Chapter 144 Fangda instructor is online

"Fang Xiaoyou, all the soldiers of our [Vermilion Bird Legion] have just modified the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" not long ago. You are the first person in the Great Xia Dynasty to practice the "Extreme Profundities Sutra". I wonder if you can give them some advice?"

In the back seat of the military green off-road vehicle, Ye Tian turned to look at his side and smiled.

After a pause, Ye Tian added: "If you are willing, little friend, I would like to hire you as the honorary instructor of my [Vermilion Bird Corps]!"

"I will not interfere with your freedom. I just want you to come over and teach the soldiers of our [Vermilion Bird Legion] how to practice when you are free."

Fang Yu was the first person to practice the "Extreme Profundities Sutra". As for who in the Great Xia Dynasty knows the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" best, it is naturally Fang Yu.

Although they can practice according to Fang Yu's cultivation method, it is far inferior to Fang Yu's personal guidance.

Although Fang Yu was very young, he did not underestimate Fang Yu.

After all, the master is the teacher.

Fang Yu smiled: "Lao Ye, as long as I am in the Demon Suppression Pass, I will take time to guide them in their cultivation!"

After a pause, he continued: "As for the honorary instructors, they are exempted!"

Fang Yu did not refuse Ye Tian's request to teach the soldiers.

But he refused to be an "honorary instructor".

Although he is only a temporary honorary instructor, once he accepts it, he will be bound to the [Vermilion Bird Legion].

If he didn't come to teach them then, there would definitely be complaints.

He won't do these thankless things.

He wouldn't mind taking the time to teach the soldiers these days.

After all, he also admires these iron-blooded soldiers guarding the border.

Although the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" on him has been covered by the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra".

"Extreme Profundities Fist", "Extreme Profundities Sword Technique" and "Extreme Profundities Steps" are also covered by "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor Fist", "Hongmeng Sword Sutra" and "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Steps".

However, he once practiced the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" to a perfect state, and it is more than enough to guide others to practice.

Besides, even if he has not practiced the "Extreme Profundities Sutra", he can still guide them in their practice.

Because one method is applicable to all methods.

His "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Sutra" is much more mysterious and profound than the "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

He can even learn such a mysterious and profound "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Sutra". It is naturally easy to go back and learn the techniques that are two levels lower than "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Sutra".

This is like saying that it is naturally very easy for a college student to learn the knowledge of a primary school student.

Ye Tian looked overjoyed, clasped his fists and said, "I am here to thank my little friend in advance for the more than one million soldiers of my [Vermilion Bird Legion]."

Although Fang Yu refused to serve in his [Vermilion Bird Corps], Ye Tian was not disappointed.

Because he knew that Mr. Li also tried to win over Fang Yu, but was directly rejected by Fang Yu.

He had already guessed the outcome just now, and the reason why he spoke was just to win.

It was a big surprise to win Fang Yu, but if he couldn't win, he wouldn't be disappointed.

It can be said that if Fang Yu wants to become a soldier, I am afraid that the five armies of the Great Xia Dynasty will fight for Fang Yu to death.

After all, Fang Yu is so powerful that one person can rival an entire army.

And he also has a very powerful army of soldiers in his hands.

Three days ago, the moment he saw the warrior legion at [Tiannu Lake], he knew that the five great legions of the Great Xia Dynasty were incomparable to Fang Yu's warrior legion.

In terms of military discipline and momentum, the five armies of the Great Xia Dynasty are not inferior to Fang Yu's army.

However, Fang Yu's legion is composed of the same type of soldiers, and their strength can be superimposed. This is far incomparable to the five legions of Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mrs. Ye, you're so polite. I also admire our Great Xia Dynasty soldiers. It's just a little effort!"

The main thing is that there is no price to pay for helping.

If there is a price to pay for helping, Fang Yu also expressed his reluctance to help.


Fang Yu chatted with Ye Tian over and over again.

Twenty minutes.

The military's stunning off-road vehicle drove into an extremely huge military camp.

Soon, the military off-road vehicle flew to a vast square in the military camp.

Fang Yu saw a sea of ​​people in this extremely vast square.

There are one hundred large square formations, each holding about three thousand people.

All the phalanxes lined up neatly, wearing the same military green uniforms.

Every soldier exudes a resolute and iron-blooded temperament.

At first glance, they look like elite soldiers.

There are male soldiers and there are female soldiers.

In front of the square formation, there is a high platform three meters high, ten meters long and nine meters wide.

All the soldiers stood under the scorching sun. They were motionless and did not make any sound. You could even hear the soldiers' faint breathing.

