Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 159 Interrogating The Demon General

Chapter 159 Interrogating the Demon General

"Sure enough, only through the baptism of blood can soldiers grow up quickly!"

Fang Yu said secretly in his heart.

He was not surprised by the transformation of Demon Demon Dao Bing.

After all, they killed more than a million demon soldiers this time.

Although some people may not be used to it yet, they will get better once they get used to it.

Fang Yu believes that if they encounter this situation again next time, no one among them will be afraid.

Under the expectant eyes of all the soldiers, Fang Yu slowly said: "I have seen your performance just now. I am very satisfied!"

"Tonight, I allow you to drink as much as you like!"

Dian Wei, who was standing in the first row of the team, shouted loudly: "The Lord is eternal, Hongmeng Immortal Domain is immortal!"

All the soldiers shouted in unison: "The Lord is eternal, Hongmeng Immortal Domain is immortal!"

The sound was uniform and continuous.

All the soldiers were happy, although Fang Yu only said a few words.

But they were very happy to be praised and affirmed by Fang Yu!

It is worth mentioning that their original slogan was "Long Live", but Guo Jia felt it was not good.

Although Fang Yu continued to take [Life Spirit Liquid], he now has a life span of more than 2,000 years.

Fang Yu will be immortal sooner or later. [Long Live] is not praising him, but cursing him.

Therefore, Guo Jia and others changed [Long Live] to [Eternal].

Fang Yu stretched out his hands and pressed them down slowly, and the shouting suddenly stopped!

"Zilong and Fengxiao stay, everyone else should go back!"

After saying that, Fang Yu summoned the Grotto-Heaven Gate.

All the soldiers bowed to Fang Yu with clasped fists, and then stepped into the gate of Grotto-Heaven one by one.

After everyone else entered, Fang Yu looked at Zhao Yun and asked, "Zilong, how many people were injured this time?"

He also discovered just now that no one died, but some people were injured.

As for how many people were injured, he did not check carefully.

Although the armor he forged was very powerful, the weapons used by the demon soldiers could not break through the defense.

But some places are not protected, such as the face and legs.

He just saw that the wounded soldiers had been slashed in the face and legs.

Zhao Yun replied respectfully: "Lord, sixty-five people were slightly injured this time, and five were seriously injured!"

Fang Yu said very seriously: "Zilong, when you go back later, go to the Hongmeng Temple to get [Three Lights Divine Water] and give it to the injured soldiers. Every soldier must do his best to treat him!"

Every Demon Dao soldier who is killed is a treasure, and Fang Yu will be very distressed if he dies.

Although the Three Light Divine Water is precious, he can have as much as he wants.

Naturally, he would do his best to treat them.

Zhao Yun was very happy to see Fang Yu caring for the soldiers so much, and he respectfully accepted the order: "Here!"

Fang Yu looked at Guo Jia who was next to Zhao Yun, and said with a smile: "Fengxiao, after you go back, you have to provide psychological counseling to the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion]. After all, they just killed so many demon soldiers!"

"After giving them psychological counseling, give them a few more days to relax and reunite with their families."

Speaking of this, Fang Yu paused and continued: "Reward for merit. This time, all the soldiers who participated in the battle will be rewarded with some coins."

"Ordinary soldiers will be rewarded 100,000 Hongmeng coins, 200,000 for minor injuries, and 500,000 for serious injuries!"

"The corps commander is two hundred thousand, the commander is three hundred thousand, and so on!"

Guo Jia promised: "Lord, don't worry, Jia will definitely arrange everything properly!"

Zhao Yun interrupted: "My lord, don't you plan to continue training?"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "After this battle, Demon Race no longer dares to come out again, and now we don't have the strength to invade Demon Race's lair. Without Demon Race to attack, there will be no enemy for us to use to train our troops!"

"As for the alien races in the other three regions, I estimate that after they know the news here, they will definitely not dare to do it again!"

Fang Yu can be sure that there must be someone inside Great Xia Dynasty—treacherous!

Otherwise, why would the Demon Race army attacking the fourth pass suddenly retreat.

Because even the Demon Generals in the Core Formation Late Stage cannot detect such a long distance with their mental power.

The only possibility is that someone saw Ye Qingdai's live broadcast and tipped off Demon Race who was attacking the fourth pass.

