Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 146 Mobilization Before The War (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 146 Mobilization before the war (please subscribe)

The entrance to the canyon shrouded in dark demonic energy was about 30,000 meters away from the city wall.

Fang Yu is now a Qi Condensation Realm Sixth Layer. His spiritual power can be spread out for 600 meters, but his mental power can detect a radius of 60,000 meters.

That's why he was able to discover Demon Race who hadn't left the canyon yet.

What surprised Fang Yu was that demonic energy could weaken mental power.

He found that his mental power was weakened by about five thousand meters.

"Is there a space crack inside..."

Fang Yu looked towards the valley shrouded in red evil aura, and his eyes flickered.

He heard that there was a space crack in this canyon shrouded by evil spirits, which was the base camp of Demon Race.

It is said that this bloody canyon is very long, winding and stretching for more than a thousand kilometers.

If there wasn't a space crack in this bloody canyon, it would have been razed to the ground by the Great Xia Dynasty with the [God-Destroying Cannon].

Fang Yu estimates that the leader of the Demon Race inside also knows the fear of the Great Xia Dynasty, so he often sends demon soldiers out to attack the demon-suppressing pass.

Less than ten minutes.

Ye Tian took all the soldiers in the military camp to the city wall.

As soon as Ye Tian climbed onto the city wall, he immediately ordered the deployment of defenses.

All the soldiers stood ready and lined up to wait for the arrival of the Demon Race army.

Ye Tian walked up to Fang Yu and asked, "Little friend Fang, how far is the Demon Race army from the mouth of the canyon?"

Fang Yu replied calmly: "About 45,000 meters."

After a pause, he added: "Lao Ye, leave this Demon Race army to me. The purpose of my coming here is to train troops."

Ye Tian was stunned and reminded: "Fang Xiaoyou, you just said that there are more than one million Demon Races coming this time, and your warrior legion only has more than 500 people. I am afraid that I am not their opponent. After all, the number of people is too different." Got it!"

Fang Yu said softly: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I won't make fun of my life. Just lead your men to raid the city wall. If I can't hold on, I will lead my men to retreat."

His [Demon Killing Army] is now full. In addition to the 501 people in the [Hongmeng Holy Guard] (including Dian Wei), there are 7,499 people in the [Demon Killing Legion], with a total strength of 8,000 people.

Eight thousand versus more than one million, more than 1:120.

Although there is no advantage in numbers.

However, his men are all Body Tempering Realm Ninth Layer at the lowest level, and their qualifications are all Ninth Grade. Every soldier is a peerless genius and can surpass the level to challenge.

Moreover, what they practice is the most powerful [Zhu Demon Dao Sutra], which can restrain Demon Race.

In addition, everyone has a set of Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon with attributes comparable to Low Grade Spirit Weapon.

If he loses all this, he might as well build a new army.

The ordinary demon soldiers are handed over to the Demon Dao soldiers, who only need to guard against the demon generals.

Because the demon generals are all in the Core Formation realm, if the demon generals were to sneak attack, even if all the demon-slaying Dao soldiers formed a demon-slaying formation, they might not be able to stop them.

Fang Yu knew that [Vermilion Bird Legion] had more than this number of soldiers.

[Vermilion Bird Legion] In total, [Vermilion Bird Legion] has twelve armies, each with about 120,000 troops, and a total strength of more than 1.5 million.

There are four passes in Zhenmo Pass.

This is the first pass, and only three troops are stationed there.

The other three passes are each guarded by three armies.

After all, that canyon has four exits.

Demon Race can come out from any exit.

Ye Tian pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Because he knew that with Fang Yu's cultivation, he could protect himself even if he was defeated.

Since Fang Yu wanted to train troops, he wouldn't say anything else.

He would sweep the formation from behind, and if Fang Yu's men could no longer hold on, he would order rescue in time.

Besides, with the gratitude of the soldiers to Fang Yu, even if he did not order the attack, I am afraid that the soldiers would attack on their own.

