Chapter 149 Devastated

Thousands of arrows were fired.

Eight thousand arrows were like eight thousand shooting stars, piercing the sky and roaring towards the demon soldiers.


In the blink of an eye, dense arrows hit the demon soldiers charging at the front, and screams came one after another.

The bloody battle armor worn by those demon soldiers looked like paper in front of the silver arrows, which were pierced by the arrows in an instant.

After the arrow penetrated the first row of demon soldiers, its power remained unabated.

Almost every fine iron arrow can penetrate several demon soldiers before falling to the ground or remaining in the body of the demon soldier.

In just one attack, the Demon Race army suffered more than 30,000 casualties.

At the same time, Fang Yu killed a demon general with one arrow, and Demon Dao soldiers killed more than 30,000 demon soldiers in one round, both of which were broadcast live by Ye Qingdai.

"F*ck! If I remember correctly, that ghost thing covered with black devilish aura is the Demon General, right? Boss Fang Yu actually shot a Core Formation realm Demon General to death with one arrow. His strength is too great. Are you strong?!"

"Oh my God! Although I knew that Boss Fang Yu was very powerful, I didn't expect him to be so terrifying. He should be about three thousand meters away from the Demon General. Even at such a long distance, the Demon General would dodge. No, it’s just so terrifying!”

"You have missed the point. Shouldn't you pay attention to the bows and arrows on the [Devil-Slaying Legion] soldiers in the hands of Boss Fang Yu? At such a long distance, each arrow can kill several demons. Soldier, what level of equipment are those bows and arrows?"

"The brother upstairs is right. I guess the bows and arrows in the hands of Mr. Fang Yu and his soldiers are at least Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon level. Only Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon level weapons can go this far. range!"

"Eight thousand Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon bows. There is no Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon bow on the market yet. Could it be that the weapons in Goddess Ji's hands were made by Mr. Fang Yu?"

"Brother Fang Yu is so awesome. His [Devil-Slaying Legion] yyds is stable. Demon Dao soldiers can take away 30,000 Demon Races in one round. That is to say, it only takes thirty rounds. Demon Race’s million-strong army can be completely annihilated!”

"It's hard to say. After all, there are four Core Formation realm demon generals in the Demon Race army. The demon generals are the key to victory or defeat!"

In Ye Qingdai's live broadcast room, barrages were flying all over the place.

It's worth mentioning.

A Mortal Weapon-level bow has an effective range of 100-1,000 meters.

A Treasure Weapon-level bow has an effective range of 1,000-5,000 meters.

A Spirit Weapon-level bow has an effective range of 5,000-10,000 meters.

Although the bows in the hands of Fang Yu and [Zhu Demon Dao Bing] are only Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon level.

But the properties are comparable to Low Grade Spirit Weapon.

Low Grade Spirit Weapon's bow, combined with Low Grade Spirit Weapon's arrows, has an effective range of up to 10,000 meters.

Anyone who is proficient in archery can hit a target within a range of 5,000 meters.

Fang Yu's Demon-killing Dao soldiers all practice "Demon-killing Arrow Technique".

"Demon-Slaying Archery" is a Ninth Grade archery skill. Although it is currently only the third layer, it is very powerful. The worst Demon-Slaying Archery soldiers have already practiced "Demon-Slaying Archery" to the entry level.

It can be said that within a range of five thousand meters, Demon-killing Dao soldiers can make sure their arrows hit the target without missing a beat.

Besides, the Demon Race army has more than one million people, and it is a dense mass of black people. Within the effective range, as long as the Demon-killing Dao soldiers are not fired into the sky or the ground.

You can hit the target even with your eyes closed.

The reason why Fang Yu was able to kill a Core Formation level demon general with one arrow was because he took the time to learn the "Devil-Slaying Arrow Technique" in the past few days and practiced the "Devil-Slaying Arrow Technique" to a perfect level.


On the city wall, Ye Tian and several burly middle-aged men around him saw Fang Yu kill a demon general with one arrow, and the Demon Dao soldiers killed more than 30,000 demon soldiers with one arrow rain, and they couldn't help but say Say hello.

"Instructor Fang is mighty!"

More than 300,000 soldiers cheered for Fang Yu in unison, looking at Fang Yu with admiration in their eyes.

In the center of the Demon Race army, a demon general covered in pitch-black demonic aura, riding on a nearly two-meter-long black warrior with a pair of demon horns on his head, saw Fang Yu kill a demon general and a demon-slaying legion soldier with an arrow. After killing more than 30,000 demonic soldiers in one round, his scarlet eyes were filled with overwhelming anger and murderous intent.

" Demon Race sons, come to me, kill all these damn humans, and avenge me, Demon Race sons!"

The demon general shouted loudly.


As soon as the voice fell, all the demon soldiers' eyes were filled with murderous aura, and they charged towards Fang Yu and others without fear of death. Millions of demon soldiers charged, sweeping towards the Demon Suppression Pass like a tide. The earth shook and dust filled the sky.

The boundless evil spirit that was as real as reality swept towards the Demon-Suppressing Pass.

"Soldiers, you have also seen that these magic soldiers are vulnerable to our attacks!"

"They are not scary, they are also flesh and blood, and they will die!"

"Keep shooting arrows for me, general, and kill all these beasts!"

Zhao Yun said loudly to all the Demon-killing soldiers behind him.

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, all the Demon-killing soldiers trembled.

Those demon-killing soldiers who were originally a little scared were no longer afraid at this time.

Seeing the results they had just achieved, they suddenly felt that Demon Race was actually not scary.

