Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 129 The Eve Of The Decisive Battle

Chapter 129 The Eve of the Decisive Battle

Time slips by quietly like sand between fingers.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

During these two days.

Although Tang Xiyue stayed with Fang Yu, she did not let him touch her and made Fang Yu a monk for two days.

Although Fang Yu clearly told her that he was 100% sure of defeating Qin Wudao.

But Tang Xiyue was still a little worried, so he personally formulated a series of training plans for Fang Yu and supervised him.

Tang Xiyue helps Fang Yu's mother wipe her body every day and is very filial.

As for Fang Yu's father, Fang Yu himself wiped it for him.

Although the bodies of Fang Yu's parents were resurrected by him using [Three Light Divine Water], their souls were missing.

This kind of soulless person is called a walking zombie in the medical field, or it can also be called a vegetative person.

Although their bodies are alive, they lack consciousness, perception, and emotions.

Fang Yu did not feed them liquid or semi-liquid food to maintain their body functions, but nourished their bodies with [Sanguang Divine Water] every day.

Because Sanguang Shen Shui is the number one healing treasure, nourishing the body with it is a hundred or a thousand times better than feeding liquid or semi-liquid food.

Of course, the body is alive and physiological functions are restored, such as excretion.

For this reason, Fang Yu specially found several attentive maids from the people of Seoul to take care of his parents.

In the past two days, Fang Yu repeated the same thing almost every day.

Practice "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Step" and "Hongmeng Sword Sutra" during the day, and occasionally practice "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor Fist".

At night, take [Hongmeng Spiritual Liquid] to improve your cultivation.

It only took Fang Yu two days to practice the "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Step" and the second sword technique "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect" in the "Hongmeng Sword Classic" to the Great Accomplishment.

Even "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor Fist" was trained to Basic Accomplishment by him.

The reason why he is so fast is that in addition to his terrifying qualifications to surpass Ninth Grade, there are other improvements.

For example, the increase of Mythical level Grotto-Heaven attributes, the increase of Primordial Dao Palace, etc.

The most important thing is the increase of Mythical Fourth Grade [Primordial Dao Palace], the cultivation speed and comprehension +2000%, which is not a guarantee.

Tang Xiyue even dragged him to practice in the legendary [Grain Reincarnation Workshop] placed in the Primordial Dao Palace and made him a side cultivator for two days!

Although he knew Tang Xiyue was doing it for his own good.

But every time she thought about being a side cultivator, Fang Yu looked at her with a hint of resentment.

His skills have broken through, and his cultivation has not fallen behind either.

In two days, his cultivation level improved again to First Layer and reached Qi Condensation Realm Fifth Layer.

This was the result of his deliberate suppression. If he had not suppressed it, he would have been able to break through to Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer or even Eighth Layer.

According to Super Brain [Nu Wa], these three realms, Body Tempering Realm, Qi Gathering Realm, and Qi Condensation Realm, are all stages of laying the foundation.

Only when you step into the Core Formation realm can you get started.

The higher the level, the more stable the foundation will be, the further we can go in the future.

Although his background is very strong, dozens or even a hundred times that of others.

But Fang Yu was not in a hurry to break through, because he broke through too quickly. He was not yet familiar with the power of each realm and could not control it perfectly.

If you cannot achieve perfect control, you cannot perfectly exert your full strength.

Therefore, the [Hongmeng Spiritual Liquid] he took in the past two days was used to strengthen his foundation.

The reason why he broke through to Qi Condensation Fifth Layer was that he could no longer suppress it and naturally broke through.

After several verifications, he found that the Second Grade's unknown quality [Primordial Sacred Spring] was at least ten times more effective than the Mythical Fourth Grade's [Sacred Spring of Life].

It is worth mentioning that he also provided the Hongmeng Spiritual Liquid to the [Hongmeng Holy Guards] and [Devil-Slaying Legion].

Everyone's cultivation level has also improved in these two days.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei...Mr. Huang and several other generals all broke through to the Qi Gathering Realm.

This day, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Hongmeng Immortal Domain.

Fang Yu stood under the Primordial Tree with his hands behind his hands, looking at the Primordial Sacred Spring in front of him, and murmured softly: "Isn't it said that there is an opportunity to fish in the heavens once every ten months in the Primordial Sacred Spring?"

"It's been two days, why hasn't there been any movement?"

"Do we have to wait until the tenth month?"

He shook his head and murmured again: "Forget it, no matter when he catches something, he will have to deal with Qin Wudao tomorrow. Mr. Li Ming and the others are also here, so he won't practice tonight!"

He just discovered that his villa was full of guests, and many people came. Tang Xiyue and his mother-in-law Li Yuening were greeting the guests.

People come to see him at this time because they care about him.

If he, the rightful owner, didn't show up, it would seem a bit disrespectful.

Fang Yu immediately communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he appeared again, he was standing in the living room.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people in the living room, including men, women, old and young.

A weird fivesome.

God-sister Qin Qingqing.

Tang Xiyue’s grandfather and her parents.

Mother-in-law Li Yuening was holding a little girl about four years old in her arms.

This little girl is wearing a white princess dress with two sky-high braids. She is pink and beautiful, just like a porcelain doll.

Mr. Li Xing and Zhou Jianguo.

Xiao Yan, Li Yinger.

Next to Xiao Yan sat an old man wearing a Confucian shirt, gentle and elegant, with a kind face and kind eyes.

Tan Jun, next to Tan Jun, there is an old man wearing a gray tunic suit, with a resolute temperament and no anger and self-respect.

Ji Mengfei.

There is a middle-aged man and woman beside Ji Mengfei. The man is handsome and elegant, and the woman is wearing a red cheongsam. She has an elegant temperament. Her appearance is somewhat similar to Ji Mengfei. They sit together like a team of sisters.

