Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 158 Demon Killing Dao Bing’S Transformation

Chapter 158 Demon Killing Dao Bing’s Transformation

Demon-suppressing pass.

The second pass on the city wall.

Ye Wu stood on the city wall with his hands behind his hands, looking at the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield under the city wall with a very heavy look on his face.

Although this time it was a complete victory, the results achieved were unprecedented and the record was brilliant.

But this time, more than 200,000 soldiers and even the army commander were sacrificed at the third pass.

Although Yewu knows that if there is a war, there will be sacrifices.

But when he thought about the sacrifice of so many soldiers, he felt very uncomfortable.

And he knew that if Fang Yu hadn't been there this time, they [Vermilion Bird Legion] might have been completely wiped out and the Demon Suppression Pass would have been lost.

"It would be great if every soldier in my [Vermilion Bird Legion] could be as strong as Brother Fang!"

Ye Wu sighed softly.

He also knew that this was simply impossible to achieve.

Even if Fang Yu gave them [Vermilion Bird Legion] the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condensed the "spiritual liquid of life" on his body, all the soldiers of their [Vermilion Bird Legion] would not be as powerful as Fang Yu.

Not to mention, Fang Yu only has one Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that can condense the "spiritual liquid of life".

Even if Fang Yu has many pieces, and each of them [Vermilion Bird Legion] is given one piece, all of them will have the same cultivation level as Fang Yu, and they cannot be as powerful as Fang Yu.

After all, Gedai Tianjiao is only a small group of people.

Unless everyone in [Vermilion Bird Legion] has the same qualifications as Fang Yu, it is simply impossible to do so.

Originally, he thought that Fang Yu's qualifications were improved by relying on "life spirit liquid".

However, after he took the "Life Spirit Liquid", he knew that the "Life Spirit Liquid" was not that effective.

In other words, Fang Yu had another adventure.

Although he was curious about what Fang Yu's adventure was, could it be replicated?

But he didn't want to pry, and he didn't dare to pry.

If Fang Yu was weak, he might try to find out the secrets of Fang Yu.

But Fang Yu is too powerful, and the Ye family can't afford to offend him, nor can the Great Xia Dynasty...can't afford to offend him!

Hearing the footsteps, Ye Wu shook off the thoughts in his mind and turned to look to the right.

When they saw Fang Yu and Qin Qingqing walking towards them, they quickly stepped forward to greet them.

Ye Wu walked up to Fang Yu and said with gratitude: "Brother Fang, thank you. Without you, I [Vermilion Bird Legion] would probably be doomed this time!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, "Brother Ye, you're welcome. I'm also a member of the Great Xia Dynasty. Resisting the Demon Race is what I should do!"

Fang Yu didn't lie, he took action this time not because of the [Vermilion Bird Legion].

If other legions were stationed here, he would also take action.

Even if no one is stationed here, he will take action.

Just because the Demon Race is the life and death enemy of the human race, if the Demon Race is allowed to break the barrier, all life will be ruined. It's that simple.

Saved [Vermilion Bird Legion], just by the way.

Of course, if he didn't have the strength, he would leave without hesitation.

Heroes don't live long.

He is not a hero and does not want to be one.

Call him selfish or cold-blooded, but he has no desire to sacrifice for his country!

"Brother Fang, I am asking the soldiers to clean the battlefield. These magic soldiers are the same as the aliens in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. They all carry the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone!"

Ye Wu said with a serious face: "If it weren't for you this time, we wouldn't be able to defend it at all. We don't want a penny of the loot from Demon Race's army. All of it belongs to you!"

Fang Yu shook his head, "Brother Ye, I only want half!"

Ye Wu: "Brother Fang, this won't work. You won't be rewarded for your efforts. This time, you are the only one who can defend the Demon Suppression Pass..."

Fang Yu directly interrupted Ye Wu, "Brother Ye, don't say any more, it's settled, I will only take what I deserve!"

Although Fang Yu knew that without his action, the pass would be breached.

But he only killed more than 300,000 demon soldiers, and the remaining demon soldiers were all killed by the [Vermilion Bird Legion] soldiers, so he only took half of the loot.

As for the ten Great Demon generals he captured here, Fang Yu will not take out their trophies and distribute them to the [Vermilion Bird Legion].

Because it is his personal trophy.

Even the trophies from the Demon Race army at the first pass, he would not share with the [Vermilion Bird Army], because they were killed by him and his Demon Dao soldiers.

Those same trophies that were his.

Just as he and Ye Wu said, he only takes what he deserves.

As for the loot at the third pass, Fang Yu doesn't want to take it.

So many soldiers died at that pass.

Although if he takes the trophy, others will definitely not say anything.

After all, that's what he deserves.

But when he saw so many soldiers sacrificed at that pass, and some of them even called him "Instructor Fang" in the morning, he couldn't bear it.

He plans to donate his share of the loot as a pension for those soldiers who died!

Looking at Fang Yu who had a very determined attitude, Ye Wu stopped trying to persuade him.

He could see that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, Fang Yu would not accept it.