Fang Yu nodded to Ye Tian, ​​jumped up, and jumped directly from the hundred-meter-high city wall.

He was like a light leaf, falling steadily to the ground.

As soon as he landed on the ground, his toes were a little bit on the ground, turning into a stream of light and shooting forward.

After running for almost three thousand meters, Fang Yu stopped.

On the city wall, three burly middle-aged men wearing two-star generals came to Ye Tian. One of them asked: "Legion Commander, what are Instructor Fang doing?"

These three people are the commanders of the First Army, the Second Army, and the Third Army.

"Young friend Fang wants to train troops!"

Ye Tian glanced at the three of them and said in a deep voice: "Now pass on my order and ask the artillery to load all the remaining God-Destroying Cannonballs. Once you hear my order, attack in time. Fang Xiaoyou said to me [ Vermilion Bird Legion] is as kind as a mountain, and we must never let anything happen to him!”

The three army commanders respectfully accepted the order and left: "Yes!"

At the same time, two figures jumped down from the city wall.

The ones who jumped down were two female soldiers, one holding a wireless microphone, and the other overriding a drone.

When Ye Tian saw this, he didn't stop him because the two female soldiers were war reporters, and one of them was his granddaughter, Ye Qingdai.

On the bloody plain in front of the Demon Suppressing Pass.

Fang Yu waved his right hand, and a huge silver light door instantly appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

One after another, fully armed soldiers walked out of the silver light door.

The leaders are none other than Dian Wei and Fang Yu’s [Hongmeng Holy Guard].

As soon as Dian Wei came out, he immediately stood behind Fang Yu, like the most loyal personal guard.

The [Hongmeng Holy Guards] following Dian Wei all walked to line up behind Fang Yu.

After the people of Hongmeng Holy Guard came out.

Zhao Yun came out with the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion].

After Zhao Yun and others came out, they lined up silently in front of Fang Yu.

After a while.

All the [Devil-Slaying Legions] came out and lined up.

All the soldiers bowed to Fang Yu and saluted: "Greetings, my lord!"

Fang Yu Xingmu lined up neatly in front of him. Thousands of soldiers wearing exquisite silver armor, swords hanging on their waists, and silver long bows on their backs swept his eyes and said majestically: "No gifts!"

Zhao Yun, who was at the front, took a step forward, clasped his fists towards Fang Yu and said, "My Lord, there are 7,499 soldiers in the Demon-Slaying Legion. The actual number is 7,499. Please give me instructions, Lord!"

Since Xi Zhicai did not change his profession to become a Demon-Slaying Dao soldier, strictly speaking, he was not considered a member of the Demon-Slaying Legion, so Fang Yu did not let Xi Zhicai come out this time.

Fang Yu looked at Zhao Yun and said majestically: "General Zhao, join the ranks!"

Zhao Yun bowed respectfully, took a step back and returned to the team: "Here!"

Song Que bowed and saluted, turned around and returned to the team.

Looking at the soldiers standing straight in front of him, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He cleared his throat and said loudly: "I would like to say a few words here!"

"I will treat all the soldiers under my command equally!"

"You are the most elite soldiers under my command, and I will always give you the best treatment."

"If you make meritorious deeds, I will not be stingy with rewards. If you make mistakes, I will also be merciless!"

"Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while. It's time to test your cultivation results!"

"Now there is a Demon Race army of one million people that is about to attack here. The number of enemies is more than a hundred times yours. I want to ask you a question now."

Speaking of this, Fang Yu's voice suddenly rose, "Do you dare to fight them?"


As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, everyone including the [Hongmeng Holy Guard] standing behind him responded loudly, exuding overwhelming fighting spirit and indomitable momentum.

Fang Yu stretched out his hand and pressed down, and the shouts of all the soldiers stopped.

He continued: "Of course, when there is a war, there will inevitably be sacrifices. This is inevitable. Although I cannot promise to guarantee the safety of all of you!"

"But I can make a promise to you: For all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our Hongmeng Immortal Domain, I will give your family a generous pension!"

"If you have children, Hongmeng Immortal Domain will raise them to adulthood!"

