Chapter 138 Catching a little girl

When Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue appeared again, they had already arrived under the Primordial Tree.

Tang Xiyue turned to look at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Xiao Yu'er, quickly place the Spirit Vein. I want to see how far the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in your Primordial Dao Palace can be increased with so many Spirit Veins?"

Fang Yu smiled: "The matter of placing the Spirit Vein is not urgent, there is a more important thing to do now!"

Tang Xiyue subconsciously asked: "What's the matter?"

As soon as she spoke, she was hugged by Fang Yu, a princess.

Then the surrounding environment changed, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived at the bedroom of Hongmeng Temple.

Tang Xiyue instantly knew what Fang Yu was going to do. She blushed and lightly punched Fang Yu on the chest. She snorted, "You big pervert, you actually tricked me into entering your Grotto-Heaven!"

Fang Yu didn't give Tang Xiyue a chance to speak again and blocked her mouth.

Outside, in Fang Yu's villa.

Tang Xiyue's grandfather and parents, as well as Li Ying'er and others walked into the living room.

"Hey! My sister is not at home. There is a Grotto-Heaven wall in my brother-in-law's room. Did she and her brother-in-law enter the Grotto-Heaven?"

Li Ying'er felt the Grotto-Heaven wall in Fang Yu's room and immediately walked towards Fang Yu's room.

Li Yuening on the side grabbed her.

Li Ying'er turned to look at Li Yuening: "Auntie, let me go, I'll ask my sister to come out to greet the guests!"

Li Yuening smiled and said: "Yinger, your sister was scared just now. She is probably angry with her brother-in-law now. Your brother-in-law is comforting her. Don't disturb them."

Having said this, he reached out and poked Li Ying'er's forehead, and said with a smile: "Auntie, auntie, what kind of nonsense are these names? Auntie is just auntie, and auntie is just auntie!"

Li Ying'er said with a serious face: "You are my father's sister. I want you to be my aunt, but you are my uncle's wife. I can also call you 'aunt', so I will call you aunt and aunt!"

Li Yuening helplessly held her forehead and acquiesced to her title.

Escaped into Grotto-Heaven in broad daylight, Li Yuening estimated that her son-in-law and daughter had gone to do bad things, so she didn't want Li Ying'er to disturb them.

Xiao Yan, who was next to Li Ying'er, said quickly: "Ying'er, Aunt Li is right. Sister Yue must be angry now. Don't disturb them!"

What if Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue were discussing martial arts and rashly disturbed them and made them go crazy?

With that said, he directly pulled Li Ying'er to sit on the sofa.

The two protagonists Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue were not present, so Tang Xiyue's mother helped them entertain other guests.

Not many people came this time.

Mr. Li Xing has gone back.

In addition to Tang Xiyue's family, there are only five people: Ji Mengfei, Qin Qingqing, Tan Jun, Xiao Yan and Li Ying'er.

Tang Zhong glanced around the crowd and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu killed so many masters of the Qin Family today, which can be regarded as a warning to the monkeys!"

"After the results of today's battle are spread, as long as they are not fools, they will know that they cannot afford to offend Xiaoyu, and those who covet Xiaoyu can stop!"

Tang Yi, who was sitting next to Tang Zhong, nodded in agreement, "Dad, you are right! After today's battle, I guess not many forces will dare to fight against Xiaoyu's leader. After all, Xiaoyu's combat power is too strong!"

Tan Jun suddenly interjected: "I didn't expect Qin Wudao to be so vulnerable. He couldn't even catch two of Brother Yu's moves. Oh, no, let's be prepared. If Brother Yu is serious, he can't even catch a single move. Come on, I think Qin Wudao just has a false reputation!"

Qin Qingqing glanced at Tan Jun and said faintly: "It's not that Qin Wudao is too weak, but that my brother is too strong. Although Qin Wudao is not a very good person, his reputation is earned through hard work, not by waste." False name!"

Concubine Ji Meng, who was sitting next to Qin Qingqing, nodded in agreement, "Sister Qingqing is right. It's because brother Fang Yu is too strong. Qin Wudao's record has no merit at all!"

Tan Jun looked at Qin Qingqing and the two girls, "The two beauties are right!"

As soon as Tan Jun finished speaking, two eyes looked at him, both with "murderous intent".

Tan Jun trembled and said quickly: "The two sisters are right, but I said the wrong thing."

Although Qin Qingqing and Ji Mengfei were both extremely beautiful, Tan Jun had no idea about them.

One of them is Fang Yu's god-sister, and the other is something he can't control.

Qin Qingqing and the other two girls ignored Tan Jun.

Xiao Yan, who was next to Li Ying'er, sighed: "I always knew that Brother Fang was very strong, but I never thought that he would be this strong!"

"Even Qin Wudao, whose combat power is comparable to that of the Core Formation realm, can't take two of his moves!"

"And he also killed twenty-eight Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer with one sword. Before other forces want to take advantage of him, they have to consider whether they can bear the consequences of angering him!"

Xiao Yan and others sat in the hall and started talking, and the topic was all about Fang Yu.

It’s not just Xiao Yan and others.

Other people who watched the game immediately boasted about Fang Yu to their families after returning home.

Two hours later.

Hongmeng Immortal Domain, under the Primordial Tree.

Fang Yu has just placed all the Dragon Vein and Spirit Vein in Grotto-Heaven, and added dark blue points to both Dragon Vein and Spirit Vein.

After Dark Blue added points, he got a total of forty-two Mythical First Grade Innate ancestral veins and one hundred and fifty legendary First Grade dragon veins.

