Chapter 148 The war breaks out (2)

Because the distance is too far, with the naked eye, those magic soldiers look like a bunch of dense black dots, moving quickly this way.

There was a huge bloody dark cloud above the demon soldiers' heads.

This bloody dark cloud moves with the demon soldiers.

As time goes by, the black spots become larger and larger.

When more than a million demon soldiers charged, they kicked up dust all over the sky.


A huge roar came from far and near, and the earth was shaking.

This roar is like thunder, like the roar of war drums, shocking and breathtaking!

The dust raised by the charge of the demon soldiers was like the boundless black clouds in the sky, and accompanied by this overwhelming evil spirit, it swept toward the Demon Suppression Pass.

So scary!

The extremely oppressive atmosphere filled the air above the Demon-Suppressing Pass, making people feel their scalp numb and even breathing became much more difficult.

Many soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion in front of Fang Yu felt the overwhelming blood-evil energy, their faces turned pale, and their bodies tensed subconsciously.

Some soldiers' legs even trembled slightly.

Because these soldiers have never seen such a terrifying battle.

Even Fang Yu frowned slightly when he felt the overwhelming blood evil energy.

This was the first time he had seen such a horrific sight with his own eyes.

Looking at the blood-evil aura that seemed to be real, the expressions of Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and other generals standing in front of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] were also a little solemn.

As time passed, the roar became stronger and stronger, the frequency of the ground vibration became stronger and stronger, and the evil spirit became stronger and stronger.

Of course, Ye Qingdai's assistant also moved her perspective to the charging demon soldiers and showed them to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Many of the viewers in the live broadcast room had their hearts in their throats instantly.

Even through the screen, they could feel the monstrous bloody aura, and even breathing became much more difficult.

A large number of viewers launched barrages one after another.

"Hiss! It's such a terrifying blood evil energy that it almost made me pee. Even through the screen, my scalp feels numb!"

"Yes! The number of Demon Race intruders this time has exceeded before!"

"Now I can't wait to enter the Demon Suppressing Pass immediately, advance and retreat together with the soldiers of the Demon Suppressing Pass, and protect our homeland. However, my cultivation level is only Body Tempering Realm Third Layer, so I can't help if I go there!"

"May our brave soldiers destroy the invading enemies and defend our homeland!"

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, but the soldiers at the Demon-Suppressing Pass felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The legion commanders of the [Azure Dragon Legion], [White Tiger Legion], and [Black Tortoise Legion] stationed in the Eastern Wilderness Azure Dragon Territory, the Western Wasteland Ancient Gold Territory, the Northern Wilderness Black Ice Territory, and the Middle Wasteland Tiandu Territory saw this scene through satellites .

Their expressions became extremely solemn.

The number of Demon Races this time is more than before, and the pressure on the Demon Suppression Pass is very high.

There are four passes in Zhenmo Pass.

They saw that this time Demon Race was not only attacking the pass where Fang Yu was, but Demon Race was also attacking the other three passes.

The number of demon soldiers in the other three passes is similar to that of the pass where Fang Yu is attacked.

In other words, this time Demon Race dispatched a total of more than four million troops to attack the Demon Suppression Pass.

The total strength of the four passes of Zhenmo Pass is less than 1.6 million.

Moreover, they saw ten demon generals in each Demon Race army. The reserves of [God-Destroying Cannonballs] in the Demon-Suppressing Pass were not enough to kill so many demon generals.

Normally, it takes ten God-Destroying Cannonballs to kill a Core Formation Demon General.

Because the demon generals can fly at high altitudes, if they cannot be blown up, they cannot be killed.

Once these Core Formation level demon generals enter the Demon Suppression Level, it will be a disaster for the soldiers of [Vermilion Bird Legion].

They all understand the truth of the matter. If the Demon Suppressing Pass falls, the Demon Race will sweep across the entire Southern Wilderness Fire Territory, and they will also be attacked from both sides.

Therefore, both publicly and privately, they do not want to see [Suppressing Demon Pass] fall.

They want to send troops to support the Demon Suppression Pass, but they also have to guard different space rifts.

If they send few troops, it will undoubtedly be a drop in the bucket for the huge Demon Suppression Pass;

But if they deploy too many troops to support the Demon Suppression Pass, they will be in danger once the aliens they are guarding take advantage of their empty troops and attack their defense area.

The three regions in the East, South and West could not spare too many troops to support the Suppressing Demon Pass.

But the Zhonghuang Tiandu Territory is different.

Tiandu Territory is the political center of the Great Xia Dynasty, after Queen Jiang Yuehuang monitored the number of Demon Races through satellite.

A series of orders were issued in an orderly manner, and these orders were quickly conveyed to the various city lords and [Sky Phoenix Legion] in the Central Wilderness Tiandu Territory.

Immediately, elite teams flew to the Demon Suppressing Pass in military helicopters from various cities in Tiandu Territory to provide support.

at the same time.

Major universities, sects, and civilians within the Great Xia Dynasty, the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, also spontaneously organized teams to support the Demon Suppression Pass.

this moment.

The humans of the Great Xia Dynasty are united like never before. Even if they usually have conflicts, they are temporarily put aside at this moment.

the other side.

On the bloody plain of Zhenmo Pass.

"Instructor Fang, we just received news that the Demon Race army is also attacking the other three passes of Demon Suppression Pass, and their numbers are no less than here."

Ye Qingdai looked at Fang Yu, who was calm and calm beside her, and said with a very solemn expression: "In other words, the other three major passes cannot mobilize soldiers to help us."

