Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 160 Conquering The Demon Generals

Chapter 160 Conquering the Demon Generals

Hearing this, Li Xiao looked up at Fang Yu who was sitting on the dragon chair.

When he came into contact with Fang Yu's deep gaze, a trace of fear flashed across his scarlet eyes, and he did not dare to hide anything, so he spoke out immediately.

Li Xiao knew that if he dared to hide it, Fang Yu would definitely treat him as the chicken in "killing the chicken to scare the monkey"!

He had surrendered to Fang Yu just now, but he didn't expect Fang Yu to take action against him.

Originally he thought Fang Yu would kill him, but it turned out that Fang Yu just knocked him out.

He has already passed through the gate of hell once, and he doesn't want to really step into it!

If you are killed by Fang Yu, your soul will be completely destroyed and you will not even have the chance to be reincarnated.

Besides, they Demon Race all respect the strong.

Fang Yu has such strength at a young age. As long as he does not fall, his future prospects are limitless.

Especially the purple spiritual power on Fang Yu.

Looking back now, he couldn't help but shudder. The power was so powerful that it seemed to specifically restrain them Demon Race.

Even the supreme demon god does not have that kind of power. If he were to use one word to describe it, it would be - supreme!

Maybe Fang Yu is still weak now, but if Fang Yu grows to the same height as their demon gods, he will definitely be able to crush their demon gods with one finger.

Besides, he had long been dissatisfied with the Red Sun Demon Lord.

He didn't dare to rebel because the Scarlet Yang Demon Lord held a ray of his soul in his hands, and his life and death were controlled by the Scarlet Sun Demon Lord's thoughts.

But it's different now. This is Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven world.

Even the Red Sun Demon Lord couldn't kill him through that ray of soul power.

Fang Yu sits on the dragon chair, looking majestic.

He was holding a mobile phone in his hand to record a video for Li Xiao.

Hearing the words of rape in Li Xiao's mouth, although he remained calm on the surface, he was filled with rage in his heart.

He did not expect that so many people would defect to Demon Race and work as dogs for Demon Race.

There are even some well-known celebrities among them.

No wonder those people suddenly rose up. It turned out that they betrayed the interests of the human race and got a lot of benefits from Demon Race.

"Do you have anything to add?"

After Li Xiao finished speaking, Fang Yuxing glanced at the other demon generals and asked lightly.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, the other demon generals shook their heads.

Fang Yu has been secretly paying attention to the performance of these demon generals. Judging from their performance, he knows that the demons have not spoken.

Collecting his cell phone, his eyes glanced back and forth at the twenty-seven demon generals.

When all the demon generals saw this, they all lowered their heads.

They were very nervous because they knew that life or death depended on Fang Yu's thoughts.

The hearts of all the demon generals were in their throats.

The calmer Fang Yu is, the more scary they think Fang Yu is.

Just when the demons were about to break into cold sweat, Fang Yu's voice rang out: "I can give you a chance now. Surrender to me and you will live!"

Hearing Fang Yu's words, all the demon generals breathed a sigh of relief.

This human boy is really terrifying, even more terrifying than the Red Sun Demon Lord who controls them.

"We surrender!"

All the demon generals said in unison.

They were all afraid that they would be slow to answer and become the second chicken that Fang Yu killed to scare the monkeys - the chicken!

Seeing that all the demon generals surrendered, Fang Yu said calmly: "This contains Holy Medicine for healing. You can take it for healing!"

With a wave of his right hand, twenty-seven jade bottles shot towards the twenty-seven demon generals.

All the demon generals subconsciously reached out and grabbed the jade bottle that was shooting towards them and held it in their hands.

After getting the jade bottle, all the demon generals bowed to Fang Yu and said, "Thank you, master!"

Fang Yu moved them directly to the area on the edge of Grotto-Heaven and sealed off that area.

Although these twenty-seven demon generals have surrendered to him.

But he did not lift the ban on them.

He doesn't have the means to see through people's hearts, and he can't trust them until he completely controls them.

After all, Demon Race is famous for being cunning and cunning, and he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

The jade bottle he just gave them contained the Three Light Divine Water.

These demon generals are at the Core Formation level, and if controlled, they are a powerful force.

So, he won't let them die.

Just then, footsteps sounded.

Fang Yu looked up at the door and saw Tang Xiyue holding the little girl's hand and walking into the hall.

