Chapter 137 Counting Harvest

The weather in June can change at any time.

Just a moment ago, the sun was shining brightly, but in the blink of an eye, there were dark clouds.



The wind and thunder were violent, and the deafening thunder echoed around the world. It was as if a big hole had opened in the sky, and it started to rain heavily in an instant.

It seems that even God is weeping over the death of an Unparalleled Genius.

Although it was pouring rain, the crowd watching the battle did not disperse.

Everyone's eyes were looking at Tiannv Lake, and they seemed to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, everyone saw a figure rushing out of the lake.

As soon as the figure broke out of the lake, it shot toward the shore like lightning.

Many people looked happy when they saw this, with eagerness to try.

Just when someone couldn't help but rushed towards the Daoist shadow.

Suddenly it was discovered that someone could not hold back and rushed towards the Daoist figure.

It was a girl wearing a long white dress.

In less than ten breaths, the girl in white and the figure rushing out of the lake embraced each other on the lake.

Seeing the man and woman embracing each other on the lake a few hundred meters away from the shore, the crowd watching the battle instantly exploded.

"Who is that woman? You are so shameless. You dare to hug my boyfriend. Let him go. If you can't control it, let my sister do it!"

"Wow, my male god was hugged by another woman. Why didn't I rush out just now? If I rushed over, maybe I would be the one lying in the male god's arms at this time!"

"F*ck! Isn't that the most beautiful girl in Riverside City, senior Tang Xiyue? She actually threw herself into senior Fang Yu's arms. I could tell that they had an affair a long time ago. Now it seems that they really have an affair. !”

"What does it mean to have a leg? Can you speak? They should be called the golden boy and the beautiful girl. They are a perfect match!"

"Although senior Tang Xiyue is married to a famous woman, I am not jealous at all. Maybe only a man like senior Fang Yu is worthy of her. Sure enough, the goddess is a woman that we poor losers will never get!"

"Woo, even though Senior Fang Yu has a husband, it doesn't stop me from loving him!"

Seeing a woman throwing herself into Fang Yu's arms, many young girls were heartbroken.

Fang Yu is young, rich, handsome, and unparalleled in talent.

His various conditions are perfect, not only meeting the aesthetic requirements of women from the Appearance Association, but also meeting the material requirements of money-worshiping women.

Such a man fulfills all women’s fantasies about their significant other.

Now they saw a strange woman throwing herself into Fang Yu's arms. While they were envious, they were also very jealous.

If I had known they would have rushed up just now, maybe they would be the ones lying in Fang Yu's arms now.

On the Tiannv Lake, a pair of golden boys and girls hugged each other tightly on the lake.

Before the big raindrops fell on them, they were bounced away by an invisible force.

Dong dong dong~

The raindrops fell on the water around them, making a crisp and sweet sound, and the water splashed everywhere.

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue who was hugging him tightly and was reluctant to let go, with her head buried in his chest, and said softly: "Xiyue, let's go back. You don't want to be watched like a monkey, right?"

Tang Xiyue looked up at Fang Yu and snorted, "Humph! You didn't even discuss such a big matter with me. I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

Fang Yu smiled and didn't take Tang Xiyue's words to heart at all.

After going back and having a discussion, Tang Xiyue's energy will disappear no matter how much he is angry.

Fang Yu grabbed Tang Xiyue's waist and took her back to the shore.

As soon as Fang Yu came to the shore, Zhao Yun, the leader, knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "Congratulations, lord, on your return after victory!"

"Congratulations, lord, on your triumphant return!"

All the [Devil-Slaying Legion] soldiers behind Zhao Yun knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly.

Everyone's movements and voices were uniform, and their eyes looking at Fang Yu were full of admiration and awe.

Heavy raindrops like hail fell on their armors, making a crisp sound of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Fang Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Get up!"

Then he waved his right hand, and a silver light door appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"You all go in!"

Zhao Yun and others stood up, hugged Fang Yu, and walked into the silver light door one after another.

"Xiyue, let's go!"

After Zhao Yun and others all entered Grotto-Heaven, Fang Yu's expression changed slightly as he watched the crowd of onlookers swarming towards him, and he said something to Tang Xiyue.

With that said, he put his arms around Tang Xiyue's waist, turned around and flew towards the lake at an extremely fast speed.

He didn't want to stay and deal with these enthusiastic fans.

He doesn't want to be famous, but someone wants to force him to become famous.

For enemies, Fang Yu can also kill decisively.

But for these enthusiastic fans who meant no harm, he had no choice but to run away.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing Fang Yu leave, those fanatical people could only look at the lake and sigh, because they could not catch up with Fang Yu at all.

As time went by, the spectators left one after another.

Most people looked excited.

Although Qin Wudao's performance was unsatisfactory, Fang Yu's performance was very exciting.

Today's trip was worthwhile. They were also witnesses of Fang Yu's arrival at the altar. What they saw and heard today was enough for them to brag for a lifetime.

the other side.

