Chapter 128 Continuous Breakthroughs

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue's back with gentle eyes.

He knew that Tang Xiyue planned to form the [Yuxi Group] to sell life spirit liquid, and wanted to help him raise the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone, upgrade the level of the [Three Light Divine Spring], and allow him to resurrect his parents.

He was very satisfied to have such a fiancée who loved him so much and was considerate.

It wasn't until Tang Xiyue disappeared that he took back the Grotto-Heaven Gate.

After calming down, he turned around and looked at the [Primordial Sacred Spring] under the Primordial Tree.

at this time.

He owns three divine springs in total.

[Primordial Sacred Spring] of unknown quality, [Sacred Spring of Life] of Mythical quality, and [Three Light Divine Spring] of Mythical quality.

The finished glyphs of the three sacred springs are located under the Primordial Tree.

[Primordial Sacred Spring] is in the center, ten meters away from the Primordial Tree trunk.

[Sacred Spring of Life] is on the left, [Sanguang Shenquan] is on the right, and each mouth is ten meters away from [Primordial Sacred Spring].

"Is the Hongmeng Spiritual Liquid the most precious and purest spiritual liquid in the world? I want to see what magic you have."

Fang Yu's eyes were full of anticipation, and he walked to the [Primordial Sacred Spring] with a bucket.

Look at the dreamy purple liquid in [Primordial Sacred Spring].

He had planned to scoop a bucket.

But after thinking about it, he took out a water ladle and took a scoop.

After all, [Primordial Sacred Spring] requires 100 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones just to upgrade from First Grade to Second Grade.

Although he had not tried its depth, he could feel that it should be very powerful.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for!

In his opinion, the Grotto-Heaven required for the [Primordial Sacred Spring] upgrade is a thousand times that of the Mythical quality [Sacred Spring of Life], and the energy contained in it must be very powerful!

Only with caution can the Wannian Ship be built. He didn't want to die due to his own negligence.

He sat cross-legged on the purple floor, brought the water scoop to his mouth, then opened his mouth and drank.


Just after drinking up a ladle of Hongmeng spirit liquid, Fang Yu's body suddenly trembled violently, and his face instantly turned red.

He felt a huge amount of energy rushing through his body, as if his whole body was about to explode at any moment.

I feel that the Second Grade Hongmeng Spiritual Liquid is at least a hundred times more energetic than the legendary Third Grade Life Spiritual Liquid.

Fang Yu did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately ran the "Hongmeng Wandao Jing" with all his strength to refine the violent energy in his body.

As the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Sutra" started to operate, the energy that was originally rampant calmed down in an instant, and it flowed obediently along the route of the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Sutra", seeming to have accepted its fate!

Just when Fang Yu was in retreat refining the Hongmeng spiritual liquid.

As soon as Tang Xiyue appeared in the outside world, he walked straight towards Xiao Yan and Li Ying'er's room.

Arriving at the door, Tang Xiyue reached out and knocked on the door.

After a moment, when she received no response, she opened the door and walked in.

Because she felt that there was a Grotto-Heaven wall in the room, which meant that Xiao Yan took her cousin into the Grotto-Heaven.

Arriving in front of the big bed, Tang Xiyue stretched out his hand and patted the empty place in front of him.


A crimson light curtain suddenly appeared, blocking Tang Xiyue's right palm.

Where her right hand came into contact with the light curtain, there were ripples like waves.

Tang Xiyue retracted his right palm, and the red light curtain disappeared instantly.

She immediately turned around and walked out of the room.

Coming to the living room, Tang Xiyue sat on the sofa, poured himself a cup of tea, and waited.

After a while, two figures walked side by side to the living room.

The two people are Xiao Yan and Li Ying'er.

Xiao Yan came and sat down on the sofa directly opposite Tang Xiyue. Xiao Yan asked with a smile: "Sister Yue, do you have anything to do with us?"

There was some resentment in his eyes.

Good guy.

He was just sparring with Li Ying'er in the Grotto-Heaven.

Suddenly feeling that the Grotto-Heaven wall was being attacked, he was frightened and didn't know if he could use it again in the future.

If it had been anyone else, he would have gotten angry.

But the other party is Tang Xiyue.

Forget it, I can’t afford it!

Tang Xiyue's phoenix eyes swept over her cousin, and when she saw the charming look between her brows, she said earnestly: "Ying'er, you haven't married Xiao Yan yet. I don't want to become an aunt so early!"

Now that she has experienced it, she can naturally see that her cousin is different from before.

Li Ying'er's pretty face turned red, she puffed up her cheeks, and couldn't help but retort, "Sister, I don't want to be an aunt so early!"

Xiao Yan blushed, coughed, and said to help his girlfriend out, "Ahem, Sister Yue, you better talk about business!"

Tang Xiyue withdrew his eyes from his cousin, looked at Xiao Yan, looked solemn, and said seriously: "Xiao Yan, I'm looking for you this time, and I plan to cooperate with you to sell life spirit liquid!"

