Chapter 139 Fang Yu’s speculation

After the little girl drank all the water in the water ladle, she returned the water ladle to Fang Yu, grabbed the roast chicken with both hands and wolfed it down.

Soon, a roast chicken weighing several kilograms was eaten up by the little girl.

"Little sister, do you want more? Big brother has a lot here. If you are not full, I will get it for you."

Fang Yu's voice is very soft.


The little girl nodded slightly and lowered her head immediately after speaking, not daring to look at Fang Yu.

Looking at the embarrassed little girl, Fang Yu shook his head and immediately moved a table over. There were more than a dozen plates of steaming meals on the table.

Then some toiletries were moved over.

After he helped the little girl wash her face and hands, he picked her up and put her on the chair.

Fang Yu sat next to her and gave her whatever she liked to eat.

Half an hour later.

A table full of food all went into the little girl's belly.

Fang Yu looked at the little girl with distressed eyes.

He didn't feel sorry for the meal on the table, but for the little girl.

From the way his daughter was devouring the food, he estimated that she must not have had enough food for a long time.

Otherwise, how could I eat such a thing all at once?

You must know that the little girl ate enough to feed seven or eight grown men.

Fang Yu was originally worried that the little girl would not be able to bear it after eating so much.

After all, she looked about three years old.

When he found out that nothing happened to his little girl, he felt relieved.

Fang Yu was even a little surprised.

It would be fine if the little girl was a cultivator or turned into a Monster.

The key thing is that the little girl is just a three-year-old human cub with no cultivation.

The little girl turned to look at Fang Yu who was sitting next to her, and said sweetly: "Brother, I'm full!"

Seeing Fang Yu looking at her in surprise, she blushed and said shyly: "Brother, do you think my daughter eats a lot?"

Looking at the shy little girl, Fang Yu laughed dumbly and said softly: "Big brother doesn't think you eat too much, but he is worried that you are eating bad."

After a pause, he asked: "Little girl, what are your plans next? Do you want to go back?"

As soon as Fang Yu said this, the little girl said nervously: "Brother, don't drive me away, okay?"

Then he said to himself: "I promise that I will be well-behaved and listen to you. I will help you wash your clothes and clean the floor for you... As long as the big brother doesn't drive away my daughter, my daughter can learn anything!"

Fang Yu was the best person to her in her memory.

She felt that Fang Yu was very kind, like her own family member, and she couldn't bear to leave him.

After the little girl finished speaking, her big eyes stared intently at Fang Yu's eyes, and her small hands tightly grasped the corners of her clothes. Matching her delicate facial features, her pitiful little appearance was very lovable.

Hearing Nannan's words, Fang Yu was suddenly stunned.

"Big brother, really don't want Nannan... Nannan will leave now..."

Seeing Fang Yu stunned, the little girl's eyes instantly dimmed.

At this moment, she seemed to have fallen from heaven into hell.

Fang Yu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and felt a little distressed in his heart. The little girl was exactly the same as when he was a child in his previous life. She was so sensitive and so sensible that it made people feel distressed!

He was just stunned for a moment, and this sensitive little girl thought he was going to drive her away!

"Nanny, eldest brother is confused as to why you think I will drive you away!"

Fang Yu rubbed her little head behind her and said softly: "Don't think too much. Big brother won't drive you away in the future. You can treat this place as your home. You can stay as long as you want and eat as much as you want. How many!"

Fang Yu looked directly into the little girl's big eyes and spoke in an extremely gentle voice.

What he said was sincere and without any pretense at all.

Although he and the little Nannan had just known each other for a short time, he guessed from the series of behaviors of the little Nannan after being fished by the [Primordial Sacred Spring] that this so sensible and heart-warming little girl had a very bad life in her world.

He saw the shadow of his previous life in the little girl.

Since the little girl was caught by [Primordial Sacred Spring], this means that there is a destiny.

Not to mention that he didn't know how to send her back.

Even if he knew, he would not be willing to let this sweet, sensible, poor little girl return to her world and continue to live that miserable life!

Besides, his Hongmeng Immortal Domain has already taken in more than 200,000 people, and it doesn’t matter if there are only one little girl.

Moreover, his parents have always wanted a daughter throughout his life.

He wants to fulfill this wish for his parents. After they are resurrected, they will be very happy to know that they are happy to be parents!

Fang Yu is sure that if her parents are resurrected, they will also fall in love with this cute, sensible and well-behaved little girl!

"Brother, you...are you telling the truth?"

The little girl was stunned and asked cautiously. She almost suspected that she had heard wrongly. She stared at Fang Yu with her big eyes, fearing that she had really heard wrongly.

"Of course what big brother said is true. Nannan is so beautiful, well-behaved, cute and sensible. Big brother has always wanted to have a sister like Nannan."