An hour later, Fang Yu got half of the loot and walked towards the first pass.

Fang Yu said as he walked: "Sister, do you know where the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone comes from, and why do aliens carry the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone?"

He feels that the alien races are somewhat similar to the monsters in the game. Kill the monsters and get the treasure.

It is worth mentioning that he just received a total of more than 8.5 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

With his current net worth, this Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is not much.

But no matter how small the ants are, they are still meat, and the landlord’s family has no surplus food.

Qin Qingqing answered: "According to the information we learned from the foreign captives, the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is a kind of energy crystal, and they don't know how it came from."

"They don't know since when, their world has been filled with many Grotto-Heaven divine stone veins."

"Our human race on Earth Star can use the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone to improve the level of Grotto-Heaven and Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, but the alien race can absorb the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone for cultivation, so they carry it."

Hearing Qin Qingqing's words, Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

The Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is an energy crystal, he knows this.

But he didn't know that aliens could directly absorb the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone for practice.

Fang Yu had a vague feeling that there seemed to be a pair of invisible hands controlling everything behind the scenes.


Why can only humans on Earth Star open up Grotto-Heaven by taking the Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed?

Why did the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone vein suddenly appear in the alien world?

Why Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure appears in Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

All of this is so coincidental.

If it is not controlled by someone, the humans and aliens in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm should also be able to open up Grotto-Heaven.

He felt that someone was playing tricks on the humans of Earth Star behind his back.

Many thoughts flashed through Fang Yu's mind, but he didn't think much about it.

Because he has no strength now and does not know the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes. Even if he knows the truth, it is useless.

He believes that when he is strong enough, all the truth will surface.

"Brother, there are many people in the live broadcast room criticizing you, saying that you should not capture the demon generals, but should kill them all. Those people say that if you don't kill those demon generals, you will not buy anything sold by [Yuxi Group] in the future! "

Speaking of this, Qin Qingqing looked angry: "I think those people are just jealous of you. They don't know how to be grateful at all. If it weren't for you, the Demon Suppression Pass would have been lost."

"Once the Demon-Suppressing Pass is lost, all life in the Southern Wilderness Fire Territory will be devastated, and the alien races in the other three major realms will definitely riot. By then, our Great Xia Dynasty will be in danger!"

Looking at Qin Qingqing who looked angry, Fang Yu said calmly: "Sister, just be ourselves, don't be angry for those clowns, it's not worth it!"

"I'm not a Great Xia coin, nor am I a Grotto-Heaven sacred stone. Of course, I can't be liked by everyone!"

"Besides, I'm not a celebrity, so I don't have the baggage of an idol!"

"As for those who say they will never buy anything from [Yuxi Group] again, whether they like it or not, it is their loss if they don't buy it, and I don't ask them to buy it!"

Fang Yu sneered at those who said they would no longer like, no longer support themselves, and no longer buy things from Xiyue [Yuxi Group].

He is not a star, but he does not have the baggage of an idol.

Moreover, his things are of high quality and low price, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them.

To be blunt, don't say that only a small number of people in Great Xia Dynasty threaten not to buy his stuff, even if all the people in Great Xia Dynasty don't buy his stuff.

But so what?

The items he sells are of high quality and low price. If they don't buy them, they will suffer a loss. He can sell them abroad at any time.

Even if foreign countries don't want what he sells, he doesn't worry.

At worst, he enters the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to kill aliens. With his current strength, it is very easy to kill aliens.

Go your own way and let others speak.

Why should he live according to what others think?

Fang Yu didn't take these trivial matters to heart at all. He looked at Qin Qingqing and said with a smile: "Sister, let's speed up!"

Qin Qingqing nodded slightly, and the three of them used their body skills and rushed towards the first pass.

A few minutes later.

Fang Yu and the other two arrived at the first pass.

Ye Tian had already left, and Fang Yu estimated that he must have gone to the third pass to see off the heroic soldiers who died.

At this time, the battlefield had been swept away by the Hongmeng Holy Guards and the Demon-Slaying Legion.

Demon Race's corpses were piled together by them, and their loot was also piled together.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yu flew down the city wall.

"Line up!"

Zhao Yun saw Fang Yu and immediately gave the order.

As soon as Zhao Yun's order came down, all the Demon-killing soldiers quickly lined up.

In less than a moment, everyone was lined up.

"Greetings, my lord!"

As Zhao Yun, who was standing in front of the team, knelt down on one knee to salute Fang Yu, the other Demon Killing soldiers also knelt down on one knee to salute Fang Yu.

Fang Yu waved his hand: "Pingshen!"

Everyone stood up together, heads held high, waiting for Fang Yu's review.

Fang Yu glanced at everyone and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the armor of every Demon-killing soldier was stained red with blood, some of the soldiers even looked a little pale.

But after the baptism of this battle, very obvious changes occurred in them.

For example, they all have murderous intent and an iron-blooded temperament.

It can be said that after this battle, Demon Zhu Dao soldiers have undergone earth-shaking transformation!

Second update.

(End of chapter)

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