Qin Family, the imperial capital, looked gloomy in the spacious hall.

In the entire hall, except for a dozen middle-aged men, there were only a group of women and children.

A middle-aged beautiful woman with red and swollen eyes looked at an old woman in the front seat and said with a painful look on her face: "Mom, Wu Dao, Dad, Brother Feng, they were all killed by that little beast... we should do it in the future what to do?"

Everyone else also looked at the old woman on the front seat.

The old woman glanced at everyone with her sharp eyes and said solemnly: "My Qin Family has been severely damaged after this battle. Other families will definitely take the opportunity to add insult to injury. After all, my Qin Family has offended many forces over the years!"

"There is no place for our Qin Family in the Great Xia Dynasty. If we want to preserve the strength of my Qin Family, the only solution for now is to hide abroad!"

"Before the major forces react, go and take away the younger members of the family immediately!"

Seeing what others wanted to say, the old woman's eyes became as sharp as a knife, "The head of the family has fallen, don't you just listen to me?"

When everyone heard the words, they wanted to speak but stopped.

They all stood up, bowed to the old woman, and left one after another.

Soon, there were only three people left in the hall.

The old woman in the first seat is a middle-aged beauty who still retains her charm. She is also a very beautiful girl with a frosty temperament.

These three people are Qin Wudao's grandmother Li Yating, mother Song Yueying and sister Qin Bing'er.

"Yueying, Bing'er, you two should leave too!"

Li Yating, who was sitting in the first seat, looked at Song Yueying and Qin Binger with complicated eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of black blood, and his face suddenly became as pale as paper.

Song Yueying and Qin Binger quickly ran to Li Yating.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Grandma, how did you get poisoned?"

Song Yueying quickly took out the detoxification pill, "Mom, take the detoxification pill quickly!"

Li Yating waved her hand, "Yueying, no need, I've already taken 'Broken Heart Red', the toxins have already invaded my internal organs, and it's hard for gods to save me!"

"I'm going to accompany the old man. Without me, he will be lonely!"

"Remember my words, even if you... hate... in your hearts, if you don't have... the strength... to... never..."

Having said this, Li Yating's hands dropped weakly, she died, and items exploded on the ground.

"Mom, Mom~"


Li Yueying and Qin Binger burst into tears.

Qin Bing'er looked at her grandma's body, her eyes full of hatred, and murmured in pain: "Grandma, don't worry, no matter how high the price is, Bing'er will avenge you, grandpa, father, and brother!"

Riverside City.

Yulong Villa, Yulong No.1.

In the living room.

Tang Xiyue put his hands on his hips, looked at Fang Yu, puffed up his cheeks, and had an expression that said he wanted you to look good if you don't explain clearly to me.

"Xiao Yu'er, why didn't you discuss it with me about your plan to wipe out the Qin Family? It's such a dangerous thing. Do you know that I just... woo!"

Before Tang Xiyue could finish speaking, Fang Yu blocked her mouth.

Half an hour later.

Fang Yu looked at the charming Tang Xiyue and said softly: "Xiyue, are you still angry?"

Tang Xiyue snorted: "Huh! You know how to bully me."

Tang Xiyue did not answer directly because this was the fifth time Fang Yu had asked.

Every time she responded angrily, Fang Yu would seal her mouth, and her mouth was now swollen from Fang Yu's kisses.

Thinking that Fang Yu actually used this trick to comfort her, she felt ashamed and annoyed, but there was nothing she could do about him.

Fang Yu reached out and scratched Tang Xiyue's pretty nose, and said softly: "Okay! Don't be angry, I'm fine!"

"Now let's take stock of the harvest. I harvested a lot of good things this time!"

After speaking, Fang Yu waved his right hand, and a large number of colorful items appeared in the open space next to the two of them.

Tang Xiyue glared at Fang Yu, broke away from Fang Yu's arms, and squatted on the ground to help him count his items.

Fang Yu also squatted on the ground to count the items.

After a while.

Tang Xiyue looked up at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Xiao Yu'er, now you are rich, with forty-two dragon veins, one hundred and fifty Spirit Veins, and two small flat peach trees of epic quality."

"Fifteen rare-quality warrior towers and twenty rare-quality palaces called Spirit Treasure."

"Twenty pieces of rare-quality Spirit Field, and one piece of epic-quality Spirit Field."

"Two sips of epic quality Spirit Well and thirty sips of rare quality Spirit Well."

"There are more than 200 Treasure Weapons. I won't go into detail about Treasure Weapons. They are of no use to you anyway."

Hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu showed a bright smile on his face.

As expected of the Qin Family in the imperial capital, they are simply a big fat sheep, and cannot be compared to the old Wang family.

Fang Yu put everything into the space ring, walked to Tang Xiyue, put his arms around her waist, and said with a smile:

"Xiyue, let's go back to the room, and then go to my Grotto-Heaven to place the Spirit Vein!"

Tang Xiyue nodded.

Fang Yu hugged Tang Xiyue back to the room and took her into Grotto-Heaven.

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