One by one, the Demon Dao soldiers stretched out and drew out arrows, loaded the arrows, drew the bows, and released the arrows. All the actions were almost done in one go.


Another dense wave of arrows, like thunder and lightning, roared towards the Demon Race army with unstoppable momentum.

In the blink of an eye, he shot the Demon Race's vanguard and took away the lives of tens of thousands of demon soldiers in an instant.

This time, all the Demon-killing soldiers did not wait for Zhao Yun's order. Just after they shot an arrow, they invariably drew out their arrows and loaded their bows.

At this time, all the Demon-killing soldiers were red-eyed and had only one thought in their minds, which was to kill all the Demon Race.

Fang Yu secretly saw the performance of killing Demon Dao soldiers and nodded with satisfaction.



Wave after wave of dense arrows roared towards the demon soldiers. The scene was extremely spectacular. Each wave of arrow rain could take away the lives of tens of thousands of demon soldiers. The demon soldiers fell down one after another like wheat. .

Although Demon Race's army also had archers, the bows in their hands simply couldn't shoot that far.

In less than ten breaths, more than 300,000 people died in Demon Race's army, blood flowed into rivers, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

More than 300,000 demon soldiers died, but the Demon Race army could barely advance less than 800 meters.

Although nearly one-third of Demon Race's army was dead, the demon soldiers were still brave enough to charge without fear of death, each one like a killing machine without emotion.

It can be seen from this that these Demon Race are a group of brainless lunatics who only know how to kill.

The nine Great Demons hiding in the army watched all this indifferently, and they did not give an order to retreat.

Because they knew that if a retreat order was issued at this time, the entire army would be annihilated.

The nine Great Demon generals all picked up some arrows just now. After seeing that these arrows could not even damage a magic weapon comparable to the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon, they felt extremely horrified.

It turned out to be a Spirit Weapon level arrow.

Spirit Weapon level weapons are only available to the Demon Lords of the Infant Formation Realm in their Demon Race.

Now, this human army actually has.

No matter how high the price is, they must destroy this human legion and seize these weapons, otherwise there will be endless trouble.

Although the Nine Great Demon generals wanted to rush out and kill the soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion, they were afraid that Fang Yu would shoot cold arrows at them.

The experience of Fang Yu shooting one of the demon generals with one arrow just now is still vivid in his mind.

They could feel that if the arrow was shot towards them, they would not be spared.

They are not mindless demon soldiers, they are also afraid of death!

Therefore, they planned to blend in with the army and charge, waiting until the distance was closer before taking action, without giving Fang Yu a chance to fire his arrow.

"Demon Race also has brains and is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Fang Yu, who was standing behind the soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion, raised his eyebrows when he saw that after he shot a demon general, the other nine Great Demon soldiers dismounted and charged among the demon soldiers.

He just shot two more arrows, but after the demon general used the demon soldiers around him as cannon fodder to block them, he didn't take any more shots.

Because he knew that the nine Great Demons would be mixed in with the army, and it was no longer possible for him to kill any of them.

He vaguely guessed that the Nine Great Demons would want to sacrifice their demon soldiers to close the distance with him.

Wait until the distance is reached, and then make a sneak attack.

Although he felt that he had guessed the thoughts of the Nine Great Demon Generals, he did not stop him.

He already had a brilliant idea in mind.

Fang Yu watched quietly as the Demon soldiers used their bows and arrows to ruthlessly harvest the lives of the Demon soldiers.

Most of these demon soldiers are only at the Body Tempering Realm Ninth Layer. The Demon-killing Dao soldiers are at least the Body Tempering Realm Ninth Layer, and each of them is a peerless monster level existence.

Coupled with the increase of bows and arrows comparable to Low Grade Spirit Weapon, ordinary magic soldiers are like a group of ants in front of them, being harvested ruthlessly by them.

On the city wall.

"What a terrifying warrior legion. If we only focus on strength, the combat effectiveness of Fang Xiaoyou's warrior legion is no less than that of any legion in my Great Xia Dynasty!"

Seeing that more than 300,000 demon soldiers fell into the hands of Fang Yu's army in less than ten breaths, Ye Tian murmured in shock.

It can be said that this battle is a devastating battle. Ye Tian knows that there is no suspense in this battle.

By the time the Demon Race army rushed in front of Fang Yu and others, they were probably gone.

Moreover, from the fact that Fang Yu killed a Demon General with one arrow, he knew that even if the Nine Great Demons approached Fang Yu, they would not be his opponent.

Ye Tian looked at the three burly middle-aged men beside him and said solemnly: "Behind us are hundreds of millions of people in the Southern Wilderness Fire Territory. There is no room for failure in the Demon Suppression Pass!"

"There is no suspense in the battle here!"

"Commander of the First Army, please lead the officers and soldiers of the First Army to support the second pass."

"Commander of the Second Army, you take the soldiers of the Second Army to support the third pass!"

"Three soldiers, you take the fourth pass!"

Three burly middle-aged men saluted Ye Tian respectfully, "Yes, legion commander!"

They are all generals who have experienced hundreds of battles, and they naturally see that there is no suspense in this devastating battle.

From the fact that Fang Yu killed a Core Formation clan member with one arrow, they knew that even if the other nine Great Demons rushed in front of Fang Yu, they would be killed by Fang Yu.

After receiving Ye Tian's order, the three army commanders took their troops and left in a hurry.

The battle here was brutal, but the other three passes were not optimistic. If they delayed for one more second, they might lose one more comrade.

(End of chapter)

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