Including the previous ones, he now has a total of sixty Innate ancestral veins and one hundred and seventy-three dragon veins.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu used the spirit bottle to draw out twenty-three legendary First Grade dragon veins, leaving an integer.

As before, he placed all the Innate ancestors underground under the Primordial Dao Palace.

At this time, the spiritual energy of the Primordial Dao Palace has turned into mist, and the spiritual energy is very abundant, just like a fairy palace.

As for the dragon veins, he placed them all underground in Seoul.

There are a total of one hundred and fifty dragon veins, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Seoul has also turned into mist, and the people of Seoul cheered.

It is worth mentioning that after absorbing the power of the world contained in forty-two dragon veins and one hundred and fifty Spirit Veins, the Primordial Tree once again grew five hundred meters tall, with five more branches and five leaves.

The current Primordial Tree is 2,500 meters high, with 25 branches and 25 leaves.

Fang Yu's eyes flickered when he saw that Primordial Tree had absorbed so much Dragon Vein and Spirit Vein this time to grow so long.

He vaguely felt that Primordial Tree now needed more and more world power.

Fang Yu's eyes retracted from the Primordial Tree and looked at [Primordial Sacred Spring], one of the three sacred springs under the Primordial Tree.

“My [Primordial Sacred Spring] is now Second Grade, and I can fish it once every ten months!”

“[Primordial Sacred Spring]’s property panel says active fishing, but it’s been four days and nothing has been caught yet. Do we need to manually fish?”

Fang Yu's eyes flickered and he murmured softly.


As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw [Primordial Sacred Spring] tremble slightly.


"Did you catch a treasure?"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows when he saw this, his eyes full of expectation.

The next moment, he saw a bright purple bubble quickly emerge from the Primordial Sacred Spring, surface in the blink of an eye, and float on the water.

Seeing the "treasure" inside the bubble, Fang Yu's mouth twitched and he looked confused.

Because the treasures inside the bubbles are not magic weapons, magical secrets, or treasures of heaven and earth, but

A little girl, a little girl who looked to be only about three years old!

The little girl had two ponytails and her clothes were shabby and dirty. She looked like a little beggar.

The little girl's bare feet were covered in mud, and her little face was also dirty, one dirty here and another dirty there.


The little girl's eyes are big and her gaze is as pure as water, and she looks very cute.

But even so, Fang Yu was still confused.

It’s impossible not to think about it or not.

After all, this is the [Primordial Sacred Spring] where treasures are fished. What kind of treasure is a little girl?

Although [Primordial Sacred Spring] mentioned that there is a probability of catching creatures.

But catching a living creature for the first time must be too bad luck.

Just when Fang Yu looked confused, the little girl also looked confused.

Fang Yu and the little girl stared at each other through the bubble.

After a moment, the little girl opened her mouth as if to say something to Fang Yu, but no sound came out.

Seeing the little girl talking to him, Fang Yu came to his senses and waved his right hand.

The purple bubbles surrounding the little girl flew out of the Primordial Sacred Spring.


As soon as the purple bubbles touched the floor, they shattered and the figure of the little girl appeared.

Moreover, the little girl's figure is much larger than in the bubble.

When the little girl was in the purple bubble just now, she looked only ten centimeters tall, like a dwarf.

Now it's about 1.2 meters tall.

The little girl looked up at Fang Yu and said timidly: "Brother, I'm so hungry. Can you give me something to eat?"

After the little girl finished speaking, she looked down at her dirty little feet and rubbed her clothes with her little hands.

Fang Yu: "???"

Hearing what the little girl said, Fang Yu's mind was filled with questions, but he still said gently: "Yes, big brother, I'll give it to you right now!"

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Fang Yu seemed to see himself in her previous life, as well as his brothers and sisters in the orphanage who had the same physical disabilities as him.

When they were young, because of their physical defects, they were as timid and afraid of strangers as the little girl in front of them. They were always cautious when speaking, for fear that others would be unhappy.

After saying that, Fang Yu released his consciousness and started to check.

Seeing that there was freshly cooked roast chicken in the kitchen of [Demon Slayer Legion], he directly moved the plate over and handed it to the little girl who called herself "Nanny".

"Thank you, big brother!"

The little girl looked at the golden yellow, steaming and fragrant roast chicken on the plate in front of her and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She raised her head and smiled sweetly at Fang Yu, then stretched out her little hand to pick up the roast chicken and started eating. .

"Little sister, eat slowly and be careful not to choke. If it's not enough, big brother has more here."

Watching the little girl pick up the roast chicken and devour it, Fang Yu said softly with a flash of pity in his eyes.

How long has it been since you've eaten?

Although he was confused just now, he also noticed the little girl's performance.

The little girl looked like a frightened deer when she saw him, and Fang Yu guessed that the little girl must have suffered so much that she behaved like this.

"Here, drink some water first, be careful of choking."

Fang Yu teleported to the lake used as drinking water in Primordial Dao Palace, scooped up a ladle of water, then teleported back to the little girl and handed the ladle to her.

The reason why he didn't give the little girl a drink from the three sacred springs was not because he was reluctant, but because he was worried that the little girl's body would not be able to withstand the vast energy of the three sacred springs.

Because he had just secretly used his mental power to see clearly that the little girl in front of him was an ordinary person without any cultivation.

"Thank you, big brother."

Hearing this, the little girl stopped eating ravenously, raised her head and smiled sweetly at Fang Yu who was squatting next to her.

Holding the roasted chicken in his left hand, he took the water ladle handed by Fang Yu with his right hand and drank it gurglingly.

(End of chapter)

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