It is obvious that this is a well-disciplined iron army.

The green off-road vehicle Fang Yu was riding in slowly flew to the right side of the platform and stopped.

Ye Tian turned to Fang Yu and smiled: "Fang Xiaoyou, I'm going to go down and talk to the soldiers first. When you are called, you can come down again!"

Fang Yu nodded slightly, with an imperceptible smile on his lips.

As expected, the big shots are the last to appear!

Ye Tian nodded to Fang Yu, opened the car door and walked out, walking to the high platform.

Just when Ye Tian walked to the stone on the high platform, a burly man wearing a three-star general uniform and standing at the front of the crowd suddenly said loudly: "Salute!"

Swish swish swish~

All the soldiers saluted in unison.

Ye Tian on the high platform also returned a military salute to all the soldiers.

"stand at attention!"

Ye Tian said loudly. Although he was old, he was full of energy and echoed in the square.

"Take a break!"

More than 300,000 soldiers made corresponding actions in unison according to Ye Tian's command.

"Today I will invite your most popular young hero to be your instructor for a few days!"

"Now let us welcome little instructor Fang Yu with the warmest applause!"

Ye Tian said loudly, and after speaking, he was the first to applaud.

Bang bang bang~

All the soldiers also clapped their hands, and the thunderous applause echoed in the huge square and lasted for a long time.

Fang Yu also walked out of the car under the thunderous applause and stepped onto the high platform.

Seeing Fang Yu, the applause became louder.

After the battle between Fang Yu and Qin Wudao, his photos were also exposed.

The male soldiers looked at Fang Yu with gratitude and admiration.

The eyes of the female soldiers were shining. Fang Yu was so handsome and talented. He was simply the perfect male god.

When Fang Yu reached the high platform, Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down, and the applause stopped.

"Soldiers, would you like to ask instructor Fang to give you a few words?"

Ye Tian said loudly.


As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, all the soldiers roared in unison.

The voices of more than 300,000 people gathered together, the sound shook the sky, and even the white clouds in the sky were shaken away by the sound.

Ye Tian looked at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Little friend Fang, the soldiers are so enthusiastic, just say a few words to them casually!"

After saying that, he gave up his position to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu smiled, without any stage fright. He walked to the place where Ye Tian was standing just now and swept away the hundred square formations in Xingmu Square.

He cleared his throat and said with a smile: "To be honest, I'm a little flattered to see you welcoming me so much!"

"After all, I'm just an ordinary citizen. I just got lucky and got good opportunities."

"I just did what I should do as a Great Xia Dynasty person."

"Compared to you who protect our home and country, what I do seems a bit insignificant."

"Because without you on the front lines guarding the border without fear of death, we would not have a stable life!"

"Everyone of you here is the most respectable and lovable person in the world!"

Although Fang Yu's voice was not high-pitched, it reached everyone's ears clearly.

"Pa bang bang~"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, all the soldiers' faces turned red. They clapped hard and their palms turned red.

These soldiers looked excited. Fang Yu was their most popular person and their idol.

Now that they can be recognized by their idols, how could they not be excited?

Thunderous applause echoed in the square and lasted for a long time.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing not far away from Fang Yu, clapped his hands and looked at Fang Yu who was not afraid of the stage at all. He murmured in a low voice: "A natural handsome man, but it's a pity that he doesn't have this ambition. Otherwise, Mr. Li will have someone to succeed him." !”

From Fang Yu's simple words, he aroused the emotions of all the soldiers and aroused the resonance and recognition of all the soldiers.

Even he heard it with excitement.

Ye Tian knew that Fang Yu was definitely a born handsome man. If he became a soldier, he would definitely become the new generation military god of Great Xia Dynasty.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu's ambition is not here.

Ye Tian knows very well that to move people's hearts, you don't necessarily need gorgeous words. Sometimes, simple and unpretentious language is the easiest to move people's hearts.

Fang Yu was moved when he saw all the soldiers applauding him vigorously.

As expected, soldiers are very pure and the loveliest people.

He stretched out his hands and slowly pressed down.

After the applause stopped, he spoke again: "Now I will first explain to you the cultivation experience of "Extreme Profundities Sutra"!"

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask after I finish speaking, and I will answer it for you one by one!"

After hearing Fang Yu's words, all the soldiers immediately focused their attention, for fear of missing a word.

Even Ye Tian is no exception.

After all the soldiers' attention was focused, Fang Yu's magnetic voice slowly sounded.

At this moment, Fangda instructors are officially online!

(End of chapter)

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