Chapter 145 Demon Race Attacks

Fang Yu's voice was unhurried and he explained the cultivation methods and experiences of "Extreme Profundities Sutra" in easy-to-understand language.

Everyone was fascinated by what he heard. They were like sponges, greedily absorbing the knowledge Fang Yu explained.

As Fang Yu explained, everyone soon discovered that they seemed to have a sudden Aperture Opening, and they understood many things that they did not understand before in an instant.

Among hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Some people looked happy.

Someone frowned and thought.

Some people are like a drunken man, feeling as if they are in a cloud and mist. They clearly feel that they have understood, but they don't know what they have understood?

All the soldiers sat cross-legged on the ground.

In an extremely huge square.

A handsome young man was talking eloquently on the high platform.

In the square in front of the high platform, hundreds of thousands of soldiers sat cross-legged on the ground, listening carefully with different expressions.

This situation and scene are worthy of painting.

Half an hour later.

Fang Yu has finished the entire "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

He just seemed like a powerful person preaching to all living beings.

It’s a pity that the special effects of colorful flowers falling from the sky and golden lotus sprouting from the ground are missing.

Although Fang Yu's voice stopped, all the soldiers did not come back to their senses for a long time.


Suddenly, Fang Yu noticed that a soldier trembled and broke through.



As soon as the soldier broke through, it seemed to cause a chain reaction, and one soldier after another broke through.

Fang Yu was not surprised that these soldiers had achieved breakthroughs in cultivation.

The soldiers who can join the [Vermilion Bird Legion] are all carefully selected.

It can be said that among all the soldiers present, the ones with the worst qualifications are those above Third Grade.

People with poor qualifications simply cannot enter the [Vermilion Bird Corps].

He has fully understood the "Extreme Profundities Sutra", and since he explains it in easy-to-understand terms, it is not surprising that they all have understood it.

Of course, how much they can understand depends on their own understanding, and Fang Yu can't help them.

After all, there are high and low qualifications.

People with high understanding naturally understand more than others.

People with low understanding will naturally not understand as well as those with high understanding.

As the saying goes, the master leads you in, and cultivation depends on the individual.

Ye Tian, ​​who was beside Fang Yu, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that this little guy has mastered the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" to a perfect level. What a terrifying understanding!"

Ye Tian took a deep look at Fang Yu and thought to himself.

He never thought that after Fang Yu's explanation, his understanding of "Extreme Profundities Sutra" would reach a higher level, making him feel like he was enlightened.

You must know that he is a Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer with Seventh Grade qualifications, which is not comparable to the soldiers below.

If you want to teach others, you must first learn it yourself.

If you can't learn it yourself, how can you teach others.

Fang Yu's explanation can make so many soldiers break through.

Therefore, Ye Tian is sure that Fang Yu must have practiced "Extreme Profundities Sutra" to a perfect state.

Ye Tian felt a little sad when he thought that studying "Extreme Profundities Sutra" for more than 20 years was worse than a teenager who had just been exposed to it for less than a month.

He suddenly felt old.

Of course, he felt very sorry after seeing Fang Yu's terrifying teaching methods.

If Fang Yu is willing to join him [Vermilion Bird Legion], he is even willing to promote Fang Yu as his deputy.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu's ambition is not here.

After a while, all the soldiers woke up.

Someone breaks through the First Layer cultivation level.

Some people break through the Second Layer or even the Third Layer.

Of course, there are some people who have not made breakthroughs, but they have also gained some gains and have a deeper understanding of "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

"Thank you, instructor Fang!"

After seeing all the soldiers wake up, Ye Tian immediately bowed and saluted Fang Yu.

With his teaching career, Fang Yu is fully qualified to receive his gift.

"Thank you, instructor Fang!"

All the soldiers in the square also bowed to Fang Yu.

They are sincerely grateful to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu calmly accepted the gift from everyone, and he fully deserved the gift.

"If you have any questions, you can ask and I will answer your questions!"

Fang Yu said with a smile.

"Instructor Fang, do you have a girlfriend? If so, would you mind having one more?"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, a crisp voice rang out.

Fang Yu suddenly felt dumbfounded. Are all female soldiers so direct these days?

Sure enough, handsome boys should protect themselves when they go out. Girls will care about them wherever they go.

"Ahem, I mean about cultivation issues."

Fang Yu coughed twice and said loudly.

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

During these two hours, Fang Yu returned to many soldiers regarding some cultivation issues.

He even rehearsed "Extreme Profundities Boxing", "Extreme Profundities Sword Techniques" and "Extreme Profundities Steps" for them in public.

When practicing "Extreme Profundities Steps", Fang Yu left his footwork footprints directly on the square.

If someone can accurately step on the footprints he left, it means that he has practiced the "Extreme Profundities Step" to a perfect state.

Not only that, when he was practicing "Extreme Profundities Sword Technique", he also left sword marks on the square.

The sword mark bears his Sword Intent.

As long as someone can understand it, there will be endless benefits in the future.

Because the swordsmanship he practiced was the "Hongmeng Sword Sutra", the Sword Intent he cultivated included Myriad Manifestations.

It has the lightness of water, the explosion of fire, the vitality of wood, the thickness of earth, the sharpness of gold, etc...

It is worth mentioning that with Fang Yu's current cultivation and attainments, if he wanted to create a technique below Third Grade, it would be easy.

Demon-suppressing pass.

On a wide street.