Seeing Fang Yu appear, everyone looked at him.

Li Yuening, who was holding a little girl, stood up and walked towards Fang Yu.

As soon as she came to Fang Yu, the little girl in her arms said in a sweet voice: "Brother-in-law!"

Fang Yu reached out and hugged the little girl who opened her arms to him.

Tang Lingyun, the daughter of Tang Xiyue’s brother-in-law.

Li Yuening said softly to Fang Yu: "Xiaoyu, aunt will help you introduce the guests!"

Fang Yu hugged Tang Lingyun and followed Li Yuening to the old man sitting next to Xiao Yan.

The old man stood up quickly.

"Xiaoyu, this is Xiaoyan's grandfather."

Just as Li Yuening finished speaking, the old man looked at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "I, Xiao Wenjie, came uninvited. I hope Fang Xiaoyou won't blame him!"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, it is an honor for me to have you come to my home. How could I blame you?"

Next, Li Yuening introduced people he didn't know to Fang Yu one by one.

Mr. Tan, Tan Jun’s grandfather.

Ji Mengfei’s parents, Ji Haoxuan and Xiao Mengmeng.

The four of them are the elders of Xiao Yan, Tan Jun, and Ji Mengfei. Fang Yu is also very polite to them, greeting them with a smile.

After getting to know the person, Fang Yu sat next to Tang Zhong holding Tang Lingyun who was clinging to him.

As for mother-in-law Li Yuening, she took Tang Xiyue and Li Ying'er to the kitchen to cook.

Concubine Ji Meng, her mother, and her god-sister Qin Qingqing also followed to help.

"Xiaoyu, the Qin Family will definitely give all their trump cards to Qin Wudao. Are you sure tomorrow?"

Tang Zhong turned to look at Fang Yu and asked worriedly.

Although Fang Yu had told him before that he was absolutely sure.

But he was still a little worried.

After all, the Qin Family is the most powerful among the five royal families in the imperial capital, with a rich foundation.

They hate Fang Yu deeply.

In their opinion, tomorrow is the best time to kill Fang Yu, and they will definitely make adequate preparations.

In a life and death battle, the Qin Family does not know martial ethics.

Even if it is not a life and death battle, the Qin Family will not talk about martial arts, because they have no martial ethics at all!

Fang Yu said calmly: "Grandpa, don't worry, I'm 100% sure!"

Seeing Fang Yu's confident look, Tang Zhong said nothing.

Xiao Yan stood up and walked to Fang Yu, took out twenty-five 'Purple Thunder Talismans' and handed them to him, smiling: "Brother Fang, this is the 'Purple Thunder Talisman' I prepared for you, although I know you may not need it. Yes, but this is my intention, I hope you won’t refuse!”

Fang Yu did not reject Xiao Yan's intention and put away the "Purple Thunder Talisman" Xiao Yan gave him with a smile.

Tan Jun also stood up and walked to Fang Yu, took out ten 'Purple Thunder Talismans' and handed them to him, "Brother Yu, I also prepared some 'Purple Thunder Talismans' for you."

Fang Yu also accepted it.

After Xiao Yan and Tan Jun gave Fang Yu gifts, Ji Haoxuan also stood up and came to Fang Yu and handed him thirty 'Purple Thunder Talismans'.

"Xiaoyu, thank you for taking care of my concubine during this time. I have also prepared some 'Purple Thunder Talismans' for you. I wish you a successful start tomorrow!"

Fang Yu stood up and said with a smile: "Uncle Ji, you are too outsider. Meng Fei and I are friends, and friends should help each other."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, she also helped me a lot."

He also did not reject Ji Haoxuan's offer.

Ji Haoxuan smiled and said, "It is an honor for Concubine Meng to have you as her friend."

After saying that, he looked Fang Yu up and down and thought to himself that it was a pity.

I don't know what he regrets in his heart.

Next, other people also gave Fang Yu gifts.

They are all "Purple Thunder Talisman".

Fang Yu did not refuse everyone's wishes.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

After having enough wine and food, Fang Yu chatted with everyone in the living room for a while, and some people said goodbye.

Fang Yu, Tang Xiyue, and her family got up and sent them out of the villa.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Li Xing and Zhou Jianguo, as well as the god sister and her rotten girl best friend stayed behind.

Tang Xiyue’s family also stayed.

After seeing off Xiao Yan and others, Fang Yu and others walked into the villa.

the other side.

Qin Family in the imperial capital, in the spacious living room.

Qin Jie looked at his grandson sitting next to him and said with some worry: "Dao'er, are you sure about tomorrow? That little beast has four Fifth Grade skills and is very powerful!"

Qin Wudao said calmly: "Grandpa, don't worry. Although my skills are not as high as his, I am Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer and have Ninth Grade qualifications. I don't trust him yet." inside!"

Qin Jie frowned, "Dao'er, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. It's good for you to be confident, but grandpa doesn't want you to be blindly arrogant!"

Qin Wudao said respectfully: "Grandpa, my grandson understands your teachings!"

Qin Jie nodded and continued: "I have prepared a total of eighty 'Purple Thunder Talismans' for you this time, and your grandfathers and I also plan to temporarily hand over the soldiers we have trained to you!"

"First let the soldiers use the 'Purple Thunder Talisman' to consume his spiritual power, and then kill him in one fell swoop!"

"Since it's a life and death battle, what rules need to be followed!"

Qin Wudao didn't refuse. He wanted to kill Fang Yu, but he didn't care what method he used: "Thank you, grandpa!"

Thanks to book friend [20170923144250712] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Nong Ming] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to book friend [Qin Feng Xiao Yu] for your generous monthly ticket.

Thank you all for your great recommendation votes.

(End of chapter)

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