Fang Yu said softly, and in order to prevent her daughter from doubting that she heard wrongly, Fang Yu's voice was deliberately louder.

Having said this, Fang Yu looked into Little Nan's eyes and asked with a serious face: "Nanny, Big Brother is now solemnly asking you, are you willing to stay with Big Brother and be your sister?"

These words of Fang Yu came completely from the heart.

Fang Yu knew very well that if he lied a little or showed a little strangeness, this sensitive little girl would definitely be able to sense it.

"Yes, yes, I am willing!"

When Nannan heard this, she was stunned at first, and then she became happy, nodding her head wildly, and then she threw herself directly into Fang Yu's arms, tears flowing out unsatisfactorily.

Originally she thought Fang Yu would drive her away.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yu not only did not drive her away, but also recognized her as her sister. At this moment, she seemed to have risen from hell to heaven again.

Fang Yu coaxed the little girl softly, "Be good, baby, stop crying. If you cry any more, you won't be pretty."

Little Nannan broke away from Fang Yu's arms and saw that the clothes on Fang Yu's chest were stained by her. She blushed and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, Nannan made your clothes dirty!"

Fang Yu said softly: "It's okay, brother, I don't blame you, you are my sister, don't say sorry to me!"

The little girl narrowed her big eyes and suddenly thought of something. She quickly took out a very beautiful multicolored crystal stone from her pocket and handed it to Fang Yu. She smiled sweetly and said: "Brother, here you go, this thing is very sweet. It’s also magical, every time Nannan forgets something, she will remember it after just one lick!”


Just when Fang Yu was about to refuse, he suddenly felt the Primordial Tree behind him shake. He quickly looked back and saw that the Primordial Tree was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the Primordial Tree grew 2,500 meters taller, with twenty-five more branches and twenty leaves.

At this time, the Primordial Tree has soared to a height of five thousand meters, like a sacred tree supporting the sky.

"Ah this?"

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment. What is going on?


After my little girl agreed to stay, my Primordial Tree suddenly increased in size.

In other words, after Hongmeng Immortal Domain recognized the little girl as mine, Primordial Tree absorbed the power of the world carried by the little girl.

Two thousand five hundred meters!


The little girl actually carries so much power of the world.

Could it be that she comes from a very high-level world, or does she have some shocking life experience?

Shocking life experience?

Little girl?

This name seems a bit familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere?

What did Fang Yu seem to have thought of?

At this moment, a sweet voice interrupted Fang Yu's thoughts, "Ah! Brother, this big purple tree is so beautiful!"

Fang Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, and the little girl could actually see the Primordial Tree?

He looked at the little girl, pointed at the Primordial Tree, and asked with a smile: "Nanny, can you see this big tree?"

The little girl nodded her head, "Well, she can see it!"

Fang Yu: "???"

Hearing Nannan's words, Fang Yu was dumbfounded again.

He has obviously hidden the Primordial Tree, but the little girl can see it.

Did Primordial Tree do this on purpose?

Or is it the magic of the little girl herself?

He just thought of the ruthless Great Emperor's Dao Fruit in the world of Zhe Tian, ​​whose name is Xiao Nannan.

However, if the little girl is really the ruthless Great Emperor's Dao Fruit, why doesn't she have any cultivation at all?

He couldn't see the attributes of the little girl, and he didn't know her origin, so he couldn't confirm whether the little girl was the Dao Fruit of the ruthless Great Emperor.

Fang Yu stopped thinking about it.

He doesn't care who the little girl is, he only knows that she is his Fang Yu's sister now.

"Brother, who are this uncle and beautiful aunt? Are they asleep?"

The little girl pointed her little finger at the two people on the big bed under the Primordial Tree and asked curiously.

"They are my brother's parents, and they are also my daughter's parents in the future."

Speaking of this, Fang Yu paused and continued: "They... fell asleep!"

The little girl asked worriedly: "Brother, will they like my girl?"

Fang Yu touched her little daughter, "Yes! My daughter is so cute. When they wake up, they will like you very, very much!"

After a pause, he changed the subject directly: "Nanny, my brother will take you out to take a bath now and buy you new clothes. Don't resist!"

The little girl nodded obediently, and then continued to hand the colorful crystal stone in her hand to Fang Yu, "Brother, this is for you!"

"Brother, I don't want it. You can keep it until you lose your memory."

Speaking of this, Fang Yu was stunned for a moment. There were too many coincidences. He was secretly grateful that the little girl was the Dao Fruit of the ruthless Great Emperor. Otherwise, how could there be so many coincidences.

Although there was already speculation in his mind, Fang Yu didn't think too much and continued: "Keep it for yourself. It will prevent you from losing your memory. You don't want to forget your brother, right?"

The little girl nodded heavily, "Yeah! I don't want to forget my brother!"

Fang Yu picked up the little girl and took her out of Grotto-Heaven.

(End of chapter)

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