"This time Demon Race has mobilized so many troops. It seems that Demon Race wants to destroy us [Vermilion Bird Legion] in one fell swoop."

"Instructor Fang, do you think we can hold on this time?"

Fang Yu raised an eyebrow and asked, "Don't you [Vermilion Bird Legion] have a [God-Destroying Cannon]?"

Ye Qingdai smiled bitterly and said: "Instructor Fang, you don't know something. It is very difficult to make [God-destroying cannonballs]."

"To make a [God-Destroying Cannonball] that can threaten the Core Formation Realm, at least fifty Qi Condensation Realm masters need to inject all the spiritual power in their Dantian into a special container for a month."

"The principle of [God-Destroying Cannonball] was developed by using the collision of spiritual powers with different attributes to cause an explosion."

"I have less than 300 Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer experts in Great Xia Dynasty."

"Only about sixty can be made in a year."

"In the past few days, there have been demon generals from the Core Formation realm attacking our demon-suppressing level. The [God-Destroying Cannonballs] that our [Vermilion Bird Legion] had stored were consumed at a rapid rate, and now there are less than forty left."

After a pause, he continued: "Although the God-Destroying Cannon is a threat to the Core Formation aliens, if it cannot attack them, it cannot kill them!"

"Normally speaking, it takes ten [God-Destroying Cannonballs] to kill a Core Formation Demon General, because the shells must be used to block their possible escape routes!"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed. He didn't expect that the [God-Destroying Cannonball] was made like this.

Fang Yu estimated that the [God-Destroying Cannonball] must be based on the manufacturing principle of atomic bombs. The principle of heavy atomic nuclei that are easily fissionable, such as uranium or plutonium, releases huge energy at the moment of fission and explodes.

Fang Yu smiled at Ye Qingdai and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, leave this Demon Race army to me and my warrior legion. After we destroy this wave, we can support the other three passes."

Seeing Fang Yu with a confident face, Ye Qingdai seemed to be infected and felt a lot more relaxed.

The wait is long.

Especially in this extremely depressive atmosphere, people with a bad mentality would have already collapsed!

As time goes by, the magic soldiers are getting closer and closer to Fang Yu and others.

15,000 meters.

14,000 meters.

13,000 meters.

10,000 meters.

5000 meters.

When the demon soldiers were still 5,000 meters away from Fang Yu, Fang Yu raised his sword eyebrows and immediately sent out his mental power to check.

Because he felt ten obscure auras among the demon soldiers.


"There are actually ten Core Formation realm demon generals!"

Fang Yu withdrew his mental power and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He can now detect the cultivation of people who are not higher than his own two realms.

He is now Qi Condensation Realm Sixth Layer, and Qi Condensation Realm Sixth Layer can also become Qi Condensation Realm mid-term.

In other words, as long as the cultivation level does not exceed the middle stage of Infant Formation Realm, he can detect it.

He has already found out clearly that among the crowd of Demon Race army, there are ten demons whose whole bodies are shrouded in pitch-black demonic aura, making it difficult to see their true appearance. The demons riding black horses are all Core Formation level cultivators.

Nine are in the early stage of Core Formation and one is in the middle stage of Core Formation.

Knowing that there are ten Core Formation demon generals in Demon Race, Fang Yu is not only not afraid, but also a little eager to try.

He has never dealt with a real Core Formation environment.

However, Fang Yu was speechless when he saw the ten demon generals dressed differently from ordinary people.

Others showed their faces, but their whole bodies were shrouded in dark devilish aura, with only a pair of scarlet eyes exposed.

It seems as if they are afraid that others will not know that they are demon generals.

He withdrew his gaze from the charging Demon Race army and glanced at all the Demon-killing soldiers.

Seeing that most of the soldiers' bodies were tense, their palms were sweating, and some soldiers' legs were shaking, Fang Yu was not disappointed.

After all, most of these soldiers were civilians before. They had all kinds of emotions and desires, so they would naturally feel scared.

On the contrary, none of them took a step back, which is already very rare.

At the same time, he was also congratulating himself on his wise decision.

The soldiers of [Devil-Slaying Legion] really need the baptism of blood to grow.

Only by transforming their minds can they become an invincible and invincible army.

4000 meters.

3900 meters.

3800 meters.

3000 meters.

When Fang Yu felt that the Demon Race army rushing at the front was still 3,000 meters away from him.

Suddenly there was a silver longbow and a silver arrow in his hand.

Putting on the bow and arrow, all movements are done in one go.

The silver long bow was instantly pulled into a full moon by Fang Yu.

call out!

His left hand holding the bowstring suddenly released, and the purple-colored arrows roared towards the Demon Race army directly in front of him like a bolt of lightning, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The silver arrow glowing with purple light cut through the sky like a comet, dragging a long tail and moving at lightning speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Fang Yu's arrow hit a demon general riding a black horse three thousand meters away.


With a shocking loud noise, the black shield on the demon general's body was directly pierced, and the fine iron arrows instantly penetrated his body, and the impact probably caused him to fly backwards.

Zhao Yun saw this and shouted an order: "Fire the arrow!"

As soon as Zhao Yun finished speaking, he had already nocked his bow and arrow, and the demon-killing soldiers who were waiting for the order all released their hands to pull the string.


The next moment, eight thousand silver arrows roared towards the Demon Race army rushing here.

The war is about to break out!

(End of chapter)

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