"I am operating behind the scenes, and you are responsible for selling it for me. Transactions are done offline, and real-name purchases are made in limited quantities. You can sell it after taking it on site. You are not allowed to sell it to the Royal Family of Imperial City, Qin Family of Imperial Capital, or the Royal Family of Riverside City!"

"For every drop you sell, I will give you a 10% commission!"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Sister Yue, Brother Fang agrees with you selling the life spirit liquid?"

Tang Xiyue smiled and said: "Xiao Yu'er gave me the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condenses the 'Life Spirit Liquid', and he let me make the decision myself!"


As soon as Tang Xiyue finished speaking, two exclamations sounded one after another.

Xiao Yan and Li Ying'er both looked shocked.

They did not expect that Fang Yu would be willing to give Tang Xiyue the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condensed the life spirit liquid.

You must know that the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is of minimum legendary quality.

There is no such precious thing in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, so Fang Yu just gave it to him?

In the Great Xia Dynasty, there are many couples, fathers and sons... brothers and sisters who turn against each other for profit.

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue had just gotten engaged, so they were given such a big gift...

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan and Li Yinger, one admired Fang Yu and the other envied his brother-in-law for being so kind to his sister.

Of course, neither was jealous.

They were all happy that Tang Xiyue found Fang Yu.

If only they knew that Fang Yu not only gave Tang Xiyue a legendary quality Sacred Spring of Life, but also gave Tang Xiyue ten legendary quality dragon veins.

I guess they all couldn't help but hug Fang Yu's thigh.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath to calm down, looked at Tang Xiyue and said, "Sister Yue, I'll take over your job, but I have to recruit a few people."

Tang Xiyue smiled and said: "I don't care how many people you recruit, I only care about the results!"

After a pause, he added: "The group we formed is called the 'Yuxi Group'. We will wait until the duel between Xiao Yu'er and Qin Wudao is over before putting it on the shelves for sale. I don't want any surprises, do you understand?"

Xiao Yan nodded: "I understand, Sister Yue, this matter is very important. I have to go back and discuss it with my grandfather now. Ying'er just let her stay here!"

Tang Xiyue: "Well! You can go with peace of mind, I will take good care of Ying'er!"

Xiao Yan: "???"

Why does this sentence sound a bit uncomfortable?

Why should I go there with peace of mind? Will you take good care of Ying'er for me? Can you speak?

Can we still be friends in the future?

If Tang Xiyue were a man, Xiao Yan would take Li Ying'er with him without saying a word.

Li Ying'er looked at Xiao Yan and warned softly, "Brother Xiao Yan, you must pay attention to your safety!"

Xiao Yan turned to look at Li Ying'er and said softly: "Don't worry, I will come to you when I finish the work!"

After saying that, Xiao Yan stood up and left directly.

He was worried that if he stayed any longer, the tough Tang Xiyue would say even more shocking things.

Seeing Xiao Yan disappear and still looking outside the door, like a cousin looking at her husband's stone, Tang Xiyue smiled and joked: "What? You can't bear to leave?"

Li Ying'er glared at her cousin angrily, "Sister, you have changed!"

Tang Xiyue reached out and poked her forehead, laughing and scolding: "I am tired of hearing this sentence every time!"

Suddenly something occurred to him and he asked with a joking face: "You asked me an inexplicable question last time, do you understand now?"

"Sister, you hate it!"

Li Ying'er's bun turned red, like a big red apple, making people want to take a bite.

Thinking of the last time I asked my cousin what she had eaten, and now that she had eaten it, she wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

Angry and embarrassed, she stood up and rushed towards her cousin with all her teeth and claws. The two girls immediately started fighting. The scene was very erotic, but unfortunately no one could enjoy it.

"Uh-huh! Sister, please forgive me, I was wrong, don't use so much force!"

"Humph! You know how powerful I am. Next time you dare to mess with me, I will try harder!"

Tang Xiyue stopped rubbing his cousin's bun face with his hands and snorted coldly.

Hongmeng Immortal Domain.

Under the Primordial Tree, next to the Primordial Sacred Spring.


After an unknown amount of time, Fang Yu's body suddenly trembled, and a huge momentum instantly emanated from him and spread in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, his body trembled again, and a more powerful aura emanated from him. The clothes on his body moved automatically without wind, making a whirling sound, and his hair fluttered.


The next moment, Fang Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and two bright purple lights flashed across his eyes.

His gaze became even deeper, as if it contained a starry sky, making people unable to help but get lost in it.

"It is indeed a Primordial Sacred Spring of unknown quality. Just one scoop of it allowed me to continuously break through the Second Layer!"

"The 100 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are not in vain, you really get what you pay for!"

"And the cultivation level improved with Hongmeng spiritual fluid is extremely stable, without a trace of frivolity!"

Fang Yu looked happy and murmured softly.

He could feel that he in the Qi Condensation Realm Fourth Layer was at least twice as powerful as before, and could easily kill his previous self in an instant.

He slowly stood up from the ground and stretched lazily.

"It's only been five hours."

He turned to look at the big clock placed under the Primordial Tree.

Withdrawing his gaze, Fang Yu walked to the square and practiced the "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Step".

Fourth update!

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(End of chapter)

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