When Fang Yu saw this, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Xiao Yu'er."

"elder brother!"

Soon, Tang Xiyue and Xiao Nan came to Fang Yu.

Just now Tang Xiyue saw that the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] were back, and the armor on each person's body was stained red with blood.

From Zhao Yun's mouth, she knew that Fang Yu had just summoned them to fight against Demon Race, so she brought her little girl over to find Fang Yu to see if he was back.

Fang Yu reached out to pick up the little girl and put her on his lap.

Tang Xiyue is sitting next to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu looked at the little girl and asked with a doting look on her face: "Nanny, are you happy living in my brother's world these days?"

There was a sweet smile on the little girl's delicate face, "Brother, Nannan is very happy, everyone is very, very nice to her!"

The little girl didn't lie.

Because Fang Yu has announced the identity of the little girl to everyone in Grotto-Heaven.

The lord's sister.

In the eyes of everyone, the little girl is a princess. Everyone lives in Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven, so how can they treat her badly.

Fang Yu reached out and rubbed the ponytail on her head, and said softly: "If my daughter is happy, my brother will be happy!"

He hopes that the little girl will always be happy.

In the past few days, he would let her do whatever the little girl wanted to eat.

Moreover, whenever he has time, he will take his little girl to visit Seoul.

Now the little girl is not as afraid of strangers as she was when she first came here.

She even smiles when someone greets her.

However, the little girl cannot play with the children in Seoul, and the parents of those children do not dare to let their children play with the little girl.

After all, the identity of the little girl is here.

He was originally worried that the little girl would be sad if there were no children to play with her.

But seeing that she didn't show any signs of sadness, he felt relieved.

Seeing that the little girl suddenly felt a little lost, Fang Yu asked with concern: "Nanny, what's wrong with you?"

Little Nannan looked at Fang Yu and said with some disappointment: "Brother, Nannan is not very stupid. Other people the same age as Nannan can practice, but Nannan can't learn it at all!"

When Fang Yu heard this, he suddenly felt dumbfounded. What did he think it was?

How could Dao Fruit, the ruthless Great Emperor, be stupid.

She just doesn't know how to use her own strength.

Fang Yu said seriously: "Nanny is not stupid, she is the smartest person, smarter than all the children!"

The little girl asked again: "Brother, why can't my girl learn to practice?"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "You can't learn it because your physique is special and those cultivation techniques are not suitable for you."

After a pause, he added: "Besides, you are my sister with a noble status. Those Low Level exercises are not worthy of your status. In the future, my brother will definitely find the most suitable cultivation method for you. I will help you solve the problem of not being able to practice cultivation!"

The little girl's eyes lit up, "Brother, are you telling the truth?"

Fang Yu scratched her little nose and said, "Of course it's true. When did my brother lie to you?"

The little girl's eyes narrowed into slits.

Tang Xiyue, who was sitting next to Fang Yu, saw the two brothers and sisters finished their exchange and said with a smile: "Xiao Yu'er, please tell me what happened in this battle!"

Fang Yu nodded, and immediately told the story of the battle with Demon Race.

I heard that Fang Yu not only killed two Core Formation realm demon generals in one battle, but also captured twenty-eight.

Tang Xiyue's eyes were filled with pride.

Tang Xiyue said coldly: "Xiao Yu'er, what are you going to do with those people who raped you?"

She was very disgusted with the person who betrayed Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Xiyue, I plan to send the video to my sister and ask her to report it. We are not professional in this area, let the professionals handle it!"

Tang Xiyue nodded and said, "You are right. After all, we are not members of the country. It is indeed inappropriate for us to handle it!"

"If I let my sister handle it, it will be a big credit. Maybe she will take a step further!"

Speaking of this, Tang Xiyue changed the subject and said: "Xiao Yu'er, you play with my daughter, I'm going to retreat!"

Fang Yu warned: "When you practice, don't rush for success, pay attention to laying a solid foundation!"

He knew that Tang Xiyue wanted to fight alongside him, but he did not stop her from retreating.

Tang Xiyue nodded seriously, and after pecking Fang Yu on the face, he stood up and walked out of the hall.

Fang Yu looked at the little girl, "Nanny, my brother will take you to play, do you agree?"

The little girl clapped her hands happily: "Okay!"

Looking at the happy little girl, Fang Yu smiled and walked out of the hall with her in his arms.

(End of chapter)

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