As for why the Demon Race army that attacked the second and third passes did not retreat, it is estimated that those people—the traitors only knew the contact information of the demon generals who attacked the fourth pass.

He didn't think too much about whether someone had raped him. As long as he interrogated the Demon General, the truth would be revealed.

If there were, he would find them all.

When he thought about it, if there were people in the Great Xia Dynasty who secretly defected to Demon Race, there must also be people who secretly defected to other alien races.

Shaking away the thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu looked at Zhao Yun and the two, smiled and said: "Zilong, Fengxiao, you two go back!"

Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun saluted Fang Yu with clasped fists, and then stepped into the door of Grotto-Heaven.

After Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun disappeared, Fang Yu recalled the Grotto-Heaven gate, walked to the pile of loot, and put all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones into the inventory, a total of more than 18 million.

As for Demon Race's weapons and equipment, he didn't collect them.

He planned to ask his god sister to take these equipment back and help him smelt them into artifact refining materials.

As for Demon Race's body, Fang Yu didn't care.

Demon Race's corpses have been collected by Demon Dao soldiers, and someone will burn these Demon Race corpses.

"Sister, take these weapons and equipment back and help me smelt them into artifact refining materials!"

Fang Yu said to Qin Qingqing who came to him.

After finishing speaking, he took out all the previously captured weapons and equipment. Most of those weapons and equipment were forged from refined iron and could be refined into refined iron.

Qin Qingqing nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Immediately put all the weapons and equipment on the ground into his Grotto-Heaven.

After Fang Yu and Qin Qingqing said hello, they escaped into the Grotto-Heaven.

When he appeared again, he was already sitting on the dragon chair in Hongmeng Temple.

With a thought in his mind, all the twenty-eight demon generals he captured were moved to the main hall.

In order to prevent these demon generals from fighting trapped beasts, when he took them into Grotto-Heaven just now, he had already used the power of Grotto-Heaven to seal their strength.

As long as their strength does not exceed his, they will not be able to unblock him.

The power of Grotto-Heaven can actually be called the power of the world.

It is worth mentioning that after he banned the strength of the demon generals, their true colors were revealed.

There are twenty-eight demon generals, twenty-three men and five women. The men have hideous faces and are as ugly as evil ghosts.

All the women are as beautiful as flowers and very coquettish.

At this time, all the demon generals had woken up and were half-kneeling in the hall.

Fang Yu glanced at the twenty-eight demon generals and said calmly: "I have something to ask you now. You just need to answer honestly!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, one of the demon generals suddenly said coldly: "Human boy, don't waste your efforts. No matter what you ask, we won't do it."


Before the demon general could finish his words, he exploded and then turned into nothingness, leaving no bones.

Fang Yuxing glanced at the remaining demon generals and said lightly: "What about you? Do you also want to be like him?"

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

That's right!

Fang Yu is killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

These demon generals are all rebellious, and he intends to completely destroy their psychological defenses.

All the demon generals who came into contact with Fang Yu's gaze lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

No one wants to die if they can live.

Even if it is a demon.

The higher your cultivation level, the less you want to die.

They are all in the Core Formation realm and have a lifespan of five hundred years. How could they want to die?

Especially when they saw Fang Yu crushing a colleague to death in front of them.

They know that Fang Yu is definitely not a soft-hearted master.

Their current cultivation level has been banned by Fang Yu, and all of them are still injured.

Although they were a little unwilling in their hearts, they were now prisoners and had to succumb to Fang Yu's power.

Seeing that the demon general didn't say anything, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Fang Yu's lips.

Originally, he wanted to kill a few more demon generals to scare them, but he didn't expect them to give in so quickly. They were really a bunch of cowards.

He thought they were tough.

Fang Yu looked at the demon general kneeling at the front and said calmly: "Li Xiao, let me ask you, do you know who the human race of our Great Xia Dynasty has joined you Demon Race?"

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and recorded the video.

He heard Ye Qingdai say that when he captured the Demon General just now, someone in the live broadcast room scolded him for being too slow.

Maybe some people are angry young people and feel that Demon Race should be killed.

But he felt that among those who immediately scolded him and set the pace, there must be people who secretly defected to Demon Race - traitors.

He wants to find these people - traitors.

These people - traitors, are even more despicable than traitors.

Li Xiao is the ninth demon general under Demon Lord Chiyang, so he must know who Daoist is!

(End of chapter)

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