue suddenly reached out and grabbed the tietong in his hand and shouted: "Xiao Yu'er, that's enough!"

Hearing Tang Xiyue's drink, Fang Yu, who was a little dazed, suddenly woke up.

"Xiao Yu'er, maybe your [Three Light Divine Spring] level is not enough. Currently you can only resurrect your uncle's body, but not his soul!"

Seeing Fang Yu wake up, Tang Xiyue quickly spoke.

Fang Yu immediately communicated the Grotto-Heaven mark and checked it carefully with his father.

Indeed, as Tang Xiyue said, his father's soul is missing.

In other words, his body was resurrected, but he had no soul.

Living dead!

A word suddenly popped into Fang Yu's mind.

He took a deep breath, looked at Tang Xiyue, and tried his best to smile, "Xiyue, it was me just now..."

Tang Xiyue directly interrupted Fang Yu, "Xiao Yu'er, you don't need to apologize. I hope you will stay calm no matter what happens!"

After a pause, he added: "Uncle's heartbeat is now almost the same as that of ordinary people, which means that his body has been resurrected by you."

"This proves that your [Three Light Divine Water] indeed has the function of reversing life and death, turning flesh into white bones, and making people Resurrection from the Dead!"

"Xiao Yu'er, you have been waiting for so many years, can't you wait a little longer?"

"I believe it won't take long before you can completely resurrect them!"


Xiyue is right, I have been waiting for thirteen years, why can't I wait a little longer?

After hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu calmed down completely.

Just now he wanted to resurrect his father, but when he saw that his father was not resurrected, he was a little stunned.

"Xiyue, go open mom's coffin and I'll help her resurrect her body."

Fang Yu took out the bucket from Tang Xiyue and smiled at Tang Xiyue.

Speaking of which, he immediately pulled out the air from the area around his mother's coffin and sealed it off.

Because he was too nervous just now, he asked Tang Xiyue to count.

This time we are already familiar with the road and there is no need to count anymore.

"Xiyue, the air has been taken away by me, open it!"


Tang Xiyue nodded and reached out to lift the lid of Fang Yu's mother's coffin.

Fang Yu poured the Sanguang Divine Water in the bucket onto his mother's body.

Thirty minutes later.

He only poured three buckets of [Three Light Divine Water].

Just like my father, my mother's face looks like a normal person, and her heartbeat is also like a normal person's, but her soul is missing.

Then Fang Yu moved a large nanmu bed under the Primordial Tree.

Then he and Tang Xiyue carefully took their parents out of the coffin and placed them on the bed.

He planned to place his parents under the Primordial Tree, which was the most abundant place in his Grotto-Heaven.

After all, there are eighteen Mythical Fourth Grade [Innate ancestral veins] under the Primordial Tree.

With the nourishment of Innate's spiritual energy, my father's body will be fine.

Besides, he has plenty of [Three Lights Divine Water]. Even if he gives his parents more [Three Lights Divine Water] every day, he doesn’t care.

Looking at his parents who looked peaceful as if they were sleeping soundly, Fang Yu's eyes were a little blurry.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately checked the properties of [Three Lights Divine Spring].

Nothing else has changed, except that the inventory has changed from: 10 tons → 40 tons.

Recovery speed changes from: 1/1 day → 4/1 day.

Then he opened the attribute panel of [Primordial Sacred Spring] and spent 100 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade it from First Grade to Second Grade.

Other properties remain unchanged.

You can fish once a year → you can fish once every ten months.

Inventory: 20→40 tons.

Recovery speed: 1/1 day→2/1 day.

Fang Yu's mouth twitched when he saw that the unknown Second Grade [Primordial Sacred Spring] required one billion Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade to Third Grade.

Turning to look at Tang Xiyue, he waved his right hand and took out all the more than a thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones left on his body.

"Xiyue, take these Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade your Grotto-Heaven and the legendary quality Sacred Spring of Life."

Tang Xiyue did not refuse and directly put all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones into the space ring worn on her ring finger.

She wants to upgrade the [Sacred Spring of Life] given by Fang Yu, and she can sell the life spirit liquid to help him raise the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

Resurrecting her parents is Fang Yu's greatest wish and her final wish.

She wants to help her man fulfill this wish.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiyue looked at Fang Yu and said very seriously: "Xiao Yu'er, I want to form a group and sell life spirit liquid!"

Fang Yu was stunned and objected: "No! If you sell life liquid, other forces will definitely..."

Tang Xiyue directly interrupted Fang Yu, "Xiao Yu'er, don't worry, I will cooperate with Xiao Yan. With Xiao Yan here, we are not afraid even if the royal family comes!"

"And I only control the situation behind the scenes. I'm with you. Don't you still feel relieved?"

"Resurrecting your father-in-law and mother-in-law is your greatest wish, and it is also my greatest wish!"

After a pause, he added: "Sister Meng Fei can help you sell weapons, can't I help you sell 'Life Spiritual Liquid'?"

"Or do you think I'm not as good as Sister Mengfei?"

She knew very well that although Fang Yu had a monopoly on weapons, the profits from weapons were higher than those from life spirit liquid.

But weapons are ultimately limited by materials.

Life Spirit Liquid is different.

If she upgrades [Sacred Spring of Life] to Fourth Grade, one drop can sell 800 Grotto-Heaven Sacred Stones. If she condenses one ton a day, one drop is ten grams, she can sell 80 million Grotto-Heaven Sacred Stones a day.

Although 80 million is not as good as the huge profits from weapons, it is available every day, which is better than lasting!

As for whether there will be a situation of capitalizing on the enemy, it is very simple.

She doesn't sell it online, she sells it directly under her real name, imposes purchase restrictions, and lets those who buy it take it on site.

If they don't take it on site, they will be permanently banned.

She sold the Life Spirit Liquid, and the final right of interpretation belongs to her, Tang Xiyue.

As for familiar forces, there will be no purchase restrictions.

Her man monopolizes the weapons industry, and she, Tang Xiyue, monopolizes natural resources and treasures.

She wants to join forces with Fang Yu to harvest the world's wool and resurrect her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue and was a little moved. He knew that she wanted to help him.


Anyway, Tang Xiyue is with him, and he will not let any force hurt her.

"Send me out, I want to talk to Xiao Yan!"

Tang Xiyue smiled.

Fang Yu nodded and summoned the Grotto-Heaven Gate.

Tang Xiyue walked up to Fang Yu, stood up on tiptoes and pecked him on the lips, turned around and stepped into the Grotto-Heaven door.

Third update!

(End of chapter)

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