"If you have parents, Hongmeng Immortal Domain will support your parents!"

"For those who have no father or mother, Hongmeng Immortal Domain will put pension funds into the hands of needy people in your name!"

"I will erect a monument of heroes and martyrs in Hongmeng Immortal Domain. For all the soldiers who died fighting for Hongmeng Immortal Domain, I will engrave their names and life stories on the monument of heroes and martyrs for future generations to admire, making you famous forever!"

Fang Yu didn't say anything about how [Three Lights Divine Spring] can make people Resurrection from the Dead.

He was worried that after speaking out, the soldiers would become a bunch of reckless men after knowing that he could resurrect people from the Dead.

Besides, just the Fourth Grade [Three Light Divine Spring] cannot resurrect people.

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, Dian Wei, who was standing behind him, shouted loudly: "The lord is eternal, Hongmeng Immortal Domain is immortal, we will swear allegiance to the lord to the death!"

"My lord is eternal, Hongmeng Immortal Domain is immortal, we will swear allegiance to my lord to the death!"

All the soldiers present stood up and shouted, their voices getting louder and louder.

Fang Yu was so kind to them that they couldn't even believe it.

Their reasons for joining the military varied.

Some are to repay Fang Yu's kindness.

Some do it to get military pay so that their families can live a better life.

Some are for the sake of honoring their ancestors and getting ahead.

After they passed the selection of the Demon-Slaying Legion, Fang Yu gave them very high treatment. Not only did he let them live in the Immortal Palace, he also vigorously trained them and even gave them the best subsidies.

Some of them are also worried that after they die in battle, their children and elderly people at home will have no one to take care of them.

But now Fang Yu not only helps them solve all their worries.

And they can remain famous for eternity after death.

With such a wise lord here, how could they not wholeheartedly work for him!

When Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other generals heard this, imperceptible smiles appeared on their lips.

In their opinion, although the lord is young, he is a wise master.

Just a few words of return raised the morale of the soldiers.

Such a wise master is worthy of their companionship in life and death!

Ye Qingdai and another female soldier in the rear looked at Fang Yu's back with brilliant eyes.

Fang Yu's few words raised the morale of thousands of soldiers.

Although this team only has 8,000 people, the two women exude an indomitable momentum from them. It can be predicted that in the future this army will become an invincible army that is invincible, invincible, and frightening the enemy.

Seeing everyone's performance, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Everyone has selfish motives.

He set the salary so high that although the cost was extremely high, it solved the soldiers' worries.

Let them have no worries, and they will fight against the enemy without any scruples and show the ferocity of a desperate Saburo.

Of course, it can also be said that he did this to win people's hearts.

Fang Yu slowly stretched out his hands and pressed down slowly.

Immediately, the cheers stopped and a pin drop could be heard.

The two girls behind Fang Yu, Ye Qingdai, also filmed this scene.

Fang Yu pointed at the canyon behind the [Devil-Slaying Army] and said in a deep voice: "The Demon Race army will come out soon. Demon Race is cold-blooded and cruel, without a trace of humanity. They practice by devouring human blood essence and treat humans as their own. Resources for breakthrough!”

"Now I ask you, what will you do if you meet Demon Race?"

"Kill, kill without mercy!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, all the soldiers shouted in unison.

Every soldier exuded overwhelming killing intent. All the killing intent gathered together and shot straight into the sky, even the white clouds on the horizon were diluted.

Seeing the overwhelming momentum of the Demon Killing Legion soldiers, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction and chuckled, "I'll wait for you to have a drink with you after you completely annihilate the Demon Race Legion!"

Having said this, he looked at Zhao Yun, Guo Jia and several other generals, "Zilong, Fengxiao, the demon soldiers are less than 10,000 meters away from the mouth of the canyon. The rest will be left to you. I have only one request. That is to completely annihilate this Demon Race army. As for how to do it, I don’t care!”

Zhao Yun and others said in unison: "Lord, don't worry, we will never let you down!"

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(End of chapter)

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