A boy and a girl were walking side by side.

The young man was wearing a green outfit, with shoulder-length hair, a tall figure, an extraordinary handsome appearance, fair and tender skin, and a gentle smile on his lips.

The girl is wearing a green military uniform, has short shoulder-length hair, is tall, has delicate features, and has a heroic appearance.

This boy is Fang Yu.

Fang Yu turned to look at the female soldier beside him and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, I can just go shopping by myself. You can go back!"

The female soldier next to him is Ye Qingdai, the granddaughter of Ye Tian.

Fang Yu knew that Ye Tian asked his granddaughter to accompany him shopping, and the old fox must want to use a honey trap on him to get his ideas.

Although Ye Qingdai is very beautiful, her appearance and temperament are not inferior to those of Tang Xiyue and Ji Mengfei.

But he already has Tang Xiyue and has no other thoughts about Ye Qingdai.

"Instructor Fang, I'm going back then!"

Ye Qingdai smiled.

She knew what her grandfather was planning, but she didn't mean that to Fang Yu.

It's not that Fang Yu is not worthy of her, but she doesn't want to fall in love yet.

Moreover, Fang Yu already has a beautiful fiancée, and she does not want to become a third party and ruin the relationship between Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue.

Even if she wants to find a man in the future, she must find a man who treats her wholeheartedly.


Fang Yu smiled, waved goodbye to Ye Qingdai, and walked towards the city gate.

Soon, Fang Yu came to the city wall dozens of meters wide.

The story of Fang Yu giving lectures to the soldiers in the military camp has spread.

When the soldiers guarding the city wall saw him, they all saluted him and called him "Instructor Fang".

Fang Yu also gave them a gift in return.

He walked to the city wall with his hands behind his back.

There is a very vast plain in front of the city wall.

The land on the plain is dark black, barren of grass, and there are many uneven holes on the ground.

There is a winding canyon on the plain. The entire canyon is shrouded in a dark and devilish gas, and even the sun cannot shine through.

There are two rolling mountains on both sides of the canyon.

Fang Yu knew that Demon Race's base camp was in that canyon.

Those dark, demonic gases are demonic gases, and if ordinary people are exposed to even a trace of them, they are in danger of becoming possessed.

There is a barrier around the canyon, and the evil spirit cannot penetrate it at all.

According to the veteran Grotto-Heaven master of Great Xia Dynasty, that barrier was set up by the world consciousness of Earth Star. It can only block the Grinding Qi, but cannot stop the Demon Race at all.

Fang Yu looked away and waved to a soldier a few meters away from him.

The soldier trotted up to Fang Yu and asked respectfully: "Instructor Fang, are you okay?"

Fang Yu pointed to the new potholes under the city wall and asked, "Did a war just break out at Zhenmo Pass?"

The soldier replied respectfully: "Yes! There was a big battle just at eight o'clock this morning!"

After a pause, he continued: "In the past few days, those damn aliens have been attacking for no reason. They attack several times a day."

"In the past, Demon Race would attack every once in a while, but not as frequently as these days!"

Fang Yu's eyes flickered, "When did the possession begin? Did anything special happen to [Vermilion Bird Legion]?"

The soldier pondered for a moment and said, "It specifically started five days ago."

"At eight o'clock in the evening five days ago, our First Division of the First Army, equipped with the equipment you forged for us, completely annihilated Demon Race's team of ten thousand people!"

"Next, Demon Race's attacks will become more frequent!"

“Especially this morning, the attack was the most intense. The other three passes of Zhenmo Pass were all attacked by Demon Race at the same time, and this was the most intense attack.

This morning, 300,000 Demon Race troops attacked this place, and among them there were ten Core Formation realm demon generals following in secret!

If we hadn't used the [God-Destroying Cannon] to scare off Demon Race, I'm afraid this pass would have been captured by Demon Race. "

After a pause, he continued: "According to the legion commander's speculation, Demon Race must know that the equipment you forged is powerful, and they are afraid, so they attack us frequently!"

"After all, it's hard for the High Grade Treasure Weapon to leave even a trace on those battle armors you forged!"

"Is this so..."

Fang Yu's eyes narrowed.

He doesn't find it strange that Demon Race is afraid that the Great Xia Dynasty has a large number of Supreme Grade Treasure Weapons.

After all, Demon Race doesn't have many Supreme Grade Treasure Weapons, and the armor he forged can't even be damaged by High Grade Treasure Weapons.

If [Vermilion Bird Legion] each had a suit of armor, it would be a disaster for Demon Race.

Therefore, it is perfectly normal for them to be afraid.


"Demon Race is coming!"

Suddenly noticing something, Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, the soldier looked towards the canyon shrouded in grinding aura, but did not see the so-called Demon Race at all. He frowned and asked solemnly: "Instructor Fang, are you telling the truth?"

"Yeah! More than one million people came this time, and it's about 50,000 meters away from here!"

Fang Yu said very seriously: "Sound the alarm!"


The soldier gritted his teeth and said.

Although he couldn't understand why Fang Yu's mental power could detect such a long distance, he believed that Fang Yu would not make such a joke at this time.


The soldiers ran to the side and sounded the alarm. The melodious horn sounded in the Demon Suppressing Pass and lingered for a long time.

Thank you [Chen Xinlong] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to [ursusdea] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to Book Friend 1 [51224081531999] for your monthly vote.

Thank you all for your great recommendation votes